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Got my Call (to the Reserves)!


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Got my call today, im off to Meaford this coming Monday, just in time for the nice weather! Anyone else heading out for BMQ on monday?
carl_54 said:
You got the call today??! Which unit did you apply to?
My recruiting Sgt. at QOR told me my files just cleared and I should be getting a call soon, how long did you wait?

I knew for a few weeks now and before that I knew that it would be this summer but not the dates.  Usually they give you at least a month's heads-up so you can get things settled with work, as I understand it.  I didn't wait that long to get everything done but the trick to it is to call and remind them that you still exist and to keep in touch.
I am heading up to Meaford this Monday from Ottawa. Looking forward to the 9 hr drive
Your goin to Meaford in the summer is a very big deal. Hope to God your not there for a winter.
Lake effect snow will soon be a regular conversation back home with your buds.
Have fun though, Owen Sound will wear you down....haha you'll understand.

Meaford in general is a new facility, nice barracks and mess anyway. Good poker games around too.

Peace, have a blast

Mike the maritime medic
After my file was finally forwarded to the reserve unit here in Belleville (Hasty P's) I received a call from the recruiter a week ago saying that he'd email a list of dates when I could come and get sworn in and all that good stuff. Well i waited until today and i called him back to see what was up, apparently his computer wasn't working but anyways that doesn't matter anymore. He told me to come down to the armories this Thursday and hes going to drive me and a few other recruits to Cobourg to get sworn in ;D I'm so pumped iv waited over a year for this to happen. Just thought id share my exciting news with you guys
Congrats Tobin & xander! I was sworn in today at noon. Gotta say it feels great to finally be in!

Train hard & good luck!
Amsdel said:
I knew for a few weeks now and before that I knew that it would be this summer but not the dates.  Usually they give you at least a month's heads-up so you can get things settled with work, as I understand it.  I didn't wait that long to get everything done but the trick to it is to call and remind them that you still exist and to keep in touch.

I've been waiting for about 2 weeks now....my recruiter told me it can vary depending on the load at the recruiting centre. Do you mean keep in touch with the recruiter of the unit you want to join for reserves? Or do you mean keep in touch with the recruiting centre? I don't know, I've already called my recruiter twice. I don't want to bother him too much but I do want this application to process quickly. And also, I'm running out of things to say to him when I call....

Any ideas on the average time it takes for you to be processed around Toronto for reserves?

- And...congrats xander, waiting for the call keeps you anxious lol.