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Don Cherry fired


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I'm not surprised. I'm willing to bet Sportsnet went to Don and Ron, told them they had to renounce the statement and apologize.

Don isn't someone who apologizes.

I only wish Don retired before this. It's a sad end to a legend.

As much as I respect him, and his unwavering support of the troops, police and fire, he is a relic of a bygone era.
Looks like he lost the support of the show's sponsor,

Budweiser, the sponsor of “Coach’s Corner”, put out a statement condemning Cherry’s comments after Sportsnet’s decision.

“The comments made Saturday on Coach’s Corner were clearly inappropriate and divisive, and in no way reflect Budweiser’s views,” says the statement from Todd Allen, vice-president of marketing for Labatt Breweries of Canada, which has Budweiser as one of its brands.

“As a sponsor of the broadcast, we immediately expressed our concerns and respect the decision which was made by Sportsnet today.”

The only values Rogers Sportsnet has is how many dollars in profit they can take in.
That’s my opinion. And I’m not apologizing for it.
Dang shame. People are not allowed an opinion anymore.

I do not agree with him in all things, but he should not have been fired and why should someone be forced to apologize for something they believe?

From what I understood, he was annoyed with immigrants for not supporting the poppy drive aka the troops. He pointed out how everyone comes here for a better life and it ticks him off they do not support those who defend this way of life? I guess everyone is a snowflake.

Smh pathetic.
AbdullahD said:
Dang shame. People are not allowed an opinion anymore.

I do not agree with him in all things, but he should not have been fired and why should someone be forced to apologize for something they believe?

From what I understood, he was annoyed with immigrants for not supporting the poppy drive aka the troops. He pointed out how everyone comes here for a better life and it ticks him off they do not support those who defend this way of life? I guess everyone is a snowflake.

Smh pathetic.

People are allowed an opinion.  When they voice it, they should however expect a reaction if what they say is controversial. 

A sponsor didn’t like it.  They likely have a right to spend their money where they see fit.  Now he’s paying the price for it.

No matter what anyone’s opinion is of whether they agree with this or not ultimately Don Cherry is the only one responsible for this.
As with everything, there are plenty of ways to get an “opinion” across without being controversial and/or aggressive. Mildly ticking a few people off? Sure, no biggie, it’s pretty much expected.

Any statement beginning with or including phrases such as “you people” is never going end well. I know exactly what he was trying to say and in certain urban areas I agree that the lack of poppies is noticeable and saddening. (That being said, poppy-wearing is down across the board in many of the same areas though.) But anyway, all he had to do was use even a smidgen of diplomacy and he would’ve been fine.

His shtick is ruffling feathers. It’s the way he is, it’s the way he’s always been. And that’s what his fans like about him. But unfortunately, it was just a matter of time before his non-existent filter between brain and mouth (especially when broadcasting live) went too far. He’s been put on delay before and he didn’t learn then. Our society isn’t the same as it once was and as he holds the platform he did, he needed to exhibit a little bit of tact here and there, but he refused to.

I loved his support, passion and dedication to the sport (although I hate the Bruins;), to public service, to his late wife and family and to community service. Unfortunately, he went too far this time in a climate where the pendulum hasn’t fallen back to centre yet.
Remius said:
A sponsor didn’t like it. 

I think there is only one sponsor. Apparently Labbatt's and Budweiser are the same company.
AbdullahD said:
From what I understood, he was annoyed with immigrants for not supporting the poppy drive aka the troops.

Indeed... and yet no mention of the millions of non-immigrant Canadians who don't support the poppy drive?

Don Cherry and the people supporting him in this are the types that complain that immigrants don't assimilate / adopt Canadian values/norms/etc. It seems to me an immigrant who didn't buy a poppy and do more to recognize Remembrance Day did exactly what those people are wanting them to do.... seems like some real catch 22 shit going on there.

mariomike said:
I think there is only one sponsor. Apparently Labbatt's and Budweiser are the same company.

Yes, they are. Anheuser-Busch.
As a Montreal Canadiens fan, I'll always be grateful for his inability to count.
gryphonv said:
I'm not surprised. I'm willing to bet Sportsnet went to Don and Ron, told them they had to renounce the statement and apologize.

Don isn't someone who apologizes.

I only wish Don retired before this. It's a sad end to a legend.

As much as I respect him, and his unwavering support of the troops, police and fire, he is a relic of a bygone era.

Don is 85 years old, he reminds me of my grandfather when he was 85 and began to lose it a few years ago.  He would go off on frequent ramblings like this about everything.  Turns out it was the early stages of Dementia. 

Don has always been colourful but he should have packed it in a few years ago.  He is like a Heavyweight boxer that stepped in to the ring one too many times. 

Unfortunately, the Woke mob wants justice and he is unfortunately going to be remembered for this negative incident when he should be remembered for being a Canadian Icon and a legend of the game of Hockey.
He broke the mechanism to complain.

The CBSC has received a large number of very similar complaints concerning Coach’s Corner broadcast on CBC (Sportsnet) on November 9, 2019, exceeding the CBSC’s technical processing capacities. Accordingly, while the CBSC will be dealing with this broadcast under its normal process, it is not able to accept any further complaints.
Washed up TV dude makes dumb noises. It is what it is. Time to retire.
Already have seen the cancellation of cable backlash.  Many are moving to pirate hockey online all of a sudden because they support Don. 

It's really to bad.  He was the most vocal and noticeable ally the troops and veterans have had in Canada for 30 years.  But one should not weaponize the poppy.
Don cherry makes a comment and gets fired while another dresses as black face and gets re-elected as prime minister. Canadians are generally snowflake morons.
I wish people tangibly cared about our fallen as much as they cared about TV hockey guy.
Brihard said:
I wish people tangibly cared about our fallen as much as they cared about TV hockey guy.
Quirky said:
Don cherry makes a comment and gets fired while another dresses as black face and gets re-elected as prime minister.
Very different accountability  #ApplesVersusLlamas Canadians had a chance to recently pick/choose a government, even after the last helmsman's goofs/ethics violations/illegalities/mis-steps/etc.  Like Colin Kaepernick, Cherry worked for a business -- you engage your freedom of speech, you may face consequences with your employer - or maybe even future employers.