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Just something i found from a friend!!

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Damn...Where did I put that thing...(Searches through closets, throws books off a shelf, looks in the fridge)...darn thing...That death ray gun is never around when you need it...

Humour us...Save bandwidth.

Get rid of the cutsey stuff please.

I think the point of this whole thread was to bring some spunk to the light of the military.  Some people do enjoy reading these posts and some people do not, no one in life is going to like everything or agree with everything that is posted or said...thats just the fact of the matter.  Most wives and soldiers do know what the military life is like and yes at times like paracowboy said there is hints of quiet perfessionalism but not all the time.  And along the way, both wife or soldier...everyone learns the ropes but what is acceptable to some is never acceptable to the next! The military does have a certain course of action on how to go about with certain things but when it comes to all extras...everyone is very different...and I know you all know that!

In my opinion, I think that the military has a certain way of working...and thats what it is work...and in a topic area such as this (radio chatter) I think that the original post was great...and very entertaining...very far from what work is but should be deemed acceptable as some have enjoyed the reading (and yes not all have).

Springroll said:
It was important to mine....it showed that I was messing around and not to take my comment to seriously.
your intent really wasn't important, whether serious or not. I used your quote to illustrate my point about the differences in mentality between civvies and soldiers. I could just as easily have made the point without it, but it would have involved more typing, and I'm busy with another TP for NPs.
We already know about the difference in thinking between civvies and soldiers. Every chance you soldiers have, you shove it down our throats. Some of us(like myself) are in the midst of joining and are totally aware of what is acceptable and what is not and I do not see how any of this sig line crap has to do with the original topic of the thread in the radio chatter section.

I could understand the gripes if it was on one of the main boards, but it isn't.

If so many of you have an issue with the sig lines take it to a mod or to Mike and have him make a rule against it.
Simple as that.
Springroll said:
If so many of you have an issue with the sig lines take it to a mod or to Mike and have him make a rule against it.
Simple as that.

This issue has been raised in the past...

Unfortunatly I (and the others) can't do anything about it as the boss has ruled otherwise for time being.

But one word from him and they come down...All of them.

And just so you all know the last time this came up it was cadets putting stupid banners in their sig lines...Amounts to the same thing.

I, for one, will be lobbying for them to come down.

Ok folks.... deep breath. Inhale......Exhale.....good. Let lock this for now see what Mike says and then reopen it later.
OK folks after consultation with the boss, if you do not like signatures you have the option of turning them off. Just go to your profile...modify profile...look and layout preferences. You will find a checkbox there to allow you to see or not to see those signatures. The issue for signatures will be decided on later.
I just wanted to add my $.02

I am a spouse who has enjoyed being a member here for about 9 months...before that I lurked for about 6 months. I do not have a high post count... that is because I tend to chose my posts carefully for the most part...I only post when I think I have something relevant to add...

Anyway, most of the ladies that have responded in this particular thread know me well from another forum...and they should know that this is not against them, but merely an observation from my point of view.

"When in Rome...."

I too have a cute siggy in my other forums, but I feel that this is not an appropriate place (for me.) I personally feel I would much rather a subdued quote than a cute siggy as I really want the people here to take me seriously...I attempt to sound intelligent when I post...and I want those here to continue to regard me as so.

Just as I wouldn't parade myself in the Officer's mess wearing a mini skirt and belly shirt, I won't have my cute siggy here. I have another outlet where I can have my cute stuff, and do my bellyaching about how much I miss hubby while he is gone, etc...

I, too, try to exude quiet professionalism...

As for the nature of the original post and point to this thread...I feel it was appropriate for the particular forum section in which it was posted. If there are those who dissagree...they need not read the thread...no one has a C-7 to your chest.
CdnArtyWife said:
I attempt to sound intelligent when I post...and I want those here to continue to regard me as so.
I have another outlet where I can have my cute stuff, and do my bellyaching about how much I miss hubby while he is gone, etc...

Regardless of the intent.. I am not sure how a girly picture makes one sound unintelligent. But ok.

I am not sure where anyone has bellyached about their husband being gone? But again - OK.

I think that my biggest irritant is the cat scraps that happen here... Take away all the glitter sigs you want but the one "girly: thing you on't get rid of (unfortunately) is the estrogen involved in insult or forcing apinion on another woman and how she we will respond.  Likely something that didn't happen much before the "Femal invasion"

I was actually referring to myself...as you know about some of my "can't handle it" posts over there in the "other" place. :-*

I don't bring it here...that is me... I don't and can't refer to what other people do, as I only read threads that I think pertain to me here, and that is usually in the Arty section... ;) :-\
Ladies and Gentlemen, this thread has certainly not been worth the time and effort that has been put into it, either its creation or (now) its monitoring. I would suggest to all that the simplest way to "contribute" to a thread that bothers you primarily because of its tone or lack of "Army.ca-worthy" content, is to simply not add to it. As soon as any thread degrades into inter-personal sniping, its worth to the site at large becomes questionable, except perhaps as an example of how normally rational and mature people can exhibit their own least desireable qualities through anonymous interaction.
anyway, back to the original thread.
I believe it was about mini-skirts and belly shirts in buildings where alcoholic beverages are imbibed.
And with that final fleeting sarcasm, emphasizing so well that each forum on line builds and maintains its own community of regulars who, collectively and under the control of the individual site owners, decide what topics are welcome (or unwelcome), whether that be because of outright contravention of published rules or simply because they degrade into something smelly and unpleasant, this can come to an end. I can only advise those who feel themselves to be continually falling on the "unwelcome" side of the line, that perhaps there are better online spaces for your time and attention when you feel that your particular personality traits may attract undeserved abrasion here.
If you want something cute, put it in your avatar where it doesn't gum threads up.
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