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Man runs over anti-war protesters with his car

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Am I eveil if I laughed a little?
German word for taking pleasure in someone elses pain: Schadenfreude.

While I do not agree with their cause, or their method of protest, these people did not deserve to be run over. The idea that they suffered a severe, potentially life-threatening assault for their political beliefs, however misguided, is not the kind of action that I would defend.
I guess no one ever told them to duck from cars?
NavalGent said:
While I do not agree with their cause, or their method of protest, these people did not deserve to be run over. The idea that they suffered a severe, potentially life-threatening assault for their political beliefs, however misguided, is not the kind of action that I would defend.

They weren't injured because of their political beliefs, they were injured because their method of protest. It could just as easily happen to a bunch of pro-war protestors that sit in the middle of a busy street.

If you mount a hunger strike, you risk the starving to death. If you sit in the middle of a street during rush hour, you risk getting run over. I agree with the above poster about this being another fine example of a great thing called Darwinism.
Pretty simple, sit in the street, don't be surprised if you're hit by a vehicle. Political belief or not, it's pretty stupid to sit there.

I"ll forward him my Queen Jubilee thingy mic-blooper...
As much as i disagree with that method of protest, the guy deserves to be punished for his actions. As stupid as the cause or methods for the protest were, the were people and you don't, for any reason, run over people.
I agree, charge the driver and while they're at it charge the students too!!!
PMedMoe said:
I agree, charge the driver and while they're at it charge the students too!!!


They disrupted public order, and they should be held partially responsible for their little friend's mishap.
I dont think there was deliberate criminal intent here, as he most likely thought they would move as he inched forward, but then when it was obvious he ran over someone, he must have thought, 'if I stop I will be beaten or killed by the mob', so panic yes, deliberate try to kill, no.

Antiwar protests are a way of life these days, but another method could have been used for the same effect to get a message accross.

Lucky no one was killed.

As for the 'stupid cause' mentioned above, I might not agree with these protests, but its a democracy, and everyone deseves to put forward their point of view as long as its done with some decorum, and within guidelines which do not obstruct others in they normal way of life.


Wesley  Down Under said:
I dont think there was deliberate criminal intent here, as he most likely thought they would move as he inched forward, but then when it was obvious he ran over someone, he must have thought, 'if I stop I will be beaten or killed by the mob', so panic yes, deliberate try to kill, no.

The question that has to be asked here is "What was so important that the driver had to continue going forward, despite the obvious risk of injury to protesters?"  As long as there was no immediate threat to the driver's life, there was really no reason for the driver to continue moving forward.  All you can do is wait for the police/security forces to show up and restore order... which will be the exact question asked of him when he goes to trial for some form of vehicular homicide. 

Its the same kind of mentality that gets people into trouble at union picket lines...

Greymatters said:
The question that has to be asked here is "What was so important that the driver had to continue going forward, despite the obvious risk of injury to protesters?"  As long as there was no immediate threat to the driver's life, there was really no reason for the driver to continue moving forward.  All you can do is wait for the police/security forces to show up and restore order... which will be the exact question asked of him when he goes to trial for some form of vehicular homicide. 

Its the same kind of mentality that gets people into trouble at union picket lines...

The man was on his way to work. What did he do to deserve being stopped? Who knows what could have been waiting for him at the office. Maybe a meeting, maybe he was told that if he showed up late for work again he would lose his job. This man as an individual did not declare war. This man as an individual was being blocked from getting to work.
Had he been on foot walking to work on the sidewalk and was approached by some hippy telling him that he can't go to work because Bush went to war, and forcing him to cease walking forwards, I don't see why he wouldn't force his way through the hippy.
This is not to say that plowing through the human barricade in a car was the wisest decision, but I honestly think that he should only face a minor charge such as paying for the hospital bills for the injured protester.
The man did not start the war. The man should not be the one to take flak from the potheads forcing him to miss work. (IMO, of course)

Its the argument that never ends - when do my personal rights take precedence over somone else's personal rights? - only the courts can settle this one...
You know,

As much as I hate the ignorant war-protestors, I don't believe they should be run over.

As for the "give him a medal, instead of charging him" statements....

We'll go all crazy about a soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff, but, sure give someone who runs over multiple people a medal???
Beadwindow 7 said:
We'll go all crazy about a soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff, but, sure give someone who runs over multiple people a medal???

Humans are inconsistants...
uncle-midget-boyd said:
...but I honestly think that he should only face a minor charge such as paying for the hospital bills for the injured protester.

This just seems wrong on so many levels. He drove into a group of people ran over a person! Regardless of whether or not he meant to hurt anyone, he used his vehicle in a very dangerous manner.
So charge him with reckless driving or something, not attempted homocide. I dunno about you but if I was attempting homocide, those people wouldn't of had a chance to jump on the hood of my car.