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MMA Anyone?

So that's what team quest does .. I've always tried to put striking and grappling into one workout and ended up doing too much and frigging it all up.

Can't really put up a link to my clubs site, we're just a group of guys who get together in a dojo (with some awesome new mats covering 80% of the floor now .. 1 inch thick too! Perfect for throws) and train under a MCpl who seriously knows his stuff (black belt but exact rank I am unsure I'll have to find out..)

Half the time me and a friend from the pats get together and practice BJJ in the gym here. Maybe I'll put up a pic of him and me rolling sometime .. and by rolling I really mean him putting the boots to me
Training is a tricky business, you dont want to leave a session feeling like you've gained nothing, but at the same time, it's all too easy to overload yourself. When we train, it's solely open Level no Gi and we work on specifics for the night ie. passing the guard, escaping the mount, etc. I personally find this works extremely well, as you leave with a variey of skill sets and new concepts, but its easy to keep them fresh in your mind as they all pertain to eachother in sequence.

Some guys i train with are doing Thai Kick Boxing at 6, then 7:30 jump right into our BJJ sessions until about 9:30. I find it isnt exactly the best route to take, as they seem to have a lot of brain farts where they'll do something really stupid like a Muay Thai Clinch...on the mat  ???

Like jens Pulver told me, alternate throughout the week, then on 1 day integrate them all into a spar. overloading is your worst enemy, its not the quantity of training you're recieving, but the quality.

I'm actually starting training regularly now under the wing of Omar J. Salvosa "The Backpack", being:

# 5x Canadian Jiu-Jitsu Champion
# 2x WKF World Jiu-Jitsu Champion
# French UltraFight Freefighting Champion
# Japanese Shooto Competitor
# Brown Belt, 4th stripe and Certified BJJ instructor under 7th Degree BJJ Black Belt, Marcus Soares (who is a student of Prof. Carlson Gracie Sr, and the highest ranked black belt in Canada)

By September, Im told i will be instructing beginner level classes.

Wow .. by September? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious, damn.
Steve said:
Wow .. by September? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious, darn.

I just stumbled into it really. Opprotunities come knocking every once in a while, I just found a mother load on my doorstep this time around  ;D :o
Sh0rtbUs said:
I've always found judo interesting...u throw em down, I'll submit em   ;D

See a lot of clubs are like that, they focus on throws, takedowns etc. Our club does by far the most groundwork in the province. Our sensei is the head of Judo NL so he knows his stuff. We practice all the moves for tournaments, but our main focus is realistic fighting, as in "street" and that makes us formidable on the mat and at the bar. We are as good at the submissions as any BJJ and we know because we've fought them  8)
Hey you guys got any tips for dealing with charley horses?

While I suspect I'm prone to them, lately I have been getting more-than-normal recurrent CH's. Especially in my left calf for some reason, yesterday and today when I was doing bike cardio, when I pedalled fast my left calf began to tighten and not relax, I had to kick out my leg and force it to open up before it locked.

As a thai boxer you can see how this is pissing me off. I don't even want to picture grappling with this problem.

Any suggestions?
Having a bit of a 'brain fart' just now, but if I remember right, the cause is a build up of acid (What type? is not on the tip of my tongue just right now but...) and you can counter-act it with proper work up/warm up/cool down and then diet.  But....I am not a Physical Trainer or MD.  Some of the Threads here have suggestions - have you tried a Search?
Low potassium, dehydration, calcification, soreness, overuse all good old fashion causes of the charlie horse! Short term preventitives include heat (initially) ice, stretching etc. I've found that bananas help quite a bit with the muscle soreness, also L-Glutamine. But I'm not a doctor or other health professional, it's just what works for me.  8)
Just another update on the topic, I've got my first compitition this Saturday. Should be a lot of fun, looking forward to taking some sucker down hard  ;D
Got a webcam to take any pics? You gotta take some to show us all! I can put them up on my image site if hosting is an issue as well.

A short update on my part as well:

Charley horses seem to be caused by deficiency in calcium (or so the medical sites I checked say). Just confuses me even more - my vitamins have calcium in them. I stretch muscles out more now but every now and then...

Last night at Jiujitsu, I had my first weapons training in stickfighting. It borrows from escrima and ... another art, I forget it's damned name unfortunately. I learned a basic defensive pattern and my sensei explained and demonstrated to me a lot of the things stickfighting can do. I'm impressed beyond words, these things can shatter bones and easily kill someone. He explained to me about an advanced move that can rip the pec muscle off of the bone I cringe just thinking about that. The velocity and power of these things - even the beginners sticks which are just a broomhandle cut in half - are deadly. I don't want to begin picturing what it would be like to get smoked with ashwood sticks or harder. As if it wasn't enough, you can put people into locks with them as well..

I can quickly see these as becoming my weapon of choice - they are so versatile but most importantly, accessible in the modern world .. sticks are everywhere! Brooms, pool cues, well.. you can imagine.
Sh0rtbUs said:
Just another update on the topic, I've got my first compitition this Saturday. Should be a lot of fun, looking forward to taking some sucker down hard   ;D

Good luck.

Apply some of that maximum aggression...
Steve, just remember to only use a weapon if need be.

I was thinking pool que before you even mentioned it  :o

Thanks Gaisford, I plan to  ;D
Steve said:
Last night at Jiujitsu, I had my first weapons training in stickfighting. It borrows from escrima and ... another art, I forget it's damned name unfortunately.

Wasn't arnis or Kali was it?
Well, just got back from my tournament..

I lost my first fight, which sucked immensly. After picking myself up, i came back to take my 2nd fight after a greuling 5 minute round. i then lost by an armbar in the 3rd fight...

I was beating myself up pretty bad over it, until the guys that beat me took gold and silver in the division of 20 people. So at least i got beat by the best...

"The only loser is he who fails to learn from his loss"

I certainly learned what needs work, and had a blast despite a hyper extended elbow (almost had it broken), a swolen face and black eye, and bruises on top of bruises on every inch of my body. oh yah, and suffered from heat sickness after my 2nd fight.

As a bonus, i got to spend the day hanging out with UFC fighter carlos newton who was there to support team marcus Soares.
for all those in Pet, ottawa is not far and neither is kingston.  If you want to train with some great fighters go to ronin mma, in ottawa or canadas best karate( bjj and muay thai).

Steve said:
Hahaha Shortbus darn it sounds like you definately pushed yourself to the limit there. Taking it easy now?

Gaisford: Kali! That's what it is yup!

For anyone interested.. here's the sticks I made:


(big image so I just linked it)

I'm resting as much as possible, heavy training night tomorrow night though. I took a solid kick to the face while passing one guys guard and now im sporting quite the nice shiner. The ref never even called him on it...  ::)

Cant wait for my next tournament, I definatly want to walk out with a medal this time. What does it say on the sticks Steve?
Did you get hit in the eye with a heel or arch?

the sticks say Thunder (single character) and Lightning on the other.. obviously Lightning is for my left hand and Thunder for my right (Thunder weighs slightly a bit more because I added more red tape to make it grip better).

$23 to make and only 4 hours of time (most of that for the varnish drying)
Steve said:
Did you get hit in the eye with a heel or arch?

the sticks say Thunder (single character) and Lightning on the other.. obviously Lightning is for my left hand and Thunder for my right (Thunder weighs slightly a bit more because I added more red tape to make it grip better).

$23 to make and only 4 hours of time (most of that for the varnish drying)

You're going to have alot of fun with those...

BTW, great sig.
I can't begin to describe how eager I am to learn more..

So far I've learned just one defensive movement, but 3 moves within that movement. It's designed to combat someone armed with a knife (but could just as easily be used to keep those nasty hands at bay).

Let's see.. Assuming you know the stance (right arm bent 90 degrees, stick held above right shoulder facing backwards), left forearm across stomach, under right elbow, stick facing backwards as well.

Anyhow from there, right hand brings stick down in a diagonal slash, then its quickly drawn upwards as the left hand immediately lets a backhand strike fly across the rib area, right hand now does a vertical backhand downwards as left hand places stick above same shoulder - ends up in the same stance as beginning only arms reversed. When done fast and fluidly it almost forms a "figure 8" pattern in front of you.

But it's enough for me at the moment.. I have to get the stance down pat and get my strikes in order. What I'm looking forward to are the kata with these babies.