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HUMOUR -- Boredom is a soldier's worst enemy


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... or at least to the man in charge of the troop  ;D


What do you do in your spare time while in uniform?
I know a guy in RCD, RHQ field troop who had so much time on his hands he built a GIANT rubber band ball. Bloody thing was huge.
I on the other hand, only do productive and useful job tasks while in uniform. Such as sitting in a chair, or sneaking a shifty sleep in the back of a vehicle just after lunch. Productive things, both of them.
I like this one here:

"The Bible legend tells us that the absence of labor- idleness- was a condition of the first man's blessedness before the Fall. Fallen man has retained a love of idleness, but the curse weighs on the race not only because we have to seek our bread in the sweat of our brows, but because our moral nature is such that we cannot be both idle and at ease. An inner voice tells us we are in the wrong if we are idle. If man could find a state in which he felt that though idle he was fulfilling his duty, he would have found one of the conditions of man's primitive blessedness. And such a state of obligatory and irreproachable idleness is the lot of a whole class- the military. The chief attraction of military service has consisted and will consist in this compulsory and irreproachable idleness."

-Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
Boredom may well be a soldiers worst enemy, but on the other hand, humour is a soldier's best friend. ;D

Amusing, funny videos, I thought.  Nice one. ;D

All the best

When Marines become bored during Mojave Viper Training

82nd Airborne c*ck fight

Marching NCO for ducks

Electric fly swatter

Satisfaction in Afghanistan  - B Coy, 2VP

Jumpmaster's Dance

Grenade in Washing Machine
Is This the Way to Armadillo?

Toilet in Iraq.

Bohemian Rhapsody.

Pump It.
Air Force fighter pilot training includes <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sCovtHbOAo">Lt. Napoleon Dynamite.</a> They put a lot of work into this one ...
Yep- these US GIs/Marines have too much free time too.  ^-^ Here's something to help ease the tension while the search for those 3 kidnapped American GIs continues.

How do they get away with some of that stuff? I mean its cool as hell to watch, but I get the feeling if it was Canadian, there would be 50 red hats all over them before the dust cleared.
Oh man some of that stuff is hilarious- especially the music videos.  The one for This Way to Armadillo was absolutely priceless!  Too bad you don't see a lot of stuff like that coming out of the Canadian forces, although my old man brought back a tape done while in Bosnia, a sort of a musical montage.
BAAAAHHHHHH, gawd some of that stuff is hi-larious!!!    :rofl:  :rofl:
Amazing what bored soldiers, sailors and airmen will do in their spare time...
can't see anyone getting thier nickers in a twist about any of it.... 
priceless to see that war fighters are people too...

LOL I know its awesome stuff, but I can just picture some angry RSM's and MP types. But I guess in the real world (i.e. on deployment vs in garrison) they probably understand the troops need to relax and such as well.

But man these guys get some awesome ideas, I love that port a potty one.
Whoa...the women of the USS Ronald Reagan sure know how to have fun (eh BYT?  ;) )
