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Fire Ftr SOU


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Hey guys,

This may very well be a question for the BPSO, but I'm just looking over this Statement of Understanding (SOU) that CF Fire Fighter's need to sign before completing their QL5A course. It asks us to agree not to “request a transfer from any component or sub-component of the CF to any other component or sub-component”, as well as not to VOR, for the 5 years following this course (our restricted release period). Not signing means no QL5A.

I'm curious as to whether this applies to CANSOFCOM positions, SAR, or a 6 month Skyhawk posting. Our QL5A is an important career progression course, but I would like to apply SAR. I brought this up awhile ago without convaying my intent to apply and it was ill-received. Just trying to clear up rumors.

Thank you.