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Minister Anand announces $1.4 billion investment to upgrade Dwyer Hill Training Centre infrastructure


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Probably would have been <300 M if it didn’t need to meet all the environmental desires.

I’m still unsure of how a training center that will involve a lot of rounds down range and explosives work will be Green…
Probably would have been <300 M if it didn’t need to meet all the environmental desires.

I’m still unsure of how a training center that will involve a lot of rounds down range and explosives work will be Green…
The infrastructure of the buildings themselves will be green. ( Water usage, power, etc).
The activities carried out within are typically outside of the scope for certification. However, most of the new CQBs on top pf using frangible ammo, also have extremely good HVAC air exchange, and filter all exhaust.
The infrastructure of the buildings themselves will be green. ( Water usage, power, etc).
The activities carried out within are typically outside of the scope for certification. However, most of the new CQBs on top pf using frangible ammo, also have extremely good HVAC air exchange, and filter all exhaust.
You know what is in that frangible ammo right? Compressed copper, polymer mixtures, hardly environmentally friendly ;)
We only announce this now so it'll be said during a Presidential briefing before he gets here. Sucks that the gov't thinks the only people who care about defence is the Americans and not our own people. They couldn't announce this after the invasion in UKR? not after the evacuation of HKIA when CANSOF was used in a very public way? not after (one of the never-ending) articles shaming the state of the CAF?
Probably would have been <300 M if it didn’t need to meet all the environmental desires.

I’m still unsure of how a training center that will involve a lot of rounds down range and explosives work will be Green…
Lots and lots of simulated rounds down range and explosives - think nerf guns and water balloons
Just announced this morning at 0800.

And that folks will most likely be the only significant, tangible increase to the CAF budget to come out from the 2023-2024 Federal Budget to be announced next week. I hope I'm wrong.
this money is being spent after how many millions of dollars were used to relocate them to Trenton? That was stopped once the price went thru the glass dome ceiling. On top of the money already spent there on buildings and removing stables etc from the days of the horse farm being there. Be better located on what is left of the former Uplands Base, at least there is an air strip ( Ottawa International Airport), but they are close enough to Carp and that could handle a C130. The neighbours are going to go nuts, already hate the helicopters and the noise and traffic. This will just add fuel to the fire there
this money is being spent after how many millions of dollars were used to relocate them to Trenton? That was stopped once the price went thru the glass dome ceiling. On top of the money already spent there on buildings and removing stables etc from the days of the horse farm being there. Be better located on what is left of the former Uplands Base, at least there is an air strip ( Ottawa International Airport), but they are close enough to Carp and that could handle a C130. The neighbours are going to go nuts, already hate the helicopters and the noise and traffic. This will just add fuel to the fire there
And, if I'm not mistaken, ruined the final years of an elderly landowner who fought the expropriation to the (his) bitter end.
this money is being spent after how many millions of dollars were used to relocate them to Trenton?
JTF-2 never relocated to Trenton.
Different CANSOFCOM entities are at Trenton.
Petawawa had been suggested, but assaulters would have voted with their feet.
Lots of working spouses have opportunities in Ottawa that Trenton or Pet preclude.

That was stopped once the price went thru the glass dome ceiling. On top of the money already spent there on buildings and removing stables etc from the days of the horse farm being there. Be better located on what is left of the former Uplands Base
Uplands isn’t a good place for a lot of reasons. Other than a staging hanger, it has no real value, and lot of the land has been divested at this point.
The access from DHTC to Ottawa International is very good.
There was a lot of money spent to move them to Trenton
the plan was going back to at least 2012, but cost killed the plan
it was even a subject here for a long time
JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?
money was spent, land taken, then nothing happened, new announcement now
There was a lot of money spent to move them to Trenton
the plan was going back to at least 2012, but cost killed the plan
it was even a subject here for a long time
JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?
money was spent, land taken, then nothing happened, new announcement now
Knowing a few folks at the Hill, the only move presented to them was Pet.

I suspect that reporters see JTF whenever CANSOF is mentioned
this money is being spent after how many millions of dollars were used to relocate them to Trenton? That was stopped once the price went thru the glass dome ceiling. On top of the money already spent there on buildings and removing stables etc from the days of the horse farm being there. Be better located on what is left of the former Uplands Base, at least there is an air strip ( Ottawa International Airport), but they are close enough to Carp and that could handle a C130. The neighbours are going to go nuts, already hate the helicopters and the noise and traffic. This will just add fuel to the fire there
Other than the acquisition of land, and some minor works, there was not much capital expenditure.

Not sure what neighbors you're talking to......most are pretty ambivalent, since noise is typically during the business day M-F.
this money is being spent after how many millions of dollars were used to relocate them to Trenton? That was stopped once the price went thru the glass dome ceiling. On top of the money already spent there on buildings and removing stables etc from the days of the horse farm being there. Be better located on what is left of the former Uplands Base, at least there is an air strip ( Ottawa International Airport), but they are close enough to Carp and that could handle a C130. The neighbours are going to go nuts, already hate the helicopters and the noise and traffic. This will just add fuel to the fire there
I think you’re living in the past.

‘CFB Uplands?’

You mean CFCSU and some log support for CFSU(O) and NPSC…it’s not anything near to what 7 Wing was back in the day. Not even 412 Sqn is on DND property.

Do you live in the Heron Lake Estates?