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gortex boots


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I was wondering what people's experience's are with gortex boots in cold weather.  I heard that they're horrible when you walk on ice-covered surfaces because the tread is virtually non-existent on the bottom of the boot.  On the other hand, I heard they're a lot warmer than the normal combat boots and my feet were freezing this past weekend on exercise Crimson Tide at Downsview Station.  Any suggestions?  By the way I don't have the black and green socks yet because ASU is out of stock (I heard those socks are really warm) I just have the crappy grey wool ones.
The boots are good if your just standing around ie: sentry or doing light activity.As you stated before,the traction sucks,but you are right,they are better than the old mk 3 in winter conditions.Don't count out the wool socks,if dry and washed a few times before you use them,they are plenty warm.The biggest thing in keeping your feet warm is to ensure that your feet are dry.This includes sweat,which can be just as bad as stepping in a puddle if not kept a eye on.
I find the black and green socks good,but check into getting the new wool sock,as they are IMHO,the best thing since gortex.Really,when it gets down there in temp,mucklucks are the best thing to wear,with the WWB packed in the ruck as a back up.
I personally think they're junk,fit for the scrap heap along with the LSVW.
hey nawk, I was on Crimson Tide, B coy.  With the gortex boots, if you were cold during Crimson Tide it says one thing to me that you didn't wear proper socks.  These don't have to be the issued ones, two layers of good thick cotton socks will do.

At any rate, I was wearing my Mk III boots and I was fine, so check into the sock thing.
Well the reason that the soles to have good grip in the winter in the soles freeze, they are investigating ways to make the new ones with a different sole on it. Also I was B coy on the ex too, I was in Mk III's and I had a pair of the old wool socks on, I dont see a problem with it. You need to realize that your feet sweat, when they sweat and then you have the sweat frezze when you stand and a VCP for an hour. Once your feet get like this, the first bit of downtime, you want to take off your boots, warm up your feet, and pwder your boots/feet.
Those Gortex boots are the biggest pieces of crap I have ever seen.   What good are your warm feet doing you when you're lying in the back of an Amb because you thundered in when your boots failed to grip on the snow? >:(
mo-litia said:
Those Gortex boots are the biggest pieces of crap I have ever seen.  What good are your warm feet doing you when you're lying in the back of an Amb because you thundered in when your boots failed to grip on the snow? >:(

guess if you've only seen one thing...then its easy to say they "are the biggest pieces of crap I have seen"

BTW, its on ice that the grip sucks, and yes they keep you feet quite warm. For those of us that don't have to shovel snow in a major urban center, or who actually go out to the field and away from pavement to exercise, and have froze our wet feet at night....its much better then what we had before.

Armymedic said:
guess if you've only seen one thing...then its easy to say they "are the biggest pieces of crap I have seen"

BTW, its on ice that the grip sucks, and yes they keep you feet quite warm. For those of us that don't have to shovel snow in a major urban center, or who actually go out to the field and away from pavement to exercise, and have froze our wet feet at night....its much better then what we had before.

Very well said...........

mo-litia : Would you rather go back to the old gumby boots ??

Another Crimson Tide, B Coy here.

I was wearing the goretex boots (w/ black and green sock) on that ex and they were very warm except when i didn't move for a while.  Sweat freeze.  Boy did that suck.  Like what foerestedwarrior said, powder 'em up and they should be fine.
The wind on Ex CRIMSON TIDE was a nuisance - I swear the East side of the Armoury was a wind tunnel.  However, my feet were toasty and warm in my issue Goretex boots (with civvie "wick" socks for comfort).  And, yes - the "slippery when frozen" soles are a nuisance (odd, since the Vibram soles on my cbt boots don't have the same problem).  I laughed at a colleague who thought he'd look cool in his non-issue boots ... who certainly ended up cool when his feet froze ... (what a dummy).
The soles are definetly a problem in more ways than one. Vibram soles come in different grades, and we should have gone with the grade used on Bossi's boots. We didn't. In addition to being dangerous on ice, they also tend to conduct heat VERY well, esp. when in contact with the metal floor of a vehicle. When it gets below 0 for any extended period of time, you may as well be standing barefoot on ice blocks.  All the insulation in the upper boot isn't going to do squat at that point. 

Due to a number of very bad experiences, some of which came rather close to causing serious injury or death, my CWWBs are safely stowed away in the closet, together with the trigger mitts and ECW hood, where they'll never hurt anyone again.
To provide a dissenting opinion, I would have to say that the CWWB are the best Army boot I have ever worn.   Wide sole, extremely stable, especially valuable when carrying heavy loads over rough terrain.   I grudgingly take mine off on operations when the temperature goes above 25 celcius or so.  

I am still not a fan of cloth linings in boots, however these are better than any other cloth lined boot I have worn.   I have worn them on BFTs, though I prefer the Mk III for a BFT.  

I have worn all of the other standard boots, jb, desert, hi tek, danner, etc.

Yes they are slippery on ice.   I find mine very warm when out on ranges in the winter, more so than my Danners.
Armymedic said:
guess if you've only seen one thing...then its easy to say they "are the biggest pieces of crap I have seen"

BTW, its on ice that the grip sucks, and yes they keep you feet quite warm. For those of us that don't have to shovel snow in a major urban center, or who actually go out to the field and away from pavement to exercise, and have froze our wet feet at night....its much better then what we had before.

. . . gee I'm sorry, I didn't realize that making one comment of a piece of kit that I despise is considered carte blanche for some people here to make arbitrary judgements on one's experience . . . appreciate the rude comments though . . . I thought about replying in kind with a shot about how come some one with 16 years in the CF is still just a MCPL . . . but I guess that's just way things go in the Fields Ambs ^-^
mo-litia said:
. . . gee I'm sorry, I didn't realize that making one comment of a piece of kit that I despise is considered carte blanche for some people here to make arbitrary judgements on one's experience . . . appreciate the rude comments though . . . I thought about replying in kind with a shot about how come some one with 16 years in the CF is still just a MCPL . . . but I guess that's just way things go in the Fields Ambs ^-^

It Saddens Me to see that someone who has roughly 7 years in the reserves can still sound like such a first year cornflake.... no im sorry... scratch that.. Ive heard cornflakes who are far more well spoken then yourself...  and though I am sure army medic is more then capable of defending himself, I feel as a Reservist I need to do what i can to dispell stereotypes about us that individuals like you continue to perpetuate.
Using too many Big words for ya? allow me to make it simple....

1. In the Real Army (thats the Reg force in case youre wondering) people have to work alot harder in most cases to earn their promotions.

2. CSS Trades as a whole tend to Promote slower as there a lower turnover rate in those trades.

3. in the reserves (where YOU no doubt truly exemplify the term "weekend Warrior") the courses are shorter, the Time in required for promotion is less, and in some cases.. (as i am willing to bet with any promotion you have ever recived)  they promote an individual simply because there is no one else who can be promoted....

I also took the liberty of looking at both your profiles....


Unit:  2 Fd Amb / TFK Roto 3
MOC:  737 Med Tech
Mil Exp:  16 yrs, UNFICYP, 2 x SFOR, RCD, 8CH, 2 CER, 3 RCR


Unit:  L Edmn R
MOC:  R031
Mil Exp:  1998 - Present

I dunno.... but looking at what ive seen here. if i had to choose who Id want Riding Shotgun in my Truck, I'll take Armymedic any day of the week. since id say his opinion is worth a whole lot more then yours will probabbly ever be... and most likely mine as well....

And I could say a few Choice words about Reservist Infantry Regiments. But Im not going to. simply because I know that there are good ones, and there are ones that could use a little work. just like any unit out there.... 

Think about it for a second here Mo-litia.. Same Uniform, Same Goal, Same Team....  Dont Diss. You never know when you may need help from a 16 yr Mcpl. 

If your Response to Armymedic was make in jest then i offer my apologies for the rant.  All I can say in my Defence is that As a Reservist I check my Ego at the door when I come in here... Yes I know my Job, and Yes I am trained to the best of my abilities. But I will not compare myself to a Reg Force Member at anytime when it comes to Military Training and the lot. lets face it.. I do my job one night a week and twice on sundays. Reg's do it 365. Theres no way I can compare to that.

And Back on Topic:

I agree with devil39. I love the CWWB's although slippery on Ice. (very) they are warm, and very comfortable. once the cold weather hits its usually the only boots i'll wear.

Come to think of it, I can't recall a single occasion where I've worn my gortex boots on ice.  It has always either been my mukluks or my mk IIIs.  I'm gonna have to try it out this winter to see for myself.

At any rate, whereabouts did you guys go to have your vibrams put on?  I'm curious how comfortable they really are.
I had vibrams put on my MkIII's at a local shoe repair store.........i cannot even begin to describe the difference it made.
aesop081 said:
I had vibrams put on my MkIII's at a local shoe repair store.........i cannot even begin to describe the difference it made.

How much did they end up costing you?
I was OPFOR during ex Crimson Tide.  The WWB kept my feet warm.

Pizza Pizza stopped giving us the time guarentee because you guys kept searching the pizza guy  ;D

The WWB IMO is superior to the old Mk 3 except when going on long marches.  I find that the MK 3 is more comfortable on the feet when one a long ruck march.  I rucked over 40km during ex Rogers Challenge and those WWB made my feet hurt badly.

Still, in most cases the water resistance of the WWB out ways the superior comfort of the Mk 3.
I had vibrams put on my MkIII's at a local shoe repair store.........i cannot even begin to describe the difference it made.

I tried my buddy's Vibrams modified boots for a while one ex, and I noticed that for things like ruck marching... they rule, but for just general walking and running around I was more comfortable in my unmodified ones.
I've recently heard that they've stopped issuing the goretx boots. Is this true? Has anyone else out there heard something similar?