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New RCN monument unveiled on Juno Beach before D-day anniversary ceremonies


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Ceremony held to commemorate role of Royal Canadian Navy in D-Day invasion

53 minutes ago

COURSEULLES-SUR-MER, France - A monument was unveiled Friday next to the Juno Beach Centre in Normandy to commemorate the role of the Royal Canadian Navy in the D-Day landing.

During the ceremony, Veteran Affairs Minister Greg Thompson lauded the role of Canadian sailors in the allied landing, which began the march to victory in Europe during the Second World War.

Thompson said the contribution of Canadian sailors was just as critical as those from other allied countries.

He said victory would not have been possible without them.

"That morning, Canada's naval contribution far exceeded what anyone might have expected from a country of only 12 million people at the time," Thompson said.

"And on that morning 65 years ago our navy had rightfully earned its place along side the seven other allied nations."

"We're very proud to remember, to honour their service and their sacrifice."

Thompson noted that even before D-Day, Canadian sailors in both the navy and merchant marine were involved in convoys that kept open the supply lines across the Atlantic during the war.

"But D-Day was extraordinary," he said.

The event was organized by two local groups, Comit Juno and the Comit du Dbarquement/Normandie.

It was held ahead of Saturday's international ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of D-Day, which will be attended by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Others who will be on hand include U.S. President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Prince Charles

There has been some controversy because an invitation was not extended to the Queen.