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Esquimalt port security units

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Hello, does anyone know about the port security trade for the naval reserves? I am interested in doing this but have a few questions.
What do you need to get in this trade?
What kinda of hours do they work?
What do they do during a working day?
I heard they work 4 on 4 off, is this true?
Any info would be appreciated, thank you.
Never heard of a "Port Security Trade".

You can lookup the Recruiting website and look into the various Navy trades, maybe Boatswain?
Canadian Border Security Agency takes care of this, do they not?

I don't think it is a Forces trade, but obviously a Federal Government Agency....try this link.....

Its a naval reserve job. MAde up of several trades. There is no port security trade.
sledge said:
Its a naval reserve job. MAde up of several trades. There is no port security trade.

We have a Force Protection Section here in Halifax. If that's what you are referring to they are all Reservists, mostly Boatswains. They have two large Motor patrol boats, a number of RHIBS and several Zodiacs to patrol the Harbour here and they also stand as Armed Guards at the Dockyard Gates. Some of those guys are Reserve Infanteers by the look of their cap badges. It's nasty in the Winter as it's fairly cold out there standing in the wind and rain/snow all day.
the Esquimalt PSS is a unit vice a trade, made up of all Trades accross th spctrm of the forces, comprised mostly of reservists but augmented by Reg force pers sitting on PAT and from time to time the BASF (reg force mbrs posted to the base that form a base defence force), PSS Esquimalt also takes over for QHM Operations during silent hours which also includes Harbour conrol and movements now that we have obtained control of the harbour from Transport Canada.  As well PSS operates random boat patrols within the harbour and approaches.

IHS, very similar to Esquimalt's PSS (Port Security Section).

Majority of personnel are Naval Reservists, augmented with PATs.  There is the Day Staff, or support personnel (CO, XO, Coxn, TrgO and dept, OpsO and dept, Chief Clerk, Boats PO).  For the watchkeepers, there are 4 watches.  The rotation is 4 days, 4 off, 4 nights, 4 off, with the day and night shifts being 12 hours long each.  The positions on the watch are: sentry (gate), bowsman, boat coxn, Ops room communicator, watch coordinator and OOW.

(plus what disenchanted sailor said too while I was typing up my reply :D)
Some of those guys are Reserve Infanteers by the look of their cap badges.

Not only Infanteers.  IIRC, they used to have quite a few positions, from WO-Pte, and they used to change them up year to year between 36 and 37 Bde's.  Although I have only seen them at Gate Guard at the dockyard, I dunno if the Navy would put a mix of Reserve Infanteers, gunners, sappers, trucker etc loose in the Harbour on a RHIB (I know I wouldn't!).  :rofl:

I have seen some from both Bde's and various trades/units.  Now that was before I left Bde.  It could have all changed in...3 months?

Appropriate links to the information the original poster asked for have been posted.


The Librarian
Army.ca Staff
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