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Flynn urges Martial Law and "temporary" Suspension of Constitution

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Army.ca Legend
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Well. For anyone who had doubts about whether or not former General Flynn has all his marbles together, there's this:

Newly-pardoned Mike Flynn calls for Trump to suspend the Constitution and declare martial law then order military to hold a re-run election - and claims the alternative is 'CIVIL WAR'


Days after he got a pardon from President Trump, former national security advisor Mike Flynn is calling for the president to declare martial law and have the military conduct a revote of the election he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts during the transition, then sought to withdraw his plea, blasted out advertisement that the group We the People Convention printed in the Washington Times.

It urges Trump, who has called the election 'rigged,' to declare a 'limited form of martial law' and have the military – who reports to him directly as commander in chief – conduct the revote.

'When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr. President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote,' according to the text, written byTom Zawistowski, who heads the Ohio Tea Party-affiliated group.

It points to President Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War as an example.

'A vote that assures a fair election in every jurisdiction and reflects the true will of the people. Federal candidates only. Paper ballots. No computers. Hand-counted with both parties watching every vote. Only registered voters. Photo ID to prove residence. Conducted safely with everyone wearing masks and six feet apart, just like we did in Ohio,' he writes.

'Only then can the winning candidate be accepted as legitimate by a true majority of We the People who must give our consent to be justly governed! Unfortunately we are at a point where we can only trust our military to do this because our corrupt political class and courts have proven their inability to act fairly and within the law.'


See rest of article here.

And here at Military Times.

FJAG said:
Well. For anyone who had doubts about whether or not former General Flynn has all his marbles together, there's this:

See rest of article here.

And here at Military Times.


"Instead of subjecting the military to the civil power, [a tyrant will make] the civil subordinate to the military. But can [he] thus put down all law under his feet? Can he erect a power superior to that which erected himself? He [can do] it indeed by force, but let him remember that force cannot give right." --Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774.(*) ME 1:209, Papers 1:134
As the losses in court mount (over 40 so far) the sheer bat-crap craziness is ramping up significantly. Several Trump-aligned celebrity figures are saying stuff like this now.

It’s frightening, because people with real influence are urging literal insurrection. Enough people are saying enough things that at least a few crazies are bound to do something monumentally stupid. I don’t envy the Secret Service or any of the police agencies in the states Biden flipped (they can no longer be called ‘contested’ as all have certified their results) as Biden’s inauguration approaches.

We are spectators, in real time, to the sort of stuff we’ve read about in history books- authoritarian politics figures and ideologies who are attacking and deligitimizing the mechanisms of government, the media, and the very electoral process that handed them a loss at the behest of the voters. There’s a ton of blatant talk of urging legislatures to try to usurp voting results, and decrying as ‘traitors’ anyone within government who dares assert that they’re wrong (most recently their own attorney general and several of their own appointed judges).

It’s frightening seeing this and seeing how easily it’s happening.
USA is officially a whack-doodle 3rd world country.

This is what losing the plot looks like
A country that is founded on bloody revolution, draws its constitutional breath from that revolution, is bound to experience rebellion and civil war. And since the last civil war apparently settled very little, this seems inevitable although the main actors are not states but polarizing figures. Well, 1 polarizing figure anyway.  I suppose it will be a form of insurgency where there are pauses for pancakes, Black Friday sales and Netflix.
Retired USAF General Tom McInerney on the same idiotic bandwagon:


McInerney: Well I’ve got some new information, John. And by the way, you’re doing the Lord’s work. Thank you and God bless you. You’re leading the media on this to be down in Georgia and uh look at that and the recap because the answer is going to be the same if we let them use the same techniques that they used in the national election. After listening to the president yesterday I’m making some very bold statements but they’re important.

We are not talking about fraudulent voting acts. But what we are talking about John is treason. when you coordinate six to ten states using cyber warfare to change the outcome these are treasonous acts. They’re not dirty deeds or fraudulent voting. They’re treasonous acts punishable by death. They are trying to take over our government. When you use cyber warfare as were as you’ve seen in the Dominion voting systems as well as the CIA rogue systems that they’ve used Hammer and Scorecard which we’ve talked about.


The democratic perpetrators as well as the Russians the Chinese and the Iraqis have not disguised this cyber war on America. it’s blatant. We should start arresting them now. This is serious. Let’s not call this fraudulent activity it’s treason John in the 21st-century modern hybrid warfare. We must suspend the electoral college and the inauguration on the 20th of January until we get this resolved.


See whole interview here.

Seriously.......you folks are buying into the Daily Mail and the Tennessee Star as credible sources?


I get it that many of you dislike the Don. But give your heads a shake.
Hamish Seggie said:
How did these people ever hold high rank????  :facepalm:

I've met some US Military Officers who were adamantly, and vocally, supportive of Adolf Hitler and the SS, whom they admired very much.

After that, nothing much surprised me about the US Military.
Weinie said:
I get it that many of you dislike the Don.

Only thing matters is who American voters like.

Soon, the majority will no longer be ruled by a president elected by the minority.  :)
Hamish Seggie said:
How did these people ever hold high rank????  :facepalm:

The cream may rise to the top, but turds float too.
Weinie said:
Seriously.......you folks are buying into the Daily Mail and the Tennessee Star as credible sources?


I get it that many of you dislike the Don. But give your heads a shake.

Are you simply commenting on the bias of those two particular news outlets in general or are you claiming that the former General did not make the comments?  Army Times is also reporting on his claims that US SOF soldiers were killed in an Army raid to seize a CIA server farm in Frankfurt that was behind switching votes in six states from Trump to Biden.

Weinie said:
Seriously.......you folks are buying into the Daily Mail and the Tennessee Star as credible sources?


I get it that many of you dislike the Don. But give your heads a shake.

Are you contending that the quotes are not true quotes, or that the ads stated to have been run were not in fact run?
mariomike said:
Only thing matters is who American voters like.

Soon, the majority will no longer be ruled by a president elected by the minority.  :)

No, but we still are.....so you can stop being so smug about that tired old fact.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
No, but we still are.....

Replied in Canadian Politics.
Why is it that a minor Republican official has to stand up and demand this lunacy stop?  Where is the leadership from senior Republicans who know better?  They all either seem to be hiding under a rock or encouraging the soon-to-be ex-president with this lunacy.


Georgia election official condemns Trump after threat to worker
Bruce Monkhouse said:
No, but we still are.....so you can stop being so smug about that tired old fact.
Comparing a basically 2 party system such as the US has to our Canadian multi party system in respect to having a leader of the country elected without a majority of the votes is not a fair comparison. When was the last time any Canadian Prime Minister's party got the majority of the over all votes? And I can't see it happening here with a multi party system. Also in Canada we do not directly vote in a Prime Minister unlike the US system. We vote in a party (though their local candidates) who decides who is the party leader and Prime Minister.
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