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OT to AWS Tech


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I just finished BMQ, and I'm waiting to start my ACISS course. I want to transfer to Air Weapons Systems Tech, and I heard ACISS always needs people, is it really hard to get out? Can anyone confirm this?
You're stuck, we're short and the OUTCAP was like 8 people a few years ago (I'm on leave and can't check the actual numbers). May be different as you have not started a course yet, but typically you need to be trade qualified before you can even think about OTing as well.
Does that mean I need to finish my contract first? I was told by my instructors that once you finish 25% of your trade training, you won't be able to change anymore.
Thank you, I'll talk to the clerks tomorrow and write a memo to speak with BPSO
Alittle info on Reassignments here

Maybe someone with alittle more insight can speak to how Reassignment requests pertain to the OT OUTCAP matrix #s;  I don't know that it does, as it deals with the ratio of TES and PML and a mbr who is not MOC qualified doesn't (shouldn't) be part of the TES.
Alittle more from the BTAGs.

216. Eligibility– Voluntary Reassignment

Personnel on the BTL/SUTL may request voluntary reassignment as indicated below:

a. BTL NCMs – after BMQ. May apply at any time after completion of BMQ and before completion of occupation training. May only request from voluntary list and may be limited out of under-strength occupations;

e. The trainee shall submit a written request through his/her chain of command clearly indicating the new MOSID(s) to which he/she is requesting VOR or, if the trainee has no new MOSID in mind and wishes to investigate what other MOSIDs for which he/she may be qualified. In the written request the trainee will clearly indicate what his/her career intentions (release or remain in current MOSID) should the trainee be deemed not suitable for VOR or the trainees decide that the MOSIDs offered are not personally acceptable.


According to the 12/13 SIP, there are 19 internal positions for AWS Tech this year.  Thats not to say they aren't filled already or that ACISS is 'allowed out', that info will come from the PSO folks.

Good luck.
I'll be interested to see what the reply from the PSO folks is ref ACISS and Reassigning out.
Yeah, I've been told by a few people that ACISS is really hard to get out.
EZYI said:
Yeah, I've been told by a few people that ACISS is really hard to get out.

It is, but for those that are already trained. It may be slightly easier as you're just a number on a sheet right now.
Well, "hard to get out"...describes alot of trades in actuality. 

Put your memo in, and let the PSO and folks at D Mil C do their jobs, keeping in mind it is a request and may be denied.
Eye In The Sky said:
I'll be interested to see what the reply from the PSO folks is ref ACISS and Reassigning out.

Hi, I spoke with the BPSO, and AWS Tech is open (in yellow), she said I could do a Voluntary Occupational Transfer. I wrote a memo, handed it in to my WO. I'm just waiting now.