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Getting back in after 3b Release?

  • Thread starter Thread starter D-C
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Hello everyone,
Can someone help me with this one. After being Medical released can someone rejoine?
Thanks, D-C
Do you still have the condition that caused you to be released ?
I imagine the answer is a general yes, but on a case by case basis. It would probably depend on what you were released for, and what the progress has been since then. Talk to a recruiter who should be able to give you a better answer/ point you in the direction of the local medical staff
If you had a permanent category that is outside the Common Enrollment Medical Standard or breaches Universality Of Service, chances aren't good unless the condition that resulted in you gettting released has miraculously become not so permanent...and you have lots of evidence to back it up.

Condition no longer exists. Would I have to be examined by Military Staff Doctors or a certificate from a Civilian Doctor be adaquate?
D-C said:
Condition no longer exists. Would I have to be examined by Military Staff Doctors or a certificate from a Civilian Doctor be adaquate?

You will do the recruiting process just like everyone else, including military medical exam. They will likely require further information from your civilian doctor.
Thanks, Aviator!!!!!
I guess I will start the application process and see where it goes from there.
To add to CA's response - there will be a time delay to your process due to having to retrieve your previous medical records, so just be aware and more importatnly, patient.  It's a little faster now with the electronic stuff, but still need to ensure all is there to compare against.


Trick said:
I imagine the answer is a general yes, but on a case by case basis.

I imagine you shouldn't speculate on things outside your lanes.[

CDN Aviator said:
You will do the recruiting process just like everyone else, including military medical exam. They will likely require further information from your civilian doctor.

medicineman said:
If you had a permanent category that is outside the Common Enrollment Medical Standard or breaches Universality Of Service, chances aren't good unless the condition that resulted in you gettting released has miraculously become not so permanent...and you have lots of evidence to back it up.


These guys are in their lanes.
Hatchet Man said:
I imagine you shouldn't speculate on things outside your lanes.[

Ha, I thought speculation was the point of the recruiting forums! Was I incorrect to say he needs to go to an RC as this kind of thing would obviously be done on a case by case basis?
Trick said:
Ha, I thought speculation was the point of the recruiting forums!

No the intent for the info is to be informative and accurate.  There are enough people spinning, and calling up/emailing CFRC staff because of erroneous information they received here.

Was I incorrect to say he needs to go to an RC as this kind of thing would obviously be done on a case by case basis?

This statement "I imagine the answer is a general yes," was you straying outside your lanes.
Hatchet Man said:
This statement "I imagine the answer is a general yes," was you straying outside your lanes.

Alright, my bad. I just thought the obvious answer was "it depends" as all these cases are individual. Most of the time when one asks an obvious question around here they get jumped on, so I just wanted to say he needs to bring it up with a recruiter.
Trick said:
Alright, my bad. I just thought the obvious answer was "it depends" as all these cases are individual. Most of the time when one asks an obvious question around here they get jumped on, so I just wanted to say he needs to bring it up with a recruiter.

The reason people get jumped on is because they failed to engage their brains and think that maybe just maybe in the several years this site has existed within the several THOUSAND threads/topics/posts, and that the CF is not some brand new organization, but several decades old with a fairly mature recruiting and hiring system, that their question may have already been answered.  But that would require actively doing some work on their part, and given the inherent laziness and molly coddling  (what with instant ondemand information readily available any time in, any  place in the world) that is North American society, its gotten old and frustrating to see the same damn questions come up repeatedly and see that no effort has been made, and they expect a good old spoon feeding.  And given that (if it isn't obvious from here,) the CF is filled with people who loathe spoon feeding others, so its not a good way to start off.

To quote and paraphrase Tyler Durden and myself from a long ago post (and others)

Dear applicants, while your individual process and experiences through the recruiting process will invariably differ, due to  the personal information you provide us and your own personal situations.  the questions and indeed much of the thought process USED to formulate those questions  however are quite similar.  To put it bluntly before asking a question remember YOUR ARE NOT UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL SNOWFLAKES, and that maybe just maybe, if you think of a general question about the recruiting process, chances are someone else or multiple people beat you to the party already.  If you have a SPECIFIC  PERSONAL question related to some extra ordinary unique circumstance regarding YOURSELF or your PERSONAL SITUATION then CONTACT RECRUITING DIRECTLY, that is what they are paid for.  This forum is NOT the place to answer those questions, and you WILL BE told exactly that.

Ha, nah, I get it. That's just why I wanted to tell him to talk to his local recruiting staff.
Hello all,
My question is can someone get back in the CF after being 3B medically released? And yes the condition is gone.
You asked the same question last year.

D-C said:
Hello all,
My question is can someone get back in the CF after being 3B medically released? And yes the condition is gone.

Interesting question. The gut answer is no: your condition was not compatible with service, therefor you are not fit to serve.

But now you are "cured", sooo......

Theoretically, I speculate you could. I would image you would have to redo the entire recruitment process, and provide documentation that the condition for which you were released with is completely resolved.

How do you prove to the rcruiting medical board that your former condition will not relapse? That is question.
I spoke with a Case Manager about this last week.

CDN Aviator and medicineman’s answers to your question last year were correct, based on your post.
Applicants released under "Item 3B" who was below his/her occupational med standards when he/she released:

1.  a minimum of two years must have elapsed since the release;
2.  the applicant must provide verifiable evidence that the medical grounds for release have been resolved and will not affect their ability to function in the new MOSID;
3.  must provide verifiable evidence of experience and skills related to the target MOSID and must display maturity and motivation;  and
4.  must be found to be medically fit for the new MOSID by the Recruiting Medical Officer (RMO)
Yes, I did post this a year ago. I just provided you with a little more info this time. I have spoken to a recruiter today and explained to them that I am 3's qualified and that I was slotted for my 5's when my condition changed and that I have been medically cleared by my doctor. The recruiter stated that I would still need to see one of their doctors. So, I guess I will make the appointment. Thanks, all.