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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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It would show up, and then they would have to look into the records if you had any involvement in the situation...IE charges, police reports, etc.

If CSIS interviews you, they will ask...either way, be honest, and there shouldn't be a problem..The security clearance is to see if you're trustworthy, and if there's a security concern with you..

If you're in, talk to you're Unit Security Supervisor (the one who'll be processing your clearance). If you're waiting, talk to your recruiter
Thanks for the word Sig_Des.  (For the record, I will not show as related in any way to this person's malfeasance.) I will try to reach my Unit Security Supervisor.  (Since I am awaiting my course at St. Jean I presume 'my unit' is my recruiting centre.)

Additionally (with relation to this same individual) is it safe to say that medical records will also be evident?

Cpl Bloggins said:
You think they care about the postal code of the elementary school I went to when I was 7? Of course they care. :P

Besides, it could be worse. I hear for Level III SA they go back 20 years...

I remember the first time I filled out an SA form I was 19.... going back 20yrs was really interesting....
1977-1978  Twinkle in daddy's eye
1978-1980 BORN - Nursing
1980-1984 playing with Barbie
1984 I started Grade School.........

and you have to refill one every few years and every time you are posted...... I would definatly keep a copy ... mym mom was only thrilled to help me remember every street address from my childhood once ;)

It may be helpful too while you are doing it to write down everything as far back as you can - so if you ever need to go back 20 years you will have more than enough info.
Additionally (with relation to this same individual) is it safe to say that medical records will also be evident?

I found an answer to my second question so I thought I'd post it in case anyone was curious.  It turns out that in order for anyone (incl. gov. agencies.)  to access your provincially held medical files, express permission must be given by you in writing. (At least in my province.)  Additionally, this permission has an expiry date.

So... nope.
You think you guys have it bad now?  Just wait until your waiting for your higher security clearences.  It can take over a year in some cases! I know guys that have been passed over for a tour because they were waiting for  their new clearences to come through. I may be mistaken, but I believe the same people who do your ERS also do the higher clearences as well.  With the CF trying to expand its numbers, along with the upgrades, and updates to clearences, the wait will get even longer.

Hope that makes you all feel better!
Man i have been waiting for my ERC, security check backround check since November 24, 2005. Does it normally take this long, is there anything i can do to speed it up. I know its coming back with a hit, credit problems, recruiting center knows about it and has all required papers. they just say that they have to wait for the actual paper from ottawa to come down. This is all i am waiting on to get merit listed...ohhh the frustrastion......
Hi There -

I thought I'd revive this thread to get some input.  You see, I did not use any of the (very sensible) tricks listed above, and instead have tried to rely on brain power and scattered records alone.

I'm beginning to realize that I do not have all of the employment history info that they are asking for on the security clearance form.  :-\  I just can't remember who my supervisor was in this 2 bit job I had years ago for ex.  Additionally, one fellow I worked for for a month had his little company go belly up shortly after I left.  I couldn't find him for the life of me and still can't (..and I can't remember the bloody address either).  In hind sight I'm pretty sure none of what he did was very on the level either.

So my question is this:  What of it?  I'm not missing much information but there are definitely a few blanks.  Can I expect an interview?  Will it be denied based on this kind of thing?  Am I sweating the small stuff here? Thanks.
Joe Blow said:
Hi There -

I thought I'd revive this thread to get some input.  You see, I did not use any of the (very sensible) tricks listed above, and instead have tried to rely on brain power and scattered records alone.

I'm beginning to realize that I do not have all of the employment history info that they are asking for on the security clearance form.  :-\  I just can't remember who my supervisor was in this 2 bit job I had years ago for ex.  Additionally, one fellow I worked for for a month had his little company go belly up shortly after I left.  I couldn't find him for the life of me and still can't (..and I can't remember the bloody address either).  In hind sight I'm pretty sure none of what he did was very on the level either.

So my question is this:  What of it?  I'm not missing much information but there are definitely a few blanks.  Can I expect an interview?  Will it be denied based on this kind of thing?  Am I sweating the small stuff here? Thanks.

If you can't remember the required information then write a note stating exactly that.  For example:

"In past employment record number 6, I cannot remember the supervisor's name or contact information."

The person who inputs the information into the computer will enter that information in the statutory declaration portion of the program and you will sign that declaration later when you sign the computer generated forms.
I was in the same situation and my check took about 10 weeks. Nothing you can do to speed it up. The hit was for a loan I had paid off 2 years ago and was lingering on my credit for some reason. When the ERC came back, I showed proof the debt was taken care of, and was added to the merit list. I did however, continue visiting the CFRC in person every other week until the check was done. The last time I went in the person that was in charge of my file apologized for not calling sooner as he had been busy and away from the RC and the file had been back for about a week, so just stay on top of things and check periodically.
Just have a few questions on the Background/Security Clearance check.

First of all, I did my original application form online.  And I did my interview around 3-4 weeks ago.  The interviewer said he would start my background check immediately.  However under my application status it still lists my Security Clearance as "In Progess By CFRC".  I don't really have anything I can think of that would cause a hitch, lived in the same province most of my life, switched a few apartments, switched jobs a few times in the past few years.  I do have a good amount of debt, due to spending excessive amounts of money on education, but hopefully that is not a big deal.

Is it normal to take this long if you haven't been out of the country in the past 10 years?

Also, the previous job I worked at, was at a casino.  Since that place is regulated by the government, I had to go through applications, interviews, fingerprinting, licencing, blah blah blah to get into there.  That was a little over a year ago, but would that process help this security clearance at all, since the government apparently did extensive background checking at that time?  I was also given a security clearance at the International Airport (which took 3 months), but that was probably over 3 years ago now.  Would this help the process at all??

Thanks for the info!

the security clearance that they're doing for the CFRC is for Enhanced Reliability, anything more comes later. Keep in mind that they have to do the check for all applicants, and it can take some time.

If you've never been out of country, and never had any criminal charges against you, you should be fine. As far as educational debt, as long as your honest and won't be a burden, that shouldn't be long.

The process for security clearances may help when you actually go for an actual security clearance, but it won't automatically transfer over. The investigation will still be processed for a military sec clearance, and the process is lengthy.

Just wait out on the ER from the CFRC, it'll come, and so will your call.

double0three said:
Just have a few questions on the Background/Security Clearance check.

First of all, I did my original application form online.  And I did my interview around 3-4 weeks ago.  The interviewer said he would start my background check immediately.  However under my application status it still lists my Security Clearance as "In Progess By CFRC".  I don't really have anything I can think of that would cause a hitch, lived in the same province most of my life, switched a few apartments, switched jobs a few times in the past few years.  I do have a good amount of debt, due to spending excessive amounts of money on education, but hopefully that is not a big deal.

Is it normal to take this long if you haven't been out of the country in the past 10 years?

Also, the previous job I worked at, was at a casino.  Since that place is regulated by the government, I had to go through applications, interviews, fingerprinting, licencing, blah blah blah to get into there.  That was a little over a year ago, but would that process help this security clearance at all, since the government apparently did extensive background checking at that time?  I was also given a security clearance at the International Airport (which took 3 months), but that was probably over 3 years ago now.  Would this help the process at all??

Thanks for the info!

More than a week is too long if there are no issues but remember that status is not going to change unless some actually goes into your electronic record and changes it.  So perhaps it has been completed and for some reason it hasn't been changed.  Call the CFRC/D and ask them if everything is okay because you notice that the status for your ERS has not changed.
Hi all,

I applied for DEO postion in Canadian Forces last year.

My security clearance is going on and some agency (I think CSIS) already interviewed two out of three character references but the third one has moved to USA, so they could not contact him.

Should I send CFRC another reference (for the third reference)? 

The other two references were positive. Are two of them sufficient?

They still have to contact my neighbourhood reference.

Thanks in advance. :salute:

kincanucks said:
More than a week is too long if there are no issues but remember that status is not going to change unless some actually goes into your electronic record and changes it.  So perhaps it has been completed and for some reason it hasn't been changed.  Call the CFRC/D and ask them if everything is okay because you notice that the status for your ERS has not changed.

I am hoping that is the case, that they just forgot to go in and change the status in the computer.  I will try again to contact my recruiter today, called Friday and left a message but haven't heard back yet.  Thanks for the tip!
Bobby147 said:
Hi all,

I applied for DEO postion in Canadian Forces last year.

My security clearance is going on and some agency (I think CSIS) already interviewed two out of three character references but the third one has moved to USA, so they could not contact him.

Should I send CFRC another reference (for the third reference)? 

The other two references were positive. Are two of them sufficient?

They still have to contact my neighbourhood reference.

Thanks in advance. :salute:


All character references must be residing in Canada so you had better get on the phone to your CFRC/D very soon and give them another one because I hear the sounds of your pre-assessment coming to a screeching halt.  There were some instructions included with your TBS 330-60 forms, read them.
Bobby147 said:
What is TBS 330-60 form?

Personnel Screening, Consent, and Authorization Form.

The form you fill and sign authorizing them to do a clearance check on you
Sig_Des said:
Personnel Screening, Consent, and Authorization Form.

The form you fill and sign authorizing them to do a clearance check on you

No that is the 330-23.  The 330-60 is the Security Clearance Form.
ah, you're right....

I was reading a part on the 23 that referred to the 60.

I don't think I filled out a 330-60 when I joined, just a 23. Just when I applied for my Security clearance, and that was done over the DIN.

is the 330-60 part of the application package, or is it just the 23?