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Hi everyone,

I am a mechanical engineering student and i have one more semester left until i finish my degree (finishes in december). I already applied for Marine System Engineering in the Canadian Forces but at the interview I was told that there are a lot of applicants for that job and i might have to wait for it (worst case 1 year). Since there is a lot more to engineering in the Forces than Marine Systems Engineering, I want to apply to simple Engineering. How long do you think i would have to wait after i finish my degree to get into this trade? At the interview for Marine Systems Engineering i was told that i got 40/60 in my CFAT (hope the grade is good enough)

Thank You
40/60 could be smoke someone is blowing up your..................as CFAT scores are not released.  As for your chances in getting into the Cbt Arms as an Engr Officer; they are about the same as anyone else.  There has to be a demand, making for openings in the Trade and of course you must beat out all the other candidates. 

Always bear in mind the difference between Civil Engineers and Mechanical Engineers.

Mechanical Engineers build weapons systems, Civil Engineers build targets.

:) :) :)
haha, we have a comedian amongst us...
when was the last time that anyone in the forces actually designed a wpns system?
maybe just the specs... for a contract or POTS...
any engineer can do that with some reading.

Well, there may be occasions to do some hard design work in all the Engineering occupations in the forces but the ones that design and implement larger scale projects most often are the CME officers. (sorry, no paperwork to back that up but the statement will stand until you refute it with documentation  ;D )
