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Is Stephane Dion Out to Lunch?

FrenchAffair said:
We know they are abusing prisoners, but we hand them over to them.

We do, do we?

[/quote] What if I served for 40 years or never at all? Would it change the validity of
anything I’ve said? [/quote]

French Affair-

Get off of the computer.  Go down to the recruiting centre.  Join the military.  Do a better job than we are doing.

Seriously.  I Dare you.
[quote author]
What if I served for 40 years or never at all? Would it change the validity of
anything I’ve said?


So only people in the military should vote according to you?
SeaKingTacco said:
French Affair-

Get off of the computer.  Go down to the recruiting centre.  Join the military.  Do a better job than we are doing.

Seriously.  I Dare you.

Never said I wasn’t in the military.
FrenchAffair said:
Never said I wasn’t in the military.
Then fill out your profile, tell us who you really are then. Methinks you are not Military.

This thread is about Stephane Dion's position on the allegation by alleged Taliban prisoners vis-a-vis torture.

Let's keep it real.

The burden we must accept as a nation who respects the fundamental rights of all individuals.

You see, those scumbags abuse the system and commit crimes here. Recently there was a some illegal alien, a degrading PEDOPHILE who could not be medically treated, his brain is wired to molest kids. You know what happened? He escaped at a ... baseball game. If you are willing to pay that price, why dont you go right ahead and house a few if you want to be such a humanitarian?

This is related to Dion. Just like FrenchAffair here, Dion is one of the biggest hypocrites in the world.
agreed. I would rather have my tax dollars pay of whats pertaint to all of Canada, not building a camp to house POW's that were captured try to kill my friends in Afghan. Dion is out to lunch, and I and my wife will be voting conservative again, just to keep googly eyes out of office. As for calling for the resignation of our minister and CDS. I say, send Dion and his liberal defense critic (what's his name) to Afghan, and let them see whats going on. I like whats happening under these men, and personally, I wouldn't want it any their way!
I am almost coming to the conclusion that all party leaders should have military experience, as well as defence ministers, but that would seem too "American".
Military experience does not automatically make one a good politician.  Anyway, were we to bring Taliban detainees here to Canada, it would undermine the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.  Now, just imagine if we had foreign troops serving in Canada, arresting Canadians and then carting them off to their countries...
I do not believe there is any quick fix...the Afghans went thru H**L under the Taliban and now they are getting their revenge and I think any Westerner will be hard pressed to convince them they are doing wrong
sober_ruski said:
You see, those scumbags abuse the system and commit crimes here. Recently there was a some illegal alien, a degrading PEDOPHILE who could not be medically treated, his brain is wired to molest kids. You know what happened? He escaped at a ... baseball game. If you are willing to pay that price, why dont you go right ahead and house a few if you want to be such a humanitarian?

This is related to Dion. Just like FrenchAffair here, Dion is one of the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Respecting the fundamental human rights of all individuals does not make you a humanitarian, it simply makes you a human. Post as many situations of people slipping though the cracks as you want, what would you have us do? Execute them all? 

All that example means is that we need to reform the way we handle prisoners, doesn’t mean we should deny them or any other individual under our custody their fundamental rights.
I would rather have my tax dollars pay of whats pertaint to all of Canada, not building a camp to house POW's that were captured try to kill my friends in Afghan.

As would I, but to me, as a Canadian, the rights of all humans is important.

How are we suppose to expect change in Afghanistan when we, who are supposed to be over there to help them transition into a constitutional democracy, condone the abuse of individuals basic human rights. And I do not say that lightly, but we know what the Afghan warlords (aka: Afghan government) does to these prisoners and by handing them over willingly we as Canadians are not only supporting it, but actively participating in it.
It is a mischaracterization, at best, to say that the Canadian Forces or the government of Canada "condone" the alleged human rights abuses. Second, Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, so it is only a "constitutional democracy" as we would understand it- it is more of a tribal democracy. 

Second, and most important, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Canadian Forces members are "participating" in the alleged abuse of these people. In fact, the prisoners have said the opposite is true as far as Canada is concerned and that is a fact.

This is the only time I am going to engage you on this.

End the BS right now or go hang out at rabblebabble.
It is a mischaracterization, at best, to say that the Canadian Forces or the government of Canada "condone" the alleged human rights abuses.

  Standing by and doing nothing to stop it is putting us on the verge of condoning it. Handing over individuals to an authority that we know uses torture and abuses of human rights makes us accomplices to the crimes they commit, that is what we are facing if we do nothing to stop it and ensure the rights of all individuals are protected. I truly hope that our government does something to ensure that we are not thrown into the same category as the Afghan authority that does not respect any aspect of the charter of human rights.

Second, and most important, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Canadian Forces members are "participating" in the alleged abuse of these people.

Just because we are not putting the gun to their head ourselves doesn’t mean we are not playing a roll. Giving prisoners to people who we know are going to abuse prisoners or even “might” abuse prisoners makes us no better.

We didn’t torture maher arar, but individuals at some of the highest levels of our government facilitated it. Sending him to Syria where we knew he would be tortured fundamentally is no different than torturing him ourselves. Just because he is out of sight in a foreign land doesn’t mean we are not responsible.

As Canadians we should expect better from our government.
FrenchAffair, stop beating around the bush with what-ifs and provide solid credentials.
If we bring all the taliban suspects to Canada, what is stopping the entire country from claiming to be Taliban. Seriously, are we now going to provide three meals a day, 8 hours of sleep. How about some tv or reading material to fill in the time? I know, lets put the prison in Ottawa so that the liberal party can make sure they have all their human rights!

I can just see it now, hundreds of old afgan women walking up to Canadians and saying I surrender!