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Health Care Admin Officer: need? day in the life? and more...


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I pop in here from time to time with questions about joining the forces... it just seems like I can't keep it out of the back of my mind. I'm currently living in Ontario and in the fall will be entering third year of a Paramedic BSc program.

One person who I spoke with recently at a CF display suggested that I consider HCA since I will be graduating with a degree (I know med tech is also an option and I am considering it also). I've checked it out on the CF site and to be honest, it seems like it is basically a paper pusher. It still could be an interesting job and definitely help to develop leadership skills though, I guess. But anyway, I really do not know much about it. What I am wondering first is whether or not there is demand for HCAs. (I'm wondering both for regular and reserve as I am open to all options right now.) On the same topic, is there demand in all branches?

I'd also like to know what HCAs would do on a typical day both at home and while deployed. (And also, if I joined in about two years would I most likely be deployed?)

I don't know if this varries from job to job, but how long would it take from the day you apply to the CF until training would start? (I know this will vary, but I am just wondering generally.)

If there's anything else about HCAs you have to tell me or any advice at all, I'm all ears.

Thanks to everyone for the help, I'm sure you will not let me down
If you wish to render your entire university time useless, then by all means go HCA. You will also quickly find that any medical training utterly useless in that field.

Health Care Administators do that...the administration of health care. They do not provide medical care as their role is not as a practitioner. If you want to be a good HCA a degree in Business would be more beneficial. They also fill CFHS staff roles and command all levels of medical units.

I suggest that the person at the display is nt informed as to the role of HCAs in the military. The only role for paramedics in the military (fancy  ::) university degree or not) is as a med tech.
here's a thread that may be of some use:

Armymedic said:
I suggest that the person at the display is nt informed as to the role of HCAs in the military. The only role for paramedics in the military (fancy  ::) university degree or not) is as a med tech.

I didn't mean to make it seem as though I think I am too good to be a med tech because I have a degree, but I just want to make sure to look at all of my options.

Thanks for the link, GINge... I don't know how I missed that thread.
:) Armymedic's right :D if you want hands on work and less paper pushing...go MED TECH. It'll be one of the best decisions you've ever made  ;)
MedTech said:
:) Armymedic's right :D if you want hands on work and less paper pushing...go MED TECH. It'll be one of the best decisions you've ever made  ;)

Says who?????

Oh never mind. ;D