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From Business to Army


Jr. Member
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Here my little story. I have been in the cadets few years ago. Since then I have do my degree in Business Administration. I have always been an entrepreneur. I have work hard to build some business, but with the economics downturn, things have went down. I have decided to apply for the force last year (September 2009). I have done all the test requested, and I was all ok to go. But the BMOQ class for January was full. So I was having to wait until September 2010. I have decided to build a new business since we all need money. My business have been pretty sucessfull since then, above my expectation. And two week ago I got a call about a position for a Logistic Officer. I was having until the Friday of the same week to accept or deny the offer. Well, I must say it was an hard decision. On the other side my business is growing month after month, but on the other side, I want to do something for me, and need some real challenge. So I accepted the offer.

I expect to keep my business, since it's all online and I have some people who can take care of it for me. And it's not something that ask lot of my time.

In my family, the reaction have been, well, for my brother he is a bit septical, my mother don't want that for me (for her it's nearly like I'm going to die in Afganistan) and my father is happy. So that's add to the stress that I already have. My mother for now probably expect that I will change my mind until then.

On my side I'm really motivated, since I have lot of free time because of my current job (I can work when I want), so I can start to spend lot of time on my training. I went to my gym today, and the owner is an ex officer and the guy that will train me is an ex Caporal. So they really know where I need to be for my BMOQ. For me, it sound like it will be the perfect summer, lot of physical training, lot of outdoor activities, so lot of fun. It will be an occasion for me, to be in my best shape ever, and for the first time, I have the time and the ressource to do so.

I'm also really minded to work as a team when I will be BMOQ. I'm so tired of competiting with others, I wish for one time to work as a group.

So that's all! I'm bit anxious for now, but really excited too.

I really expect the best, I hope it will be fine. I will do everything in my power to make it works.