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Army.ca Veteran
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Anyone a member...???

Is it worth joining? 


I did a wikipedia check but wasn't impressed with the answers.
It's great to try to figure out who girls in your college/university classes are, so you can stalk them and dream of having the balls to ask them out.

Other than that...it's pretty damn pointless.

I mean, unless you still want to try to pickup college/university girls.
Yea, I have an account... as said, good for finding out the parties and such.
Des and HoM, I know you have comments about my account, so save it! :P
Lace army.ca with crack and you have facebook. 
Seriously though, since I've finished uni I've found it to be the most reliable way to keep in touch with friends, even moreso than email.
I agree, I find it a useful way to keep in touch with old friends, and even to find some people with common interests. There's a half decent, global, Canadian Forces group with between 500-600 members, and I myself run the Armed Forces McGill group.

Not a bad site--kind of like a cleaned up and less jumbled combination of MySpace and LiveJournal, MySpace being way too cluttered, and LiveJournal not having enough options.
I love it- the Camerons group is fast becoming the unofficial website of the junior ranks from my unit. Great way to swap various photos from unit or other military stuff, and it's an efficient way to keep in touch with other members of the regiment in a strictly social manner.
Damn you padre, I checked it out.... which led to signing up..... which led to addiction.

Calvin's right, it is (insert any forum name here) laced with [something]
ToRN said:
Damn you padre, I checked it out.... which led to signing up..... which led to addiction.


Too bad I'm not an addictions councillor.

I could make my own clients this way.
Checked it out, and ended up registering.. Thanks, like I needed anymore internet addiction.  ;)
This Facebook thing is spreading like the plague.  I've received phone txt msgs at 2:30 AM from people telling me to join that thing.  I'm currently fearing it.  Insane I tell ya...
Come on Kendrick... you know you want to join and be my friend! ;D
I also am starting to find myself addicted to the facebook thing. The first time I went to a random browse, One of the first people up was someone from High School I hadn't talked to in years.
I tried that, I found no one from high school. I guess hick towns that STILL only have dial-up net don't use these fancy new sites.  8)
Kendrick said:
NOES!  I'll never give in!

Ah... er... I did...  damn you all....

Told ya you wanted to be my friend... :-*
Pea said:
I tried that, I found no one from high school. I guess hick towns that STILL only have dial-up net don't use these fancy new sites.  8)
"Dial-up"? WTF Is that!? Sounds oooold...  :P

Back when the intraweb was young this dial up was ho people connected to the fancy slag word of "The Net".....

Now this facebook thing intrigues me perhaps I should look at it....
Dial-up is what I use... when I am on my laptop and have no other way onto the net. Thank God for cellphones and laptops. lol