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Keen...but green


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Now then, while I'd like to think there was never an infantry officer that could be tooooo keen <<ahem>> one may sprout up here and there. What are your funny (or maybe even pathetically sad) stories about new subbies coming into battalion who had to be reeled in.

I think of this as education, maybe then I won't do the same!

EXNovie said:
Now then, while I'd like to think there was never an infantry officer that could be tooooo keen <<ahem>> one may sprout up here and there. What are your funny (or maybe even pathetically sad) stories about new subbies coming into battalion who had to be reeled in.

I think of this as education, maybe then I won't do the same!

If you don't make the SAME mistakes (which you will), you'll find some new way to make an ass of yourself - making an ass of oneself is a required PO for all new subbies.

I recall being a young MCpl on one of the RVs (don't remember which one) in Wainwright, and being in a packet being led by new 2Lt.  The Lt got lost, somehow, and halted the packet 'till he could sort himself out.  It was night, we weren't tactical (it was an adm move), and it was before GPS was invented.  The el tee contacted zero, and was required to send a locstate.  So, he got out his map and compass and was attempting to triangulate his position, getting quite frustrated.  In the meantime, I sat down, leaned against the pole holding the signs saying RED and BROWN, and had a smoke.  I think I smoked two or three cigarettes before I finally called him and pointed above my head to the route signs.  He was pretty pissed.

Met him a few years later when he has a Major and I was a Warrant - he's laughing about it now.

If you don't make the SAME mistakes (which you will), you'll find some new way to make an *** of yourself - making an *** of oneself is a required PO for all new subbies.

Can't wait to pass...er, is it fail? that PO!  ;D
Never leave a man behind...... even on a run.........just because you are a great runner, does not mean that all your troops are marathoners. Remember, the goal is to be able to fight when you finish running.
You are given plenty of time to finish a 2 X 10. No need to set try to set a world record doing it.

Seen it happen on 2 X 10's (Cypress '88, 3VP) RIP

Never worry about having the fastest time in the battalion, just worry about bringing all the men home

another time in Battalion, having a smoke after a run, (sorry), watched the escort ambulance roll through the gate, 5 minutes later a civy car pulled into work point, a fisheries officer gets out, he has a very very pale young sig op in his passenger seat(his first week attached to battalion). Fisheries guy found him on the side of the road.. collapsed .... delirious.  Watered him down, and drove him to MIR. Sgt Medic claimed they never passed any one.... but how then did he get his donuts into him before the young lad got home?

In '86 I was the LOOMIS Clerk for Airborne Maintenance Platoon.  We received a young Lt as a Pl 2IC.  At that time in the Z lines in Pet, there were parking spaces, assigned for senior appoints (IE - R Maint O, R Tpt O, etc).  Well, somebody painted a sign which designated a parking spot for the new Lt - it was emblazoned "JAFO".  We took to calling the Lt "JAFO", and he answered to it.

One day, he pulled me aside and asked what "JAFO" meant.  Without missing a beat, I replied "Junior Airborne Forces Officer, Sir"!  He seemed quite proud of that, and carried on with life.

I met him a few years later when he was a Major, he was now the OC of a Maint Coy in a Service Battalion (I'll leave the numerical designator out of it, just for fun).  By that time, he was aware of what "JAFO" REALLY meant, but he had that same sign on his parking space.

How ya' doin' Dan - you still in??

(If you don't know what JAFO is - you won't find this funny - oh well).
(If you don't know what JAFO is - you won't find this funny - oh well).

Rats...here you got my hopes up thinking someday I'd get to be a JAFO, sounded important ;)
EXNovie said:
Rats...here you got my hopes up thinking someday I'd get to be a JAFO, sounded important ;)

The minute you achieve your commission, you'll be a JAFO - I personally guarantee it.  :D