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Kabul prison raid by Afghan Army

48Highlander said:
yeah I was gonna say something about looking for my baseball bat, but then I remembered that personal threats are rather silly online.  this boy deffinitely needs to be taught some manners though.

can you turn your brain on for us?
Class clow, court jester
*** clown....

Undeniable irrefutable sign of respect.

Because I'm new, it doesn't make me weak, or stupid. Watch what you say, and everything will be fine. Be disrespectful and rude, and I will repay the courtasy, teach me and be respectful, I will thank and revere you. :)
nismo0 said:
can you turn your brain on for us?
Class clow, court jester
*** clown....

Undeniable irrefutable sign of respect.

Because I'm new, it doesn't make me weak, or stupid. Watch what you say, and everything will be fine. Be disrespectful and rude, and I will repay the courtasy, teach me and be respectful, I will thank and revere you. :)

I refer you to the conduct guidelines:


You might have trouble with the common sense portion, but as long as you follow the rest of the rules, you should be ok.  If on the other hand you continue on your current track, don't expect to last long around here.
nismo0 said:
My understanding of mid-east affairs far exceeds yours, I would say by a factor of 100. This is not any form of exaggerations; I can assess this by your response, your rank, and years of experience. Further more, if you are wholly interested in adding your 'justified solutions based on scientific facts with consideration of all circumstances and socio-political economic factorsâ ? I humbly suggest you join a think tank. Clearly these plebeian forums are not the place to express such arguments and solutions. Lastly I see by your experience that you have accumulated over 20 years, but yet only rose to the rank of Capt.; need I write more. :o

Just another example that we must start requiring people to fill in a little more of their profiles.  Michael O'Leary's profile says a lot to me.....while nismo0 is an empty slate.  Not even an age.  To me that is a sign of a Troll when statements as above are made about another poster.  Sorry, nismo0 your credentials are sorrily lacking.

Well put George.....I think nismoo days here are numbered unless he smartens up (yeah right  ::) ).
48Highlander said:
I refer you to the conduct guidelines:


You might have trouble with the common sense portion, but as long as you follow the rest of the rules, you should be ok.  If on the other hand you continue on your current track, don't expect to last long around here.

I might have trouble with the common sense portion???????????????????????????? This is your genius approach to resolve this issue? Is to take another shot at me, and further agitate me? Why are you attacking me??????? Were your parents related before they were married? Is this a biological defeat that needs to be addressed? I can help with genome re-sequencing.

Your pitiful existence and your limited income speaks for itself, not to mention your obvious lack of reason and civility.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Well put George.....I think nismoo days here are numbered unless he smartens up (yeah right  ::) ).

Yeah well, I'm not a TROLL, I came here to get some info, and a lot of great ppl helped me out, and I am very thankful to them. But today, this MOB of insane ppl choose to attack me? For what?? You want to write insults all day long, and show your awsome intellectual power....on here???

Well he lasted long  ;D

Sad to see a thread go to hell like that though.
New members: Turn your brain off and YOU TOO can earned the coveted BANNED position.  :blotto:

hey that just made me think of something....just out of curiosity....what happens if a paid member gets way out of line?  not that it's likely to happen....I'm just curious if any of the moderators have thought about it :)
Shunned, only able to access their only special banned member forum  ;)
How about "read but not able to post for one year" or something similer...?

I'm just curious if any of the moderators have thought about it

We've thought about almost everything. You'd be amazed at the CPXs we run in the Mods Section.

muskrat89 said:
I'm just curious if any of the moderators have thought about it

We've thought about almost everything. You'd be amazed at the CPXs we run in the Mods Section.


    Good to know :)  like I said, I don't think it'll happen, but it's always good to be prepared.
  I just read all three pages of this thread - and what a good chuckle I had! Nothing better than to see some jtf, navy seal, special forces, delta poser like [nismo0] get the boot!
  I suppose we all have to take everything we read on ANY site with a grain of salt - but he certainly gives those of us who just want opinion share respectfully a bad name.
  In the end - I still think the baseball bat AND the kick in the nuts would have been my preferred way to sort the fella out too... damn those ethics!!!

    Well done to all who helped to take the trash out of Army.ca!
Seems he's been dipping into the thesauras a little to often as well  ;D

As far as banned Subscribers, there should be a disclaimer stating that they will be treated with the same level of discipline as everyone else, and although they have paid, they can still be potentially banned. After all, its their money, and their actions. Money shouldnt mean immunity here..
Don't try to find out
It's kind of like heaven and/or hell.... you won't really know for sure, until the time comes...