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Deployed soldier fights phone bill


Army.ca Legend
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A bit of a non-news story (IMHO), akin to the guy's mother who was griping about his test for his driver's license.

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Did you hear the one about the Canadian soldier who can't get out of his cellphone contract despite being shipped off to war?

There's one dad of a brave, young reservist deployed to Afghanistan wondering if the Taliban are more flexible in their rigid rules than some of these iron-clad cellphone agreements.

It would be hard to convince Richard Fraser otherwise.

"I thought you might be interested to hear how one of Canada's largest and wealthiest companies do their part to support our servicemen and women while deployed in defence of this country," he told me.

If he didn't already have enough on his mind.

His 20-year-old son, Glenn, the pride and joy of Birchlawn Ave. and proud and honoured member of Toronto's Scottish Regiment, was sent to the murderous war zone with the Canadian Armed Forces this month. 
His monthly Rogers cellphone bill will keep coming in.

"I had the pleasure of speaking to a Rogers rep in an effort to have my son's account frozen for seven to nine months while he is deployed," said Richard. "It seems that since my son signed a contract there is no way that they could suspend, or hold his current cell number or services."

Now we get complaints about all the cellphone companies and Rogers has told me they will look into this one. But this is just stupid.

Hopefully somebody at Rogers will take it out of the hands of the insensitive people who have been dealing with Mr. Fraser so far.

He has spent hours on the phone talking to three different people who were unsympathetic -- akin to trying to convince the Taliban to let girls go to school.

"We as a family have been loyal Rogers customers," said Richard. "Our average Rogers bill is approximately $400 to $500 a month, four cellphones plus cable. The best they are willing to do is charge $31.33 per month for services that he will not be using, though I am sure they would like to ding him on the roaming charges from Afghanistan if he had to make a call."

He "explained to the Rogers rep that he was deployed and only wanted to hold his current cell number until he returned."

He got no compromise or understanding.

More on link

I was charged monthly for several services I wasn't using when I deployed.  $31 a month isn't so bad.

No offense to the soldier or his Dad but waaaaahhhhh.  :crybaby:

PMedMoe said:
A bit of a non-news story (IMHO), akin to the guy's mother who was griping about his test for his driver's license.

"Soldier fights war at home:  A Kingston reservist is in danger of losing his college entrance spot because he can't write an Ontario driver's test in Afghanistan.":

Topic: "Reservist may lose college paramedic placement because he's posted to Afstan":
He signed a contract... suck it up, quit griping, and pay the $30 a month.  Tour pay should cover that just fine.

I knew when I signed a contract with Roghers there was a strong possibility of me deploying.  Some other providers will suspend, but Rogers doesn't but I still went with them.

I called and reduced my plan to the minimum before deploying and when the guy figured out I where I was going he talked to his supervisor and worked out a deal so I was paying even less... without me whining or prompting him about it.

Attention whores.....
It's amazing what a well worded letter to the "Office of the President" will get you.  I ran into some issues with my telus account and followed this route.  They immediately offered to suspend my account.  Now I'm not saying this will work with Rogers but it's a place to start.  Sometimes the "old" ways are the best.
While there's nothing wrong with asking for a special requst, you cant expect them to go against the terms of the contract just because you're a military member.  A contract is designed to be binding for a reason, and binds both parties to the terms within it.

Regarding monthly fees, when we go on deployment the banks still expect us to pay for the houses we arent living in or the cars we arent driving.  Youre still paying the membership fees for the gym your not going to, or the soccer team you arent playing on, or the recreation league hockey team you arent skating with.  Like previously posted, suck it up, its part of life.  Or next time have a special exemption written into the contract... 
I was thinking about posting this recording but I figured I might cause anybody with high blood pressure to keel over...

But since everybody thinks this guy is whining, let me introduce you to a guy with a REAL service problem:


WARNING: Make sure you have something soft and fluffy to throw within reach... 
I called Rodgers a couple of weeks ago to see what they would do with my plan while deployed.  They offered me the "vacation" package which is about $14/mo, phone stays active and I get charged per call.  As my phone will be turned off in my home, the bill will be almost nothing.
ballz said:
I was thinking about posting this recording but I figured I might cause anybody with high blood pressure to keel over...

But since everybody thinks this guy is whining, let me introduce you to a guy with a REAL service problem:


WARNING: Make sure you have something soft and fluffy to throw within reach...

The guy had way more composure than I would've displayed.  I think there would've been scorch marks on my phone, and I'm pretty sure I'd have exhausted my entire repertoire of profanity before the second person came on the line!
When I deployed in Aug 06, I was on a 24 month mobile contract with Vodafone, at $33/mo. The cancellation fee was more than it would have been if I just left things the way they were.

So I just lt it ride, at $10kAUD/month coming in, a total of a bit more than $200 for my 7 months in theatre was going to send me broke.

This bloke whinging about his contract should just HTFU as far as I am concerned.

I am still with Vodafone, although the reception on the island is not 100%, I am overally satisfied with them.

Occam said:
The guy had way more composure than I would've displayed.  I think there would've been scorch marks on my phone, and I'm pretty sure I'd have exhausted my entire repertoire of profanity before the second person came on the line!

Haha yeah the composure thing is the first thing everybody notices, the poor guy deserves some sort of reward for it. I (and most others) lose more composure just listening to it than he lost having to deal with it.
DirtyDog said:
He signed a contract... suck it up, quit griping, and pay the $30 a month.  Tour pay should cover that just fine.

Thank you!

So he gets out of his contract then suddenly Rogers has to start letting every other deployed members out too.  If he is not bringing the bloody phone and wants to keep his number, he should change his rate to a bare minimum 25-30 dollar plan.  Look on the bright side, when he gets back he will most likely be up for a free new phone!  ;) 

Also, its never a good idea to set a precedent for special treatment towards military members, that just causes animosity from the public, IMHO.

EDITED TO ADD: Such as the one I hear most frequently; "my tax dollars pay your salary".....as if I don't pay taxes just like you do.  ::)
Big frigging deal. Must have been a slow news day.

My mobile, with voice and data, costs me about 120 bucks a month. I go offshore every three weeks and honestly cannot be arsed setting the vacation thingermerbobber every time I leave because it's a)  a pain in the arse (I am sure some of which is by design), and, b) not worth my time. I accept this "loss" of money as a part of the deal and assume that part of my pay is meant to cover the inconvenience.

This dingbat should give his head a shake.
MedKAWD said:
EDITED TO ADD: Such as the one I hear most frequently; "my tax dollars pay your salary".....as if I don't pay taxes just like you do.  ::)

Most frequently said by those that have, nor ever will pay taxes.
MedKAWD said:
Such as the one I hear most frequently; "my tax dollars pay your salary".

I have had those unkind words spoken to me many times. And whenever I do did hear them, I remembered this speech, and smiled!:
"I pay your salary":

I tossed a quarter to a A**-hat concerned citizen mouthing off at a scene who said that to us, and said, "Here's your refund from both of us." Along with a crack to, "Keep the change." I was in no mood for his drunken B.S.
He kept it too! ;D
He called in an "attitude questioned" complaint, but it was worth the satisfaction.  :)

ModlrMike said:
Most frequently said by those that have, nor ever will pay taxes.

Other than alcohol tax.

Topic Update:
"Rogers makes the right call: This may have been the shortest battle in Canadian military history!
“We are amending our policy as it relates to customers on active duty,” Odette Coleman of Rogers Communications announced Friday.":

From a glass-half full perspective:  if this is the worst thing that happens to him on tour, he's lucky. 
If people do not speak out against things that are unfair, wrong, or just stupid, then nothing will change.

The media is a powerful tool, if used properly, which can provide the catalyst for change.
SFB said:
If people do not speak out against things that are unfair, wrong, or just stupid, then nothing will change.

The media is a powerful tool, if used properly, which can provide the catalyst for change.


Are you saying that the expectation that you pay your cell phone bill as you agreed to in your contract is one of these?: "unfair, wrong, or just stupid"

Is there a new regulation somewhere that says serving overseas excuses you from contractual obligation?  Should we next expect to hear someone argue that their car warranty should be extended by the six months they weren't able to drive it while deployed?

(Edit for spelling.)
Michael O'Leary said:
Should we next expect to hear someone argue that their car warranty should be expended by the six months they weren't able to drive it while deployed?

Or that their 6 months of car/mortgage payments should be waived?? Unbelieveable.

Wow; some people in the CF these days do expect the world to rotate around them - unjustly.
SFB said:
If people do not speak out against things that are unfair, wrong, or just stupid, then nothing will change.

The media is a powerful tool, if used properly, which can provide the catalyst for change.
I believe the term is "whining".....
When I deployed Rogers was perfectly happy to put me on the $10/month 'holding' plan. I had no issues with them.

I would venture to guess one of the individuals in question probably showed a bit too much attitude at the beginning and a customer service rep pushed back.