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Just keep waiting, just keep waiting.


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Hey!  :salute:

Well, I finally decided to jump on this forum. Since whenever I was quaking in my boots and completely lost, I came here for answers and I always felt better, I figured I might as well. Besides, I still have thousands of questions! In August, I went and finished my CFAT, Physical test and Medical test (then I had to get a bunch of papers signed by my doctor, who went away to god-knows-where for his vacation, so I had to play the waiting game.) Apparently I passed the CFAT with flying colors, almost as good as my pops (because he's a twit and wanted to do the test just for fun, so they let him  ::) ), but I'm thinking they were just trying to flatter me because I was a nervous, stuttering wreck. Maybe I wasn't that bad, but in my head, I sounded real stupid. Oh yeah, I went back one day to pick up some papers, and I was talking to one of the girls there that was looking over my physical results. She looked at me and kind of laughed, asking why I was applying for the Reserves and I said that I thought I couldn't go into the Regular forces until I was 18! Stupid me, she said that wasn't the case and that I could switch right now if I wanted. So, now I'm heading into Regular Forces, Infantry (changed my mind, so I switched from Armd Recce to Infantry).

Anyway, the medical stuff, I waited for my doctor to come back from his vacation so I could go get the medical forms filled out, which I did, and it only took 10 minutes. One was for exercise-induced asthma, but I haven't used, touched, or looked at a puffer for three years--I think I grew out of it as I got older? The other was for ADD--and I stopped taking the medication when I was in Grade Nine, so maybe I grew out of that too? Even though I'm still out of it sometimes. So, that was fine, and I sent that away to Ottawa in the envelope they gave me. I was told to call three weeks after sending that away, so I waited, and then I called. I was told that the only thing left to look into was my medical, so I figured, alright... that makes sense, I had those papers to send away. So, I was told to wait two more weeks and then I got this letter telling me that "my case will be reconsidered once a detailed current assessment from a respirologist is provided." I need to get a pulmonary function test, methacholine/exercise challenge test conducted. And whatever results I get, I need to send to the Canadian Forces Recruiting Center.

All of that's fine, I shouldn't have any troubles with the tests because I did really well with the physical test, and haven't had symptoms for three years (I swear I don't have asthma!  :P ). With all that said, whew. I have an appointment set up for Nov 5th for all of those tests, and then I can send the results away. Now for the question: How long does it take for those results to be "reconsidered"? I'm itching to know when everything smooths along so I can be sent to BMQ in Quebec, hopefully. Me nerves are all wrecked. I'm used to waiting, so it just gives me more time to work out and run some more, so I'm thankful for that.

And am I right to say that there's a course that starts every month?

Like I said, I'm not sure about a lot of things, I'm still learning, so I'll keep asking questions and figure things out. ;)


I am waiting too, I have my doctor appointment on Nov 3, I need to provide more info regarding my spinal surgery and some mild anxiety 100% related to my personal life. I think that our story is pretty standard... it is always hard to wait when you want something that means a lot to you. But I personally really need that time to work on my fitness  ;)

To make it go faster, I read about the army... and improve my general knowledge on history, geography, other cultures, global conflicts, improve my english etc...
I found this list of suggested readings, it is very interresting.


I wish you all the best
Keep us posted

Thanks for the reply!

Spinal injury, ack, sounds painful. Yeah, it's hard to wait but in the end its all worth it. Besides, the doctor appointments will come soon enough and at least now I know I definitely won't miss my parents wedding reception. Besides, I need work on my fitness too, so at least I'm more prepared--maybe this was a sign saying I wasn't ready and to hit the gym some more?  :P

Thanks for the advice and the link, I'll check it out. I'll read some more things to improve my know-how on things too,
it's better then just working out and twiddling my thumbs.

Hehe, let's play the waiting game.  :B

Take care,
Let us know how things go, too.

   Im also playin the exciting game of waiting, I have to wait for Ottawa to dig my old med docs out of where ever they are hiding and send them to my recruiting center so that I may finish my application process.  I used to be in reg force like 4 years ago and Vr'd {yes I know what your all thinking} for what I thought was good reason, Well ofcourse that was the dumbest thing I couldve done because now realizing my mistake and tryin to get back to where I was before is even harder now.

Im also going Reg Force Infantry I was told to wait about 30 days then to call back well that was like a week and a half ago so I guess I should find out soon where abouts I stand. Im not sure when the next basic is but last time I was waitn to go to basic was the same time of the year and I wasnt in basic till April. That may not be the case for you or me as im sure things have changed a bit since then but As anxious as we are I find its best not to think about it that much.
Hey D,

Any news yet, did they end up digging out your old med docs? Hopefully everything went fine and you've been contacted by now, I kind of forgot about this post. And we all make mistakes, but it sucks that its harder to get in now. Still playing the waiting game here, but the Military Head Doc got a hold of me to tell me that the tests I needed to get done were bullshit and I shouldn't have been put through to them, but cancelling them would be a longer wait. I got them done, passed, and I'm waiting to speak to the Respirologist to get my results so I can send them off and wait some more. But at least I won't miss Christmas, and I still have time to get in shape.

I heard that their hurting for more people so instead of having a course every month, their having them every two weeks or so. I may be way off track, so I'm still not sure. I'll probably get a letter soon or a call after I send the results in.