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Dog Owners


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So who here has dogs?  I just got my second German Shepherd puppy.  Her name is Juno and she is beautiful.   ;D

I have always grown up with dogs.  Right now, I have two dogs: a black lab and a bichon-shitzu cross.
My little girl right now is Cleo...a two year old Great Dane.  Clumsy. Goofy. Unbelievably hard on the house and furniture. But Dad wouldn't trade her for the world :)
I have 4 dogs.

2 Great Pyreneese- in a couple of months- they will be my coyote hunters
1 German Shepard/cross
1 Keeshond

That is just the start of my critter clan
soccer08 said:
I have always grown up with dogs.  Right now, I have two dogs: a black lab and a bichon-shitzu cross.

so would that be a shittybitch, or a bitchyshit ?
"so would that be a shittybitch, or a bitchyshit ? "

that's a good question  ;D
On my first dog...actually my wife's idea (grew up with cats; my mom never liked dogs). He's a four yo Golden named Loki. Even though he was supposed to be my wife's pet, he spends most of his time with me. Actually, I really enjoy having him around. He's become my hiking buddy, though keeping him dirt-free and cleaning up the fur can be a chore.
We are now on our third Yellow Lab. This one is named Casey and has made friends with everybody in our little town who is not caninephobic. He especially likes sucking up to hot females of all ages notwithstanding that he saw the last of his testicles several years ago. (Where was he when I was a single twenty-something?)
Old Sweat said:
We are now on our third Yellow Lab. This one is named Casey and has made friends with everybody in our little town who is not caninephobic. He especially likes sucking up to hot females of all ages notwithstanding that he saw the last of his testicles several years ago. (Where was he when I was a single twenty-something?)

If you ever put him up in "Dog Trader" let me know and I'l take him off your hands. :-p
We have, as I like to call, a 'SPCA special'.  Lab mixed with who the hell knows :)  Bailey is his name. Looks mostly like a yellow lab though.  He is 12 yrs old and until the last year or so, now he's getting white in the face, people would come up and say 'Your puppy is very cute, how old is he?'  My response '10'  They would look at me like I had a toaster on my head.  Whoever said labs calm down after 2 yrs is a LIAR!!! >:( 
I swear if he was a kid he'd be in juvie hall by now.  But, we love him and so does everyone else, and when he's being a pain in the a$$ with his barking, I keep reminding my husband one day when the house is on fire and he barks we'll be happy he's saved our lives ;D      ;D
Having grown up on a farm. (pronounced faaam in massachusetts), we had all sorts of animals, however, our dogs were a all "working" dogs, mostly of the herder breed along with a few "watcher's" of the flocks. (we had a sheep farm and boarded horses). Since moving on in life, I have had great dogs and cats, along with a bird or two. Right now I too have a mix breed, Shadow. Wonderful well behaved, loves to travel, however he is 60 lbs and thinks he is a small dog. The cat just thinks he's a pest. Shadow just wants to play with the cat and can't understand why she doesn't.

Thanks for the thread
My one German Shepherd "Rein" is 2 and a complete clutz.  He falls over himself running, but he's really tame and well behaved for the most part.  My puppy German Shepherd Juno is 8 weeks, and just sleeps all the time like puppies do.  She adorable though, and likes to chase Rein all over the place. 

Before these dogs my family used to breed chocolate and yellow Labs.  So we always had one or two litters of pups running around.  Great way to get the girls over.  :P
emmiee said:
Thanks for the thread

Glad to see people like it.  ;)
Most of my dogs are working dogs.

My 2 Great Pyr" gentle giants" are under a year old. Gunner our male pyreneese is about 100 pounds and he has to put on at least another pounds. When he is fully grown he will stand over 6 feet on his hind legs. Even though he is huge. He is the sweetest dog around. He is so gentle with my kids and our goats. My donkey doesn't like him too much as he tries to stomp him. He looks like a big polar Bear. HIs girlfriends is only 6 months old as she is around 60 pounds. She listens better then he does.

My German Shepard/ cross- has been such an awesome dog. We have alot of coyotes around here and Drake stands his ground and chases them away. He came with the place and he was abused before we got him. He has made such a turn around.

My keeshond - well he is just a wimp. He likes to boss everyone around even though he doesn't quite understand he is the runt of the pack. LOL.

Someone asked Hubby once was he ever worried about going away on exercise and leaving his family in the boonies. He said have you met our dogs. If our dogs don't get you. Honkey- The donkey will.. LOL
An almost 9 year old female Akita/Chow mix named "Kinook" who at this very moment is spudding yet another hole in the backyard after giving my wife that Robert DeNiro in Taxi-Driver "you talkin' to me?"  look. 
A four-year old West Highland Terrier named Maggie.

Well, apparently a West Highland Terrier. Starting to believe she has something else mixed into her though, because her ears have not perked up like the ears of Westie's do. But aside from that, she's definitely *mostly* a Westie.

Cannot decide which will be my next; a large dog (i.e., Golden) or a small one (i.e., Schit Szu / another Westie)... large dogs seem to be more noble and... mature? than smaller ones. Smaller ones tend to be yappy and overly excited all the time. When I see a Golden, I tend to think "adult" as opposed to when I see a small dog (my Westie for example), I think "child".

Or maybe I'm just biased from Maggie's personality  :)
I grew up with a couple Belgian Tervs, now that I'm away from home I want get a Groenendael but my work schedule (4 weeks in 2 out) up in Nunavut just does't make it possible. We also had a Border Collie rescue.
I've got a 10 month Shiba Inu.  There are quite a few holes in the garden at the moment.  Hopefully the fencing will stop that, but I doubt it.
I have two female Siberian Huskies. Older one is 17 weeks now and is named Akeela, younger one is 11 weeks and named Ember. It's great having two since they play non-stop.