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NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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I was wondering when the US army was going to follow the Marines with digital patterns.  I'm assuming that when the article says it will replace both BDUs and Desert Camoflague that there will be two different designs, not one amazing all-terrain version?

Does ARMPAT sound too much like armpit?  ;D

The uniform is probably going to look a lot like the USMC MARPAT uniforms, only a some different colours, so something in between CADPAT and MARPAT.

Those "ARMPIT" uniforms don't look too bad. Is it destined to replace the Woodland camo scheme?
Will they be issuing this to the personnel deployed or about to be deployed first?
Wow, that new uniform looks great, very futuristic, reminds me of the army from Starship Troopers, neat. It well suits the most elite and professional armed service of the  world (but no more screw-ups like Abu-Gharib!).








I think it's nuts to use this scheme as an across-the-board pattern if in real life it looks the same as it does in these pics. 
I think what looks bad to me is the old style patches.  Something has to be done about those.  I'm certain the name patches and qualification badges will be dealt with quickly.  Unit patches will probably take some time.

As a start, the background on patches ought to match the uniform -- I don't mean the patch material should be camo, but it ought to match the dominant color in the uniform material.  Name patch, US Army patch and qualification badges could easily be smaller.  They stand out well -- better than they do against existing uniforms, IMHO.

:)  They sure look different than my old jungle fatigues. 
When the new uniforms first started hitting the CF, there were all kinds of guys who put the old style name tags on them.  I agree, it was about the ugliest thing I've ever seen, and it didn't look right at all.  I'm sure that as happened with us, there will be proper name tags and the like put into service soon.

S_Baker, why do you guys put jump wings, Ranger tabs, etc on your combat uniforms? 
S_Baker said:

I am not trying to bust your chops, but why did you say you think it is nuts?   I know several Officers that work in PEO soldier, there was exhaustive scientific testing.   The colors, pattern, and design were the best all around system and the right uniform at the right time for the US Army.   Unless you have some type of empirical evidence   I am guessing your response is based on personal preference?   I would love to hear why so I can add you comments to the ones I have collected and am going to forward to PEO soldier.    

I was just commenting on how it looks in the pictures, and that's what i said. In the pictures it seems as if it sticks out like a sore thumb to say the least! I know that there has obviously been extensive R&D, but damn.. it doesn't look like it'll blend in woodland to me at all. I've seen other pictures wearing the woodland webbing/vests and all it does is contrast them even more.. how long til all the gear gets the pattern printed on them? And why not just develop an all around pattern for all branches and services - it something works better, why not give it to everyone? I sure hope inter-service pride isnt getting in the way of effectiveness.
I'm not a big fan of all those patches. I can see those patches getting caught on everything, just the way our Canadian flags get caught on out Tacvest when we try to put it on and take it off.

Not sure if i like the collar. Looks pretty neat (makes me thing German for some reason?)  and it would be great in cold/wet weather but in the summer when I'm hot thats  one of the best ways to ventilate, loosen up your collar and air out. Also when you don't have time to put your used mags away throwing them them the top of your shirt (more so with the old Canadian webbing) was a great place to get rid of them in the short term.
The patches should be replaced...
The mandarin style collar can be folded down, so don't worry about overheating.

The new ACU and the existings 'combat' uniform is also an everyday uniform.  For day-to-day use, the patches are worn.  Once in combat most of the decorative garbage goes away.  Based on pics of soldiers in Iraq and my own experience in Vietnam, the closer one gets to the action, the less 'stuff' is on the uniform.  Infantrymen in Vietnam mostly wore uniforms with the unit patch, if that, when in the field.  Infantry officers usually retained a stitched rank badge on one collar and crossed rifles on the other and little else.  Within the unit, everyone knows who is who. 
Black is no longer useful on the uniform because it is not a color found in woodland areas, Myhre said. The current colors on the ACU are green and sandy brown. The pattern is not a 100-percent solution in every environment, Mhyre said, but a good solution across the board.
Interesting concept... Seems like they came up with a compromise solution, the pattern will probably be acceptable everywhere, but never highly effective. The uniforms will likely turn to a light grey after a year of use.
Black is created by shadows in woodland areas, and I believe it is important to have it in a pattern. The human eye is designed in such a way that it easily detects the movement of light colours, so there are chances this pattern will give troops away more easily when on the move.
Here's a better- looking picture of it, looks darker but still really gray.

edit - just found a cool video with a Col. explaining the changes
Why does it look tan/green in this picture and grey/blue in the previous?
Didn't you hear? It tries to blend with the surroundings... Major Baker tell your PEO soldiers that they did an excellent job. They deserve their annual bonus (if such a thing applies to them).
Blindspot said:
Just a question,

Will velcro not make a substantial amount of noise?

Will you really be going in and out of your pockets while stalking enemy soldiers in the middle of the night, bayonet betwixt your teeth?