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Ontario Majority Government 2022-2025

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Survey says this week ...
  • "Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party (46%) is currently leading by 24 points, ahead of Bonnie Crombie’s Ontario Liberal party (22%), Marit Stiles’ Ontario NDP (19%), and Mike Schreiner’s Green party (7%). Areas of ballot strength include the GTA, South and Eastern regions of the province.
  • More than a quarter of Ontarians (28%) think the cost of living is the most important issue facing their community, far ahead of healthcare (12%), and the economy (11%).
  • Opinions of Doug Ford are divided among Ontarians: around half have a favourable opinion (47%) and the other half (48%) have an unfavourable one. The Premier, not surprisingly, is the most recognized of the three main political leaders."
More details attached.


If people want parking, let them pay for it.

Toronto was found to be the ninth-most exorbitant city out of the 80 largest metropolises in the world when it comes to hourly parking rates and parking fine amounts.

Tied with Dublin and following Amsterdam, Chicago, London, Copenhagen, Seattle, Sydney, Edinburgh, and Barcelona.

Then bicyclists should pay for the barriers, upkeep, and infrastructure. I already pay for the portion of the road I use. So should they. They should be required to purchase an annual license comparable to the cost and getting caught without a properly displayed license should carry the same penalties as and other vehicle on the road.
Ok and as they don't use the portion of the road you use they should stop paying for it and you pay more. The rest has no bearing as they are not on the road anymore. What you did miss, and I am surprised no one mentioned unless I missed the post, is that maybe there should be a requirement for insurance. With more cyclists riding stupid, causing accidents, property damage, personal injury maybe there should be a mandatory insurance, cycling test and license. I would also like to see stricter enforcement instead of the laws only applied when something happens.
Exactly. They knocked plenty of four lane roads down to two with a turning lane and bike lanes straddling the sides for the benefit of the 5 bikers I see on them a year to the detriment of drivers who now are stuck moving much slower than before.

Bikers can use a standard lane, cars cannot use a bike lane. Not to mention the loss of on street parking which is a detriment for home owners and drivers all over.
Yes bikers can use a standard lane which the car drivers will then complain that they are blocking them and slowing traffic again. All homes should be required to include parking instead of the street. By the way, allowing the homeowners parking on the street does the same thing as bike lanes - take away a driving lane for the benefit of a few and as it is the street tax payers still pay to maintain it.

As a pedestrian, I hope they do not ride on the sidewalks.
I wouldn't mind them on the sidewalk so much if they didn't act like they own it. I refuse to move off the sidewalk when they come up behind and ring their bell. The bell/horn is meant to let you know they are passing on the left (assuming you are walking on the right like you should be), not to tell you to get out of their way. No clearance there? Then wait until there is.
Whoa slow down cowboy.

I don't need anymore reasons not give my business to Halifax's downtown core.
Halifax has business there besides bars?
I wouldn't mind them on the sidewalk so much if they didn't act like they own it. I refuse to move off the sidewalk when they come up behind and ring their bell. The bell/horn is meant to let you know they are passing on the left (assuming you are walking on the right like you should be), not to tell you to get out of their way. No clearance there? Then wait until there is.

Saw this on the City of Mississauga:


43. (1) No person shall drive a vehicle except a wheelchair or a bicycle with all wheels fifty (50) centimetres or less in diameter upon a sidewalk except for the purpose of directly crossing a sidewalk, unless the sidewalk is designated under subsection 43(2) of this By-law as a bicycle path.
In general that is the rule in at least most of Canada but unfortunately not adhered or enforced. Only time it comes into play is when something happens and they need to place blame. It boils down to adults on the road, kids on the sidewalk for their safety.
They announced the province was assuming the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway from Toronto.

As you no doubt know, lenaitch, there is a lot of revenue from "vehicle incidents" in Toronto. Including the provincial 400 series highways.

TFS bills non-city residents $559.86 per Fire Vehicle dispatched to vehicle incidents for the first hour. Each additional half-hour $279.93
Doug is promising GO train improvements, if you vote for him.

@mariomike Please observe the thread lock. As Staff you can post over the lock, but that violates the intent.

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