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Knife Question

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Hi I want to ask if I joined the Canadian Forces and was going to war can I be issued a knife? I ask because I would want this knife to be very long and strapped to my back, the higher up the knife is strapped the better. I want to throw the knife if I found myself in a situation that it could be used effectively against the enemy because British troops used their knives this way in World War 2. What kind of knives would be recommended for this type of use? Thanks in advance.
CuttingOnions said:
Hi I want to ask if I joined the Canadian Forces and was going to war can I be issued a knife? I ask because I would want this knife to be very long and strapped to my back, the higher up the knife is strapped the better. I want to throw the knife if I found myself in a situation that it could be used effectively against the enemy because British troops used their knives this way in World War 2. What kind of knives would be recommended for this type of use? Thanks in advance.

A unique method of disarming yourself... but impractical...  I think youve been watching too many movies!  :p
You get issued a bayonet, and no you don't throw it.That's a fast way to lose your knife. Knives and blades are TOOLS, than can, if the situation becomes desperate enough, be used as a weapon. NOT the other way around. However, you can buy your own knife (be intelligent about it, 6 inches is about the max that you need).

And besides, everyone knows that if you clench it between your teeth it looks so much cooler ::)
I prefer to carry my Hattori Hanzo katana sword with me when I go into battle. I find it's really effective combined with my +2 berserker rage.
Since this was obviously started as a joke thread (Or at least I hope the OP didn't really think that was a good idea), the current favorite use of blades in higher headquarters is in your co-workers backs.  :)
A Darwin Award Nomination is in the works for you.  The first guy to propose bringing a knife to a gunfight in a military forum.
CuttingOnions said:
Hi I want to ask if I joined the Canadian Forces and was going to war can I be issued a knife? I ask because I would want this knife to be very long and strapped to my back, the higher up the knife is strapped the better. I want to throw the knife if I found myself in a situation that it could be used effectively against the enemy because British troops used their knives this way in World War 2. What kind of knives would be recommended for this type of use? Thanks in advance.

You my son...  need a very special knife set. 

More sophisticated than the feared KFS what we carry.....

You need the plastic Swiss Army Knife.

It does everything.  And it comes with a plastic wine opener for those times in the field
you want to add a little ambiance to the battle, a plastic can opener for your rations or to
dig out a bullet from your skin, but most importantly, a plastic nail file so you can keep your
hands pretty.  Really, who wants to kill another person with their own hands and not have
the decency to have manicured and clean nails?
Too funny George Wallace!

You know, I saw the thread when it was first posted and I just shook my head.  I almost started to post something sarcastic when I realized that I could never trump some of the wittier members of the Board.  So, instead, I just sat back and waited until the really clever people started in on this ridiculous question.

I can only hope that the original post was a joke.... but somehow I don't think it was.
Alright MODS how about putting a lock on this and throwing away they key?

George Wallace said:
A Darwin Award Nomination is in the works for you.  The first guy to propose bringing a knife to a gunfight in a military forum.

and I second that nomination.
Nfld_Sapper said:
Alright MODS how about putting a lock on this and throwing away they key?

WHAT... no way

This is cutting humour at its best.
Oh Trinity, I didn't see your post until after I had posted about george Wallace's.  You now owe me a new monitor or a replacement cup of coffee!
My question is legitimet and not a joke to me because British soldiers used this technique and I want to have a knife and use it in the same way if I go to war. If I do go to war while serving in the Canadian Forces does it matter where I keep the knife on my person?

I have watched movies and have been a couch potato in the past. I am trying really hard to stop that habit of being a couch potato because it is something that I really don't want.
The Canadian Forces no longer issues the large throwing knife as you mentioned.

After a lengthy selection process they decided to go with the Trident throwing system.

It comes in two flavours, the collapsable, for Para-Infantry, and the standard for Infantry.
It comes with an easy extraction holster, and is favoured over the old knife.

Besides having 3 prongs instead of a knifes single blade, it can also be javelin thrown instead of tumbled, which increases the chance of a blade/flesh impact instead of a hilt/flesh impact.

I for one, prefer the Trident throwing system, but I'm hardly a qualified expert, as I've only used it while playing Paintball.
What??? You were serious????

I am sadly not too surprised.  How about you use your head.... I echo GW's comments re: Darwin/Bringing knives to gun fights. :akimbo:
If you want to throw knives, join the circus.

Throwing a knife means you would have to be fairly close.
If you are that close to the enemy, you've probably already
messed up because you had 300 meters to kill him/her with
you rifle.

If you are in the city, you won't use knives running in towns.

Its definitely a joke, either the post, or the person who posted it.

We're all soldiers here (except you) and with the amount of experience
we have individually, let alone collectively, the concept you provided is

But thanks for the laugh.
...and here comes the Fun Police to move this to Radio Chatter.........and then we will see how long it can even last there.
At least danger dan posted in the right board, but I think he'd be better off at an aifsoft forum...
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