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Over seas tour, how soon and offten?


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Hello all,

I have just been offer 043 Reg. force and I was wondering about over seas tours? First I'd like to know how soon once you have completed QL3, before you can expect to do your  tour? Dose your whole platoon go, or do they ask who wants to go and then pick others to make up the group who will be deployed? Finally I'd like to know how many tours I can expect to do during my career?

Thanks to any one who answers!

Oh  ya, I'd also like to know approx.  how many weeks of the year do you spend in the Field on training exercises? As some of you might have guessed, I have a fiancee and she kinda wants to know how much I'll be away. (as do I )

once again thanks to any 1 who responds!

When I got my offer I asked how soon I would be sent overseas, they said that it was unlikely that I would be sent anywhere within the next 3 years. The reason was that they wanted me to be well-trained before they send me anywhere.

Also, since it is combat arms, I expect that a lot of training would take place in the field... I'm kinda expecting to spend about 40% - 60% of my time outside.

Maybe other people can speak from personal experience?

Thanks banko,

I figured they would wants us to be well trained.

As for 40 to 60% outside, I want to know if  that is time is continuous nights away from home ( I'm aware when on exercise it is), or is it just training on base and we get to go home at night?
I did my 3's in 93 and the guys who were posted to valcatier (5 RGC) were sent to Yugoslavia right after... I did my fist tour within a year of arriving at the regiment.
In Haiti we had infanteers with less than a year in on tour.  In the combat arms it seems to be the norm that once you are finished your battleschool and been at your battalion/regiment for a couple of months you are good to go (if they think you are good to go that is...).
For trades the minimum is usually QL4, finished your on the job training, usually 2-3 years, some trades want QL5 before they will deploy you.  Talking to some other trades they usually wait that long for two reason, experience and maturity.  Quite often you will have a one storesman dealing with all the Company Quatermasters and you don't want them making an a## of themselves (hopefully).  Ammo Tech is a bit different in that all new entries are QL5 qualified on graduation and remusters so hopefullly they've got a a firm grip on the soldiering side of things.
That being said there were some QL3 non-combat arms on tour, Sigs mostly if I recall.
Hey just as long as we are not forced to leave behind reg force personell so reservists can get a ticket punched if there is a slot open fine .but otherwise why are we leaving ppl who train for this year in and year out behind so some one who decides to stick his / her hand up . and after doing a few tours no closer then 1.5 years befor work up training begins after reamagamation  has occured , is my thought on the matter.,
Ummm, axeman,

Reservists were never mentioned in any of the previous posts.  Why bring it up and especially in a derogitory manner?
Besides, Reservist only get called when there's a Regular force shortfall. I don't know of any cases where a Reservist said "hey take me, leave the Reg here" and they listened. There'd be alot more Reservists on tour if they did.

It never fails, there's always people that complain they're overworked and don't want to do something and as soon as a Reservist fills the spot, they complain they're overlooked and losing the opportunity.
Sounds like someone is bitter.......

like one of my old RSM's used to say......

"if you don't like it, get the f**k out !!"
no im not bitter im just simply bringing to light of there are time . ppl that are trining for this have given years of training to do this and now are left behind because of reserve aggumentaion. not saying bad or good  never mentioned it in a derogatory way . as  to leaving regs behind i know it HAS happened . i dont have any probs if there is a shortfall but i dont like being left behind . I have tours as a reg and as a reservist . when as a reservist i filled a spot that was empty and req filling . but i know in a sister BN pers were told your not going as we are req to take reservists. my big to do was that there should be 2 years between tours .
Ok axeman, I think I understand what your saying, or maybe I'm totally out in left field. However, if the higher ups said the requirement was for a Reservist, then it would be a Res role and not a Reg role right? The Regs aren't being left behind, it's just not their task, as decided by higher. This wouldn't have to do with utilizing the Reserves more to afford the Regs the rest they deserve from Op tempo? I'm playing devil's advocate here. Perhaps it was one of the new LFRR initiatives, like CIMIC, that is a Reserve domain? Just trying to understand what your getting at a bit better. Maybe if you could lay out the specifics for us?

As a bit of a counterpoint, there has also been cases of Reservist being told they're going on tour. They give up jobs, school, etc. They go do the training, albiet maybe not the couple of years a Reg does, but training nonetheless. Get to the Bat, Battle Gp, whatever and just before deployment Pte Joe Reg comes off med cat and Pte Jim Reserve spends the tour on Rear Party in Canada, if lucky. Most times they're just sent packing, with "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out". There's bitterness on both sides of the fence. It's not all just one way, with Res taking Reg spots.
ok..i see what you are getting at

Not that i disagree with what you say but i am firm beleiver that its not a soldier's lot and we do what we are told, as decided by higher. If that doesnt work for an individual, then move on. ( not directed towards you)

The military is not a perfect organization folks..........
To get back to the original question: It will depend on the unit you go to and where you are employed. As we are currently supporting one main mission in Afghanistan and typically one Regiment will support a six month tour while another unit trains to replace them and another unit cycles through a training phase (In theory anyways). I would be surprised if as a new sapper you did not go on your first tour within 2 years or less of arriving at a Regiment. This being said, it is all dependant on how long our government decides that we will continue to support this mission or decides to add another.

As for field time while in Canada, this too will vary from unit to unit and year to year based on operations, taskings etc... . To give you an approximation of time away will not be of much use. Most exercises aside from major Brigade level exercises will usually not be more that 2 weeks in duration. You can expect one or two of these per year with a number of 1 week or less exercises thrown in as well.

Finally, you are right to keep your fiancee well informed about the life you have chosen because it is not just a job it is a lifestyle. And the more she knows the better prepared she will be for the hardships she will have to endure while you are away. Take the above information as a loose guideline and by no means gospel as our mission changes daily at the hands of our political masters.
