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High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

I got curious and did some googling: judges in Colorado are initially appointed, but then every two years on even numbered years they have to run in a 'retention' election. So the voters could turf him if this gets enough traction. As far as I can tell, that vote is part of the general election ballot in November.
Good tip -- if I'm reading his 2022 results right ....
... he got a 74% yes and 26% no vote, but the numbers don't add up for me, so who knows.

It's also interesting that they seem to get a periodic assessment/report card - here's the judge's 2022 posting ....
... done by (in his case) the Eighth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance - made up of what look like mostly political appointees ....
More on the process here ....
The piece I don't have is what the state law actually requires, versus what it allows up to the judge's discretion. The whole thing is still atrocious, I'm just not sure how much is a judicial problem and how much is legislative.
Seems like Aurora PD has a pretty big culture problem. Even before looking it up I recall them coming up a few times in the news over the past decade, to the point where they stand out amongst thousands of local PDs. You'd think the locals would get sick of their tax dollars paying for all those settlements.


On 2 March 2015, An Aurora officer shot and killed Naeschylus Carter-Vinzant while trying to serve a warrant. He was unarmed. The matter was settled with a payment of over two and a half million dollars.[8]

New reports indicate that on 29 June 2015, police arrested a pickpocket named Jeffery Gale. Seven Aurora officer handcuffed and hog-tied him. They then repeatedly attacked him with a Taser.[8]

On 14 November 2015, Aurora police officers illegally arrested Dwight Crews after ordering him from his house. They had no warrant for his arrest. The matter was settled with a payment of $35,000.[8]

On 22 December 2015, OyZhana Williams drove a man to the emergency room for treatment of a gunshot wound. There, several Aurora officers attacked her, slamming her head the ground and stomping on her. The matter was settled with a payment of $335,000.[8]

On 19 February 2016, Aurora police officers detained Darsean Kelly as he was near the scene of a crime. Although he did not resist the police, they attacked him with a Taser. The matter was settled out of court for $110,000.[8]

On 16 March 2016, Aurora officers entered a coffee shop and approached Omar Hassan who was eating a muffin. With their hands on their guns they ordered out of the store telling him, "Your kind of business is not welcome here." The matter was settled for $40,000.[8]

On 2 June 2016, in a case of mistaken identity, police entered a home without a warrant and handcuffed two men. The matter was settled with a payment of $150,000.[8]

On 18 June 2017, Lt. Charles DeShazer was recorded using the racial slur "Alabama porch monkeys" to refer to black people. DeShazer was fired for his comments, but subsequently reinstated.[9][10]

In March 2019, Officer Nate Meier was found in his uniform and official police vehicle asleep. A blood test showed five times the legal limit of alcohol. Aurora officers responding to the situation turned off their body cameras, failed to test a clear liquid found in a bottle in the car and did not collect evidence that could have been used in a criminal prosecution. After being demoted, Officer Meier remained on the job.[11]

On 24 August 2019, responding to a call of a "suspicious person", the Aurora Police Department arrested Elijah McClain while he was walking home with groceries. McClain subsequently died as a result of police action during the arrest.[12]

On 27 August 2019, Officer Levi Huffine hog-tied a black woman with her hands and ankles behind her back and ignored her cries for help for 20 minutes after she fell off the back seat of his cruiser in an inverted position, body camera imagery showed.[13] Interim Police Chief Vanessa Wilson fired Huffine. Huffine appealed his firing, but the firing was upheld, at which point Huffine sued the Department in an attempt to get his job back.[14]

In February 2020, an Aurora officer was fired for misconduct during an incident the preceding August. The interim police chief Vanessa Wilson announced the action to the press but refused to elaborate on what the officer might have done.[15]

On 10 August 2020, Officer Robert Rosen responded to a King Soopers supermarket to assist another officer in arresting a man who was allegedly trespassing. When Rosen arrived on scene, he began to punch the suspect multiple times in the ribs and deployed his taser more than five times. The suspect was "passively resisting", laying on the floor covering his arms before Rosen arrived on scene.[16][17] On 11 February 2021, police chief Vanessa Wilson fired Rosen for excessive use of force, unsatisfactory performance, misuse of a taser, and failure to operate a body-worn camera.[18]

In July 2021, Officer John Haubert detained an unarmed man, pistol-whipped him at least seven times, and choked him for 39 seconds. Haubert also held his gun point blank against the man's head, later stating he would have shot him but wasn't sure if his gun was loaded. A second officer was standing nearby and did not intervene. Haubert was charged with felony second-degree assault, felony menacing, and two misdemeanors. The second officer was charged for not intervening against the use of force.[19][20]

Press report in early February 2022 indicated that Doug Wilkinson, the head of the local police union was fired. This was the result of an investigation into an email sent to his members that pointed out that “to match the ‘diversity’ of ‘the community’ we could make sure to hire 10% illegal aliens, 50% weed smokers, 10% crackheads, and a few child molesters and murderers to round it out. You know, so we can make the department look like the ‘community.'”[21]
Whoah. Can’t wait to see details come out on this one. At first glance it looks like stuff well after his service, but we’ll see in time.
Ask and ye shall receive. Sam Cooper over at the Bureau has this piece about Majcher and his alleged connections to Chinese Triads.

Ask and ye shall receive. Sam Cooper over at the Bureau has this piece about Majcher and his alleged connections to Chinese Triads.

Well, isn’t that a cosy little gathering.

Drug dealers. Hi ranking CCP members. And a former RCMP Officer.

Interesting Venn diagram….
I’d need to see an unsealed affidavit to be able to meaningfully opine on this… Wiretaps are hard to get. They also have to name anyone whose communications they expect to intercept, even those who aren’t targets but are captured incidentally. I could see that happening in the context of extended families where multiple members might be targeted and so damn near everyone gets named.

Sounds like this is now pretty dated. An original and three renewals would grant up to eight months of intercepts, and it doesn’t sound like charges have been laid. Also clearly a further extension on delayed notification was either not sought or not granted. So it’s a bit of a “what’s up?”