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Army.ca Veteran
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I have been to several conferences where they have played a wonderful video of Canada from coast-to-coast with an instrumental O' Canada as the sound track.  I also remember watching older versions of this style before the movies at the theatres as a kid and later as a soldier at base cinemas (Peace Tower Flag etc.) .  I am currently on course in Texas and would really like a digital version of any of these videos to show as part of my country brief on Canada.  I have been searching the web for weeks and have not found any downloadable mpeg, avi or similar file types.  If anyone can assist I would be very grateful.
I'm of no assistance here but I would like to comment on how I forgotten half of the anthem because half of it being french.
I think I know the one you mean.  FWIW,  I believe some of our broadcasters used it as a signoff at the end of the broadcast day.  Not much help, but possibly a lead.
I remember two, there is an animated one that takes you from east coast to west coast, and another using live action that has lots of mounties and a shot of the snowbirds flying over Niagara Falls (?). Both are still used as broadcasting sign offs by CBC and ATV.
The Gues-|- said:
I'm of no assistance here but I would like to comment on how I forgotten half of the anthem because half of it being french.

On a professional note, I feel that post is insulting to all French-Canadians and those Anglophones who understand that French is an important part of our Canadian culture and heritage.

On a personal note, I hope never to have to serve with someone who believes half this country should be forgotten.

..As for the topic at hand, I'd suggest asking the CBC or some such news outlet. As was pointed out, they use it for their sign-on/sign-off broadcast.
Frederik G said:
On a professional note, I feel that post is insulting to all French-Canadians and those Anglophones who understand that French is an important part of our Canadian culture and heritage.

I'm sorry you feel that way.  It was more self-deprecating intended humour of my inability to speak french.

Frederik G said:
On a personal note, I hope never to have to serve with someone who believes half this country should be forgotten.

Me neither.
The Gues-|- said:
I'm sorry you feel that way.  It was more self-deprecating intended humour of my inability to speak french.

I'll admit I might have over-reacted. <joke> In true Quebecois way, I tend to jump to conclusions when it comes to French. Especially when an Anglophone says something--anything--about it. </joke> Also, as you know, some humour might be hard to "get" in writing. That's one of the problems most forum posters face.

As for French, I encourage you to take classes or something. French isn't hard. It's French grammar that's hard.

So, like I said, I probably over-reacted. But do try and be more... precise, (for lack of better word) next time, eh? Now that I know the intent of your post I understand it, but looking at it without that information it's easy to mistake it for what I originally thought it was.
Frederik G said:
I'll admit I might have over-reacted. <joke> In true Quebecois way, I tend to jump to conclusions when it comes to French. Especially when an Anglophone says something--anything--about it. </joke> Also, as you know, some humour might be hard to "get" in writing. That's one of the problems most forum posters face.

Hey! expressions are hard to find from reading, understandable.

Frederik G said:
As for French, I encourage you to take classes or something. French isn't hard. It's French grammar that's hard.

It would be a good asset to have, no doubt.  Wish I stuck with it entering High School.

Frederik G said:
So, like I said, I probably over-reacted. But do try and be more... precise, (for lack of better word) next time, eh? Now that I know the intent of your post I understand it, but looking at it without that information it's easy to mistake it for what I originally thought it was.
A lot of my jokes tend to lack precision and come to bite me in the ass, lol. 


Future Brother in Arms.
Frederik G said:
On a personal note, I hope never to have to serve with someone who believes half this country should be forgotten.

Actually, it's more like 17% of the population, don't get too carried away.
GO!!! said:
Actually, it's more like 17% of the population, don't get too carried away.

Actually, it's more like 23%. (Source: The CIA World Factbook http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ca.html) And that's not including people who list their main language as English but speak French as well.

So, maybe not 50%, but definately more than 17% even if you just include full-on Francophones.
Frederik G said:
Actually, it's more like 23%. (Source: The CIA World Factbook http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ca.html) And that's not including people who list their main language as English but speak French as well.

So, maybe not 50%, but definately more than 17% even if you just include full-on Francophones.

Pretty weak source for someone trying to become an officer.

The CIA World Factbook also spells two capitals incorrectly - do you know which ones?

The quote you are referring to is
"British Isles origin 28%, French origin 23%, other European 15%, Amerindian 2%, other, mostly Asian, African, Arab 6%, mixed background 26%"

By this definition, you could include metis, and anyone else with a french name or ancestry, which would be a stretch, given that so many Canadians have a french name, but do not speak french or participate in any cultural activities. Most people in Canada have been assimilated into the larger anglophone nation, but geographic quebeckers have lagged behind in this respect.

Face it, Quebec (and francophones) are a small, vocal minority. They are not "half" of Canada, they are the residents of a geographic area, that enjoys inordinate amounts of political influence due to a long standing divide in the english speaking portion of the country.

I would suggest that you drop the "militant quebecquois" angle, it is not well recieved - by anyone.
The CBC route has been tried before and they do not reply.  Typical of our national broadcasting service.  I was hoping for some intelligent conversation but you folks have taken a simple request and turned it into a language conflict.  Most major international conflicts begin in just this simple manner. 

Any serious advice or contacts out there in Army.ca land? I began this topic/request by saying that I had been searching for several weeks, please give me some credit, I am an O-4/Maj on course outside the country.
I have other commitments this morning, but I would take a look on the Ministry of Canadian Heritage website, and if possible, try Kazaa or Morpheus (file sharing P2Ps).

I'll have a look for you later today.
GO!!! said:
Pretty weak source for someone trying to become an officer.

The quote you are referring to is
"British Isles origin 28%, French origin 23%, other European 15%, Amerindian 2%, other, mostly Asian, African, Arab 6%, mixed background 26%"

Pretty shitty reading of the source for someone who wants to insult my intelligence and abilities and claims to know so much about the source. Maybe you should have read further before starting the bashing.

English (official) 59.3%, French (official) 23.2%, other 17.5%"

By this definition, you could include metis, and anyone else with a french name or ancestry, which would be a stretch, given that so many Canadians have a french name, but do not speak french or participate in any cultural activities. Most people in Canada have been assimilated into the larger anglophone nation, but geographic quebeckers have lagged behind in this respect.

"Lagged behind"? I love the insulting overtones in this. Insinuating we're retards. Great.

Face it, Quebec (and francophones) are a small, vocal minority. They are not "half" of Canada, they are the residents of a geographic area, that enjoys inordinate amounts of political influence due to a long standing divide in the english speaking portion of the country.

So are Indians. I don't see you bashing them with so much passion.

I would suggest that you drop the "militant quebecquois" angle, it is not well recieved - by anyone.

I don't think you're reading correctly. I'm about the least "militant quebecois". I also suggest you learn to spell before you start insulting people on their brains.

There's nothing about my argument that is distinctly "militant quebecois". All I was saying is that insulting the French people (like I explained, this is how the original quote could EASILY be percieved) is wrong. If you think that's being militant, I guess if I say the Anglos are retards, and you call me on it, then you're a "militant anglo", right?

I really don't appreciate being insulted--repeatedly--by anyone. If defending myself makes me a militant, then so be it. You're still the one insulting me on false pretenses.
Frederik G said:
On a professional note, I feel that post is insulting to all French-Canadians and those Anglophones who understand that French is an important part of our Canadian culture and heritage.
So the rest of us, who don't find that post insulting, are simply unable to understand that complex an opinion - right? Why should I be offended by a minority demanding recognition? French is an important part of YOUR culture and heritage, but it does'nt matter in any other part of the country - be it the other 83% or 76.8%, no matter how much you want it to.

On a personal note, I hope never to have to serve with someone who believes half this country should be forgotten.
Forgotten is such a passive term, I believe that we should act immediately and effectively to ensure that there is a level of cultural homogenity throughout the nation, a common language and education system, as a method of preventing those who revel in their distinct status from rending it apart, and enforcing laws against treason to this end.

"Lagged behind"? I love the insulting overtones in this. Insinuating we're retards. Great.
Children in nations around the world study english, as it is the language of business, travel and trade. Yet residents of Quebec insist that their children be taught a regional dialect of a language that is in decline worldwide. I did'nt say "retarded", you did.  ;)


There is an audio version here;

This is pretty funny too;

But no luck with the video, sorry. There is also one of the marines marching in the maple leaf upside down at the world series - would this be suitable?  ;D
Well, Lord Durham Junior, I guess you don't believe in the vision of Canada that's been standing since Confederation, eh? I guess you're also for an all-powerful world government enforcing language and culture laws to make sure we all speak a boring gray language and have a boring gray culture. Like a mix of 1984 and Equilibrium, perhaps? Sure sounds fun, where do I sign up?

As for the French language being in decline, I guess the Canadian dialect, with "eh," "aboot," and the use of "u" in many words, is also in decline and should be removed in favour of the American language, right?

EDIT: As a sidenote, I think it'd be a good idea to move the side discussion to PMs. I wouldn't mind continuing it there, but it's not being productive for this thread, and it's sortof hijacking it.

And yes, I realize I didn't help de-escalate and all.
Frederik G said:
Well, Lord Durham Junior, I guess you don't believe in the vision of Canada that's been standing since Confederation, eh? I guess you're also for an all-powerful world government enforcing language and culture laws to make sure we all speak a boring gray language and have a boring gray culture. Like a mix of 1984 and Equilibrium, perhaps? Sure sounds fun, where do I sign up?

As for the French language being in decline, I guess the Canadian dialect, with "eh," "aboot," and the use of "u" in many words, is also in decline and should be removed in favour of the American language, right?

EDIT: As a sidenote, I think it'd be a good idea to move the side discussion to PMs. I wouldn't mind continuing it there, but it's not being productive for this thread, and it's sortof hijacking it.

Whereas the previous posts have slightly veered  from the originale topic, they could be still be considered relevant to the original topic. Therefore IMO could be further debated. Which I find most interesting and informative.

However, your suggestion to defer your debate to PM's, would not only deprive all of us from contributing in this discusion, but indicate a possible decreasing lack of passion and sincerity on your part.

Have a nice day.
FastEddy said:
Whereas the previous posts have slightly veered  from the originale topic, they could be still be considered relevant to the original topic. Therefore IMO could be further debated. Which I find most interesting and informative.

However, your suggestion to defer your debate to PM's, would not only deprive all of us from contributing in this discusion, but indicate a possible decreasing lack of passion and sincerity on your part.

Have a nice day.

I totally agree that, if this discussion is considered relevant to the original topic, which I'm not quite sure it still is, it should remain in-thread and not to PMs. I definitely agree with the idea that the topic could be further debated

I don't like the insinuation that I lack sincerity. While I understand your point of view, my offer to take things to PMs was so that, based on my belief the topic was veering too far away from the original topic, GO!!! and I could exchange ideas further without hijacking the topic at hand.

As for the "decreasing lack of passion" (which I'll assume is a brain typo of sorts--don't worry, I make those too :P) I'd say that while I'm still as passionate about the subject as I was originally, I feel that GO!!!'s opinions and mine are irreconcilable and as such, arguing further will just lead to bad feelings and possibly (though I doubt it would be GO!!!'s way of doing things) flaming, which will be unproductive.

Feel free to contribute to the discussion. I sure love a battle of wits.

Feel free to PM me if you don't have any luck. Perhaps we can get one video captured into a
computer file for you.

Ref, The silly argument that hijacked this thread:

From Stats Canada census pages;

People who listed themselves ethnic french; 4 668 410 of 29 639 035 or 15.7%
source: http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/highlight/ETO/Table1.cfm?Lang=E&T=501&GV=1&GID=0

However, note the people who would only answer "Canadian" (11 682 680 of 29 639 035 or 39.4%).

People who listed french as a first language; 6 741 955 of 29 639 035 or 22.7%

Thread Locked Gentlemen.


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