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Just swore in RMS clerk naval reserve

Prairie Cowgirl

New Member
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Hi I am new to this site and I just swore into the Naval reserves on Thursday.

I will be an RMS clerk. So guess I'm heading to Borden for the summer.  My hubby is a Recce soldier.  This should be very interesting.

I really like this site, it's pretty cool.  Any advice for what to expect in the Naval Reserves? What not to do may prove to be helpful....
Naval Reserves RMS clerk, yup you have nice cushy desk job waiting for ya! lol And you should have no troubles finding fulltime contracts
Prairie Cowgirl said:
Hi I am new to this site and I just swore into the Naval reserves on Thursday.

I will be an RMS clerk. So guess I'm heading to Borden for the summer.  My hubby is a Recce soldier.  This should be very interesting.

I really like this site, it's pretty cool.  Any advice for what to expect in the Naval Reserves? What not to do may prove to be helpful....

Congrats on joining the naval reserves, best decision I ever made. I loved it so much that I'm transferring to the reg force. I did basic in Borden last summer and I can say you'll have a blast. I believe there is also a spring bmq course if you're interested. It's a longer course than the summer so you'll make more money and there wont be any high school kids in your platoon. Good luck to you in the reserves :)
Congratulations on joining the Naval Reserve. There is lots of work out there for clerks after your QL3.
Thanks for the congrats... ;D

I know that I'll be a bit older than the other people starting off, but I'm ok with that.

I'm going to start going to the gym alot more often, plus my metabolism isn't as great as the other youngin's out there. hehe  :dontpanic:

I already work in an office full time as a civilian, so I don't think that portion of my training will be as hard for me.

I'm wondering how long the 2nd part of my training will be for? I hear that's out in Borden as well.

Prairie Cowgirl...relax. When I joined in '82, we had a 25 year old on basic & he was considered old!  ::) You'll find today that a lot of older folks are joining up. My brother just did a component transfer to the regular force from reserve naval cook to a reg force air WIFFY tech at age 37. So trade wise, he's basically starting at square one. My brother in law got back in at age 45 to armoured. He was in the armoured in Germany in the late '70's but got out and reapplied many years later and had to repeat basic again. He did fine and actually placed within the top 5 on his course. I spent my last 4 years at a recruiting center doing medicals: The youngest I've done is 16 and the oldest was 52. A lot of recruiters and instructors find that older recruits have more life experience and maturity than some younger folks. So, relax, enjoy yourself, do what you're told and learn. And remember, they ain't allowed to beat the snat outta ya anymore  ;D !
I know two women who joined the reserves as RMS clerks in the past couple of years.  Both are now Reg Force and are excelling due to previous experience, one at a bank, one a secretary.  From what I hear, the trade is moving really quickly right now due to attrition, and people are still struggling with the amalgamation of Finance and Admin.
Good luck and have fun.
I kinda can't wait to get my uniform, and to start my basic.  I know it will be hard work but that's ok.

I'll be going to my unit now and then before summer.  They wanted me to come in on tuesdays and thursdays, but I have night school on both those nights.  Had no idea that they needed me before the summer.  So I get to juggle a fulltime job, night school and reserves.  I'm not complaining, it's just time management really.  Well such is life LOL

Going to Mexico with hubby and family beginning of February.  I get to leave this cold behind, woohoo! Hope to get my uniform before I go away.  :salute:

I read some old topics about BMQ in borden, and from what I understand, it's done with the Airforce? I'm curious if we get combats (green army) for basic.  Doesn't matter to me one way or another really.

Off to tan....

ciao  :D