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Michael Yon on Canadians, Menard, (violating) OPSEC [merged]

Teeps74 said:
All righty then, so the dishonest hack now says his dispatch will be out this week, but he no longer intends to give full apology. The guy that was responsible and owned up to it is a hero, but the guy slandered without evidence is somehow a villain that needs to be fired still.

This guy is a slanderous tabloid hack. Nothing more.

This guy isn't even a "tabloid hack," slanderous or otherwise; he's just a bloody blogger for heaven's sake. Relax, boys and girls, his opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them. I'm pretty sure BGen Menard isn't losing any sleep over the original slander or the lack of an apology; neither should we.
E.R. Campbell said:
This guy isn't even a "tabloid hack," slanderous or otherwise; he's just a bloody blogger for heaven's sake. Relax, boys and girls, his opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them. I'm pretty sure BGen Menard isn't losing any sleep over the original slander or the lack of an apology; neither should we.

He doesn't even answer direct challenges to his comments/ logic. Just loves to skate around it and no more.

I've had enough of him to the point of just rattling the cage a bit and not even get worked up that he doesn't respond.

He's nothing more than a glorified blogger.

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
He doesn't even answer direct challenges to his comments/ logic. Just loves to skate around it and no more.

I've had enough of him to the point of just rattling the cage a bit and not even get worked up that he doesn't respond.

He's nothing more than a glorified blogger.


Some of you, boys and girls, are helping him. I'm guessing that his blog survives, maybe even prospers, because he gets lots of "hits" and responses - precisely because he's controversial or uninformed or irresponsible (take your pick) and those hits equal advertising dollars that keep him in business.

Stop responding, stop even visiting his blog and the money will dry up and he will disappear - unless Mommy dearest left him one helluva trust fund.
It would be wrong to underestimate the ability of a blogger who does his or her homework to influence public policy and even outstrip the MSM. Some notable examples are the backlash to the CBS TV story about Bush evading service before the 2008 election, which was proven to be a fabrication and cost Dan Rather his job, and the Swift Boat affair in the US. Internationally climategate was ignored by the MSM until pressure from informed and credible bloggers forced its hand.

There are three examples I can think of in Canada:

a. The backlash against the excesses and procedural flaws of the various Human Rights Commissions;

b. The firing/re-assignment of a reporter for The National who was revealed by an alert blogger to have knowingly misrepresented Mr Harper's responses to questions; and, most important,

c. The publication of testimony of the Gomery Inquiry by an American blogger (who was fed the information by a Canadian source) that kicked off the whole Adscam fire storm.
We're forgetting that he's a U.S. Blogger, embedded with U.S. troops.....

Now imagine if U.S. troops were dissing....oh...Christy Blanchford.....how much credibility would they have?
As of today, Yon has assured his faithful(and not so faithful) that he now has all the facts and will "publish" his findings within 24 hours. He says he is presently at an FOB but has good internet access. Personally, I think the guy does serve some purpose. He is great at making the relatives of AMERICAN personnel feel all warm and fuzzy. Unfortuneatly, he lets his ego get the better of him at times and comes across as being the sole effective liaison between the military and the public. His posts concerning the shortcomings of the rest of the NATO allies only serve to bring the idiots out of the woodwork. These folks range from knuckle dragging chest pounders to outright hate mongers. As soon as I read and comment on Michael Yons post on this matter, I plan on removing myself from the "fan" club. I see that he has used my term to describe his upcoming post "bridge fiasco". I amazed that there are 17,000 odd people that bother. Hmmm, small number when you consider the number of people in the US that are on Facebook. (first post on army.ca - comments welcomed)
His dispatches from Iraq were very good, as were some of the earlier stuff in Afghanistan. I suspect the “instant noodle” concept of quick tweets and facebook posts remove the chance to take a 2nd look at what is said in the heat of the moment. Tweets and facebook create a need to fill the space on a regular and frequent basis. This form of media has caused many a person heartache due to posting when emotions are running high and sober second thought would be in order.
Colin P said:
I suspect the “instant noodle” concept of quick tweets and facebook posts remove the chance to take a 2nd look at what is said in the heat of the moment. Tweets and facebook create a need to fill the space on a regular and frequent basis. This form of media has caused many a person heartache due to posting when emotions are running high and sober second thought would be in order.
Bit of a chicken-and-egg between that and the (growingly short-attention spanned) audience expectation of something new NOW!!!!!!!!  (or ar least every time one refreshes the screen).
Colin P said:
His dispatches from Iraq were very good, as were some of the earlier stuff in Afghanistan. I suspect the “instant noodle” concept of quick tweets and facebook posts remove the chance to take a 2nd look at what is said in the heat of the moment. Tweets and facebook create a need to fill the space on a regular and frequent basis. This form of media has caused many a person heartache due to posting when emotions are running high and sober second thought would be in order.

Actually, I'm going to disagree with you on the "emotionality" slant for this gent.

A review of his posting history reveals that he makes it a habit of degrading anything 'over there' which is not led by the Americans, done by the Americans, or for the Americans. Especially so, if it happens to be led by Canadians, is done by Canadians, or is for the Canadians.

According to him - there is only one country in that war; guess which one it is?
QUIT POSTING!!!! and keeping this thread alive. I'd already forgotten about him.
Yon has finally gotten around to posting his Bridge account, and "apology".

To save you all from driving up the hits on his website, here's what it comes down to:

At 1710 the meeting with BG Ben Hodges began in his office.  A U.S. Naval officer, a British officer from Scotland, BG Hodges and me; I was there to answer only two questions:  Which Coalition partner was responsible for the bridge on Monday? And, who is responsible for it now?  General Hodges explained a bit about battle spaces. Then he said, squarely, that he, himself was the responsible officer. I didn’t believe him, but did not say so. He insisted that it was his fault. He took that bullet for—who? More to the point, he claimed responsibility for the security of the bridge going forward, knowing he would be under scrutiny. He won my instant respect. I believed he was trying to solve the problem and get on with war fighting. When he took responsibility, I said something like, “That was very courageous, Sir.”

As far as I was concerned, General Hodges ended the matter by taking the bullet, though now I had to summarize for people at home.


Summary of meeting with Brigadier General Ben Hodges: The result was unexpected. General Hodges courageously accepted full responsibility. My respect for him doubled in about 30 seconds. Henceforth, Strykers will "own" the bridge. Bottom line: problem solved. BREAK. Something very important came up tonight [was the death of a Stryker soldier], so will give accounting Friday. The accounting will include an apology from me to General Menard.

In apology to BG Menard, I should not have demanded that he be fired so early in the process, despite that my assertion that he was responsible has proven true. I should never have mentioned hockey, as that created room for a diversion from the central importance.  Brigadier General Menard clearly was not the only responsible party for this strategic bridge that his soldiers depend upon. To single out BG Menard was a mistake, despite that he was ultimately responsible for the ANP.

Some hours after the meeting with BG Hodges, after midnight, there was another ramp ceremony at KAF.  BG Hodges was there along with many others from Canada, Australia, UK, the US and other countries.  A Marine was going home for the last time, alongside the soldier from 5/2 who had been killed earlier in the day.  Helicopters and jets were nearly constant, and so loud that I could not hear the chaplain.  Just in the background, across the busy runway, in the darkness, was Tarnak River Bridge. Ian Gelig had died there on Monday and been flown home from this same ramp.

Thursday night, two flag-draped coffins were delivered by MRAPs next to the runway. Comrades lifted their coffins onto the C-17.  Stryker soldier Anthony Paci and Marine Nigel Olsen were going home.  Hundreds of troops from different nations saluted one last time.  The ramp closed and the jet flew into the night.

[Final note: About twenty troops have been killed in Afghanistan during the days since the Tarnak Bridge Bombing.  A close source conveyed that Task Force Kandahar, under BG Daniel Menard, will henceforth be tasked with the security for Tarnak River Bridge, and that Task Force Stryker and the RAF are not responsible for the bridge.]

So, it's "courageous" to accept responsibility for what Yon considered dropping the ball, but not accepting responsibility for something that wasn't your responsibility is grouds for being relieved of command?

What an idiot.
This guy is a wad of wet shitpaper. Who else could call someone courageous and a liar in the same sentence. All the while, maintaining in the face of overwhelming evidence, that he was never really wrong in the first place.

It is fortunate he is no longer serving. This is the type of loser that would hang his whole section out to dry, rather than accept the responsibility of his own actions, and then wear the medal proudly. I find myself swayed from dislike for the person to absolute disgust and revulsion.

I take back my earlier assertion and apologise to Geraldo Rivera and Scott Taylor. This gluebag doesn't even rate alongside the lowliest dregs of society.

When the phrase 'shit for brains' was coined, it was likely Yawn that they were describing. I wouldn't piss on him, if he was on fire.

It's a good thing your thoughts are tempered by site guidelines.....and your own shyness, of course.  ;D

I mean, I'm not disagreeing with you on this one......
recceguy said:
This guy is a wad of wet shitpaper. Who else could call someone courageous and a liar in the same sentence. All the while, maintaining in the face of overwhelming evidence, that he was never really wrong in the first place.

It is fortunate he is no longer serving. This is the type of loser that would hang his whole section out to dry, rather than accept the responsibility of his own actions, and then wear the medal proudly. I find myself swayed from dislike for the person to absolute disgust and revulsion.

I take back my earlier assertion and apologise to Geraldo Rivera and Scott Taylor. This gluebag doesn't even rate alongside the lowliest dregs of society.

When the phrase 'crap for brains' was coined, it was likely Yawn that they were describing. I wouldn't piss on him, if he was on fire.

I acutally laughed at this one. My gosh, tell us how you REALLY feel!! I think you and I will get along just fine!!
I used to like this guy but now it seems to be all about Yon. He published an email from a troop at an FOB that had a serious lapse in security.Yon of course publishes the email on his Facebook page. Sh!t hits the fan of course. Problems are corrected and Mr Yon comes out of it looking like a real hero.

tomahawk6 said:
I used to like this guy but now it seems to be all about Yon. He published an email from a troop at an FOB that had a serious lapse in security.Yon of course publishes the email on his Facebook page. Sh!t hits the fan of course. Problems are corrected and Mr Yon comes out of it looking like a real hero.
tomahawk6 said:
I used to like this guy but now it seems to be all about Yon. He published an email from a troop at an FOB that had a serious lapse in security.Yon of course publishes the email on his Facebook page. Sh!t hits the fan of course. Problems are corrected and Mr Yon comes out of it looking like a real hero.


And now.......just anuvver reporter.