I am a below average fool suffering in BMQ. I have had two ECPC failures so far and it's only a matter of time until I get another. I just want to know what will happen to me.
The first one was for getting too many swipes for stupid mistakes. I was recoursed and got into a new platoon. The second ECPC was from leaving the key in a lock which was supposed to secure the issued laptop and tac vest. They saw it and I felt like shit considering it was my first day out of indoctrination period! Tomorrow I have the gun handling test which I might fail. I have practiced but I am not perfect. If I don't fail that, the drill test is a bigger threat next week which will also get me an ECPC fail.
What are they going to do in the PRB when they see the incompetent scrub that I am? The staff and guys on my platoon keep telling me to stay positive but that's really hard.
The first one was for getting too many swipes for stupid mistakes. I was recoursed and got into a new platoon. The second ECPC was from leaving the key in a lock which was supposed to secure the issued laptop and tac vest. They saw it and I felt like shit considering it was my first day out of indoctrination period! Tomorrow I have the gun handling test which I might fail. I have practiced but I am not perfect. If I don't fail that, the drill test is a bigger threat next week which will also get me an ECPC fail.
What are they going to do in the PRB when they see the incompetent scrub that I am? The staff and guys on my platoon keep telling me to stay positive but that's really hard.