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More LOSV's


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I was looking for something on MERX tonight and came across three Notices of Proposed Procurement totaling 72 band-spanken new Light Over Snow Vehicles (read: snowmobile) for the CF. 

W0127-08P035/A, - 35 for Edmonton (closed)
W8476-090742/A, - 7 for Borden (closed)
W0130-08405L/A - 30 for 25 CFSD (open - end of FY procurement).

Thought someone might care.... time to put the LOSV course on the part four of your PDR (again) ;-)


So these are just snowmobiles like I would find and a local power & marine shop?
Not a Snow cat or a BV206 type vehical, right?
CEEBEE501 said:
So these are just snowmobiles like I would find and a local power & marine shop?
Not a Snow cat or a BV206 type vehical, right?

It's quite possible. Procurement rules state that any purchase over $5 000 must go to PWGSC for tender, unless of course there is a standing offer. If you look hard enough soon, you may find my request for POL on there (in Edmonton).