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Electrical training and qualifications asset to Combat Engineer?


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Hi guys I am interested in the Combat Engineering Trade.  Although I have a vague idea of what the Combat Engineers do based on the Forces.ca video and reading some threads on the forum I am curious if my background in Electrical (I am an Electrician Apprentice at the moment)  would aid in my competitiveness for this paticular trade. 
I am also not interested in becoming an Electrician in the Army, i've done this (Electrical) for a few years and I find it really tedious and boring hence why I am joining up.  So I am really looking where my background (I have worked in the trades including carpentry and flat roofing since I was 16) can be an "asset" even if it is to a lesser degree but I want the adventure and challenge of a "Combat Arms" type of Soldier.  I think I may have picked the trade that is best for me but you all know your duties better then I do so if anyone has any advice or something which may be what I am looking for I would appreciate it. 
I decided the same, Combat Engineer seems like a very rewarding trade. I'm entering the ROTP program as an Engineer Officer candidate this summer, so I had to do my research as well about the trade.

First off, everything and anything that can be added to your application is good. Anything. Whatever you can put onto your application as previous studies, work experience, hobbies, whichever, is a good way to have your application stand out.

About the information  concerning Combat Engineers, Have you read this thread?  There is a wealth of information about the trade, perhaps someone over there can help you out.  ;D


Best of luck!

Your carpentry experience will be put to more use than your electrical if you become a Cbt Engr, but neither is particularly important for making you competitive.