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Happy Hallowe'en!

We were all allowed to dress up here at CFNES Halifax. It is Tuesday so we still had hands fall in this morning. I was all dressed up as the "SifNess" Slasher and I was the one that got to call the drill for our platoon. Nothing like good drill with a Jason mask and a bloody knife. Needless to say it was a decent time. One guy dressed up as the puppet with the tricycle from the Saw movie. The Chief asked him to bike around a bit on it. It was pretty funny stuff. There was a beer bottle, Spongebob, a few guys in drag, a spelunker and a few doctors / nurses. It sure beats the heck out of wearing NCDs for the day.
Well, the 9 year old has been bouncing off the ceiling since she woke up this morning.  I'm sure the teachers are just LOVING the kids today.  Haha.  She is dressing up as Snow Black and the baby is going as Tigger.  Should be fun.

I wish I was in your neighborhood JM for one of those toddies.  We had a neighbor who handed out beers....but they moved.  sigh.
My years of trick or treating ended 3or4 years ago. The thrill is gone ha ha. O well still good to see people enjoy the festivities.
Patrick H. said:
I saw on the news that people were starting to hand out more health-conscious treats such as cheesestrings and fruit. Also, instead of candy they give them little things of play-dough or colouring books. All I can say is I'm very glad the halloweens I participated in my youth kept me up for weeks straight twitchin' and talkingsuperfastbecauseijustateaboutthreepoundsofcandy.

Did anybody always find the previous years candy before you went out for the current year? That was always interesting. 'If it's still wrapped, it's still good!"

Yeah that would be fun, granola bars for "treats"!!!!!!!
I'm sapposed to be a princess but with this big blonde wig and the fake eye lashes, it's more like a trailer park princess. Happy Halloween!!! >:D
Journeyman said:
Well, in the true spirit of hallowe'en, I tend to give the accompanying parents a shot of Bailey's too - - hot toddies if it's a cold year. ;)

that's it next year I take the train to Kingston for Halloween! ;D

Normally I'm not too keen on Halloween but this year we actually get to decorate and hand out candy. Hubby already bought a 6 foot inflatable light up pumpkin!
We had our Halloween party on the ship on the 28th of Oct...And I can say that it was wild. You've never been to a party unless you've been to oeon a cruiseship...with the crew that is, not the passengers.

Just got a note handed to the dept. It seems that one of the passengers found out about the party and bribed the Bedroom Stewards to dress him up and sneak him in...which they did. (he was dressed as a mummy) the Captain has ordered us to 'find out who it was!"

Good luck to me!

I'll put a pic up later tonight.

I've been shunned from trick or treating since I was 15. I'm too tall and the parents don't take well to giving out candy to a kid that looks like he could be 18. Now I'm 20 and still have the facial hair growth of a 15 year old. Do I see a connection here?  :crybaby:
We just got in here in gagetown.What a hoot,some good costumes.I think one guy was in college...but hey gotta eat and pay tuition I guess! ;D Only complaint I got is the few young idiots driving around like maniacs here in the Q's,blasting ice tea or ice cube what ever it is.
Some really cute kids out there it's great.Mine laughed for about 10 minutes and went to sleep.(he was a lion)

happy haloween

Now off to the gym to work off a wack of snickers bars.
Happy Hallowe'en!

Hope everyone's kiddo's have a safe and fun time.
I'm too old to trick or treat, and I live in an apartment so I can't hand candy out. What a lame Halloween. Plus I am sick as a dog because of Alberta weather. (hmm maybe I should be a Whiner for Halloween..) I guess I'll just clean the house in my French Maid costume all evening...

Happy Halloween to All! Hope you and the kiddies have fun! Next year I'll have to adopt a wee one to take trick or treating.
Sorry no pics, soaked in water balloons  >:( . Get 'em back with eggs though  :D No law breaking if you thought  ;D , great night in all. People dont really care if your 16 an 6'1 here  ;)
Done already? Geeze, back in "my day" we were out till about 9pm at least.
Pea said:
Done already? Geeze, back in "my day" we were out till about 9pm at least.
Yeah, but with less then 200 people here, and not all homes have people in it. Plus I started at 5  :D
Its to bad they don't trick or treat out here at CMTC Wainwright. I would have gone out as a soldier