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CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

PteAJL said:
I've already missed the deadline to apply for ROTP through the DWAN. I'm clear with that.

Obviously not.  You can still apply for ROTP, even beyond the deadline.  The only caveate which comes with applying late, is that they cannot guarantee that your processing will be completed in time for the first round of selections.

If you want to apply for ROTP, I'd suggest you do it now!
I've tried to access the CT application through the DWAN from the link on the RMC website for three days in a row now.

The link is dead, or someone in Ottawa isn't doing their job right...
PteAJL said:
I've tried to access the CT application through the DWAN from the link on the RMC website for three days in a row now.

The link is dead, or someone in Ottawa isn't doing their job right...

Yup, that is a bad link on their website.  We shall try and have them update it.
Hi Everyone, I am currently in grade 9, entering grade 10, I want to join the Naval Reserve force next year (2016), and when I graduate high school (2018) I want to go to RMC (Royal Military College of Canada). I have few questions that I want to ask.

1. How will the reserve benefit me?

2. Do reserves get deployed to another base?

3. I am currently 14, birthday is on July 19 (2015). However, my age will still be 15 in grade 10 until July 19 (2016) Can I apply for reserve even if I didn't fully turn 16

4. I have bad vision, right eye -3.75 left eye -4.75 will it lower my chance of joining?

5. I want to improve my leadership skill to get in RMC. Will the reserve benefit me? I do have some leadership skill because I did won the student council election, which means I will be running as a grade 10 representative next year.

6. What are the grades requirement in order to apply for MARS officer (when I apply)

7. Do RMC look at grades from grade 9? or grade 10? (when I apply)

8. When I apply for RMC, how competitive is it going to be

This is all the questions that I want to know, can someone please answer my questions? Thank you so much for taking your time reading through my questions and answering them. ;)
Good morning, Eric, and welcome to Army .ca

If you take the time to look around this Site, and use the Search Function, you will find answers to your questions. You will also find answers to questions that have no even occurred to you yet.

We, both in the CF and on this Site, expect people to do their homework. Assistance will happily be provided if you need it, but doing your own digging will help you more than anything else that we can do right now.

You've got plenty of time...
I'll help as much as I can.

Background: I'm an army reservist who joined the reserves after getting declined from RMC. I reapplied once I was in the reserves, I got accepted and turned it down as I wasn't sure what I wanted at the time.

Onto your Questions

1. There is a direct correlation between how much you put in the reserves (time) and the benefits. Obviously the more you show up, the more money you will make. However the more you show up, the better you will be at your job, you will make more friends and quite frankly you will enjoy it a hell of a lot more if you show up more. You may also be recognized from your CoC for a good career course or a good tasking. You can also get an ILP (Individual Learning Plan) for up to $2k a yr to help assist with post-secondary funding assuming you do not get into RMC.  There are also dental benefits, claims, td, field pay. The list goes on and on. I’d recommend it to anyone, but caution that it is not for everyone.

For me the biggest things the reserves have given to me: A solid group of friends, leadership experience, a major empathise on attention to detail and some pretty cool experiences on the job. I’ve also become a better driver, learned some car parts and have become a better trouble shooter. It is also an extremely flexible job as a student, which doesn’t hurt.

Everyone’s experience will differ and you will get more out of the reserves if you actually put the time and effort in.

2. Not quite sure what you are asking. I know you can apply for tasking/CLS B at various bases in the Army Reserve. We also train at various bases on weekends. I’m not sure about the Navy.

3. Pretty sure you need to be 16 to apply, ask your CFRC because to be honest I don't know.

4. You will find this out when you apply. Only a Medical officer can make the call.

5. Depending on your trade, and how long you are in the reserves. Likely, no one can say for sure.  You should be able to extract some leadership experience regardless of what you do.

6. Technically you need an Undergrad degree, but since you are applying for ROTP they will look at your average HS grades. It is very competitive you can look at the threads in the RMC boards. If you had a bad year or semester, put effort into improving your marks. I was cut for academics.

7. I had to give a transcript and was told they took a straight average from 9-12. (Again I'm not a recruiter so I don't know for sure). But I was told my average for HS was mid-70s, but my last 6 grade 12 course were 87.5%. Such is life I guess.

8. It varies year to year. Think about it this way, you are looking at a full ride scholarship, and making some money on the side, as well as guaranteed job after graduation. Furthermore the 4 years at RMC is pensionable time… How bad do you want that? Now realize you are going to be competing against the best of best across Canada. Do whatever you can now in your power to be the best you can.

Food for thought:
Don’t worry too much about the people you are applying against. Worry about what you can to do improve yourself. Volunteer, Get involved in sports (Try to become a captain or assistant captain), get more involved with your school. Study hard. Also if you aren’t in shape get in shape now. Even if one part of your application is poor you may be able to make it up somewhere else. (Example: Marks are low but you have an amazing CFAT and Interview).
Q 3. I am currently 14, birthday is on July 19 (2015). However, my age will still be 15 in grade 10 until July 19 (2016) Can I apply for reserve even if I didn't fully turn 16
A 3. Pretty sure you need to be 16 to apply, ask your CFRC because to be honest I don't know.

New: Do I have to turn fully 16 to apply? because my birthday is the summer (July 19) is it possible to apply during the middle of grade 10 somewhere between March/April, so I can get an early start? Or do I have to wait until my birthday and turn fully 16, then I may apply.

Q 4. I have bad vision, right eye -3.75 left eye -4.75 will it lower my chance of joining?
A 4. You will find this out when you apply. Only a Medical officer can make the call.

New: http://imgur.com/Tli5o1Y <--- Does this mean I don't have to do a vision test? It says its only necessary for aircrews.
runormal said:
I'll help as much as I can.

Background: I'm an army reservist who joined the reserves after getting declined from RMC. I reapplied once I was in the reserves, I got accepted and turned it down as I wasn't sure what I wanted at the time.

Onto your Questions

1. There is a direct correlation between how much you put in the reserves (time) and the benefits. Obviously the more you show up, the more money you will make. However the more you show up, the better you will be at your job, you will make more friends and quite frankly you will enjoy it a hell of a lot more if you show up more. You may also be recognized from your CoC for a good career course or a good tasking. You can also get an ILP (Individual Learning Plan) for up to $2k a yr to help assist with post-secondary funding assuming you do not get into RMC.  There are also dental benefits, claims, td, field pay. The list goes on and on. I’d recommend it to anyone, but caution that it is not for everyone.

For me the biggest things the reserves have given to me: A solid group of friends, leadership experience, a major empathise on attention to detail and some pretty cool experiences on the job. I’ve also become a better driver, learned some car parts and have become a better trouble shooter. It is also an extremely flexible job as a student, which doesn’t hurt.

Everyone’s experience will differ and you will get more out of the reserves if you actually put the time and effort in.

2. Not quite sure what you are asking. I know you can apply for tasking/CLS B at various bases in the Army Reserve. We also train at various bases on weekends. I’m not sure about the Navy.

3. Pretty sure you need to be 16 to apply, ask your CFRC because to be honest I don't know.

4. You will find this out when you apply. Only a Medical officer can make the call.

5. Depending on your trade, and how long you are in the reserves. Likely, no one can say for sure.  You should be able to extract some leadership experience regardless of what you do.

6. Technically you need an Undergrad degree, but since you are applying for ROTP they will look at your average HS grades. It is very competitive you can look at the threads in the RMC boards. If you had a bad year or semester, put effort into improving your marks. I was cut for academics.

7. I had to give a transcript and was told they took a straight average from 9-12. (Again I'm not a recruiter so I don't know for sure). But I was told my average for HS was mid-70s, but my last 6 grade 12 course were 87.5%. Such is life I guess.

8. It varies year to year. Think about it this way, you are looking at a full ride scholarship, and making some money on the side, as well as guaranteed job after graduation. Furthermore the 4 years at RMC is pensionable time… How bad do you want that? Now realize you are going to be competing against the best of best across Canada. Do whatever you can now in your power to be the best you can.

Food for thought:
Don’t worry too much about the people you are applying against. Worry about what you can to do improve yourself. Volunteer, Get involved in sports (Try to become a captain or assistant captain), get more involved with your school. Study hard. Also if you aren’t in shape get in shape now. Even if one part of your application is poor you may be able to make it up somewhere else. (Example: Marks are low but you have an amazing CFAT and Interview).

Thank you so much for answering most of my questions, It did help a lot. :)

Please see my earlier post.

Start reading older threads and using the Search Function before you ask more questions.
I would like to confirm what I have found on the RMC website. Over the holidays I will be meeting up with a family friend`s younger son. From what I gather said individual is debating on joining the reserves or applying to ROTP or both. I want to ensure that I have the most up to date information.


I`ve noted that it says:

In order to pursue undergradudate studies at RMCC, you must meet certain eligibility criteria.

These are:
Be an applicant for the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP); or,
Be a member or, be an honourably released member of the Regular or Reserve Forces, and have completed basic MOSID (Military Occupational Structure Identification Code) training.
CF members who have not completed their basic MOSID qualification may apply with the written recommendation of their Unit or Formation Commander; or
Be an employee of the Department of National Defence (DND), or other Federal government department, or
Be the spouse of a member of the CF.

I believe that this is referring to reservists who want to study at RMC on their own dime and not through the ROTP program. Is this assumption correct?

I then searched some more and found a dedicated section for ROTP for reservists


Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) - Reservists

If you are currently a member of the Reserves and would like to apply for the Regular Officer Training Plan you may do so by applying on-line for a Component Transfer (CT) and submitting the application to D MIL  C.

Once the application has been properly submitted, D MIL C will advise the member and the member's Reserve unit and will commence processing the application with the appropriate Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre.

Once the assessment has been completed the Recruiting Centre will in turn advise D MIL C of the candidate's eligibility and suitability for ROTP.

It is important for Reserve members to submit the application to D MIL C as soon as possible and to read the appropriate CF MIL PERS INSTR pertaining to CT

CF Military Personnel Instruction 03/08 (http://cmpapp.mil.ca/dgmc/pg/iss-si/ct-tee/ct-app-tee-eng.asp)

I have found one important piece of information in section 4.9:

4.9 Component Transfer Career Programs

All CT applicants selected for attendance to an RMC program and meeting the OFP status under this instruction shall be treated as if they were UTPNCM candidates. CT applicants who do not meet the OFP status shall be treated as if they were ROTP candidates

Which I understand as saying that if a member reaches OFP they will likely have vested rights to pay + a slightly more lucrative pay scale upon graduation.


Eye In The Sky said:
Add-on point.  Check your occ specs for your trade OFP.  Not all are the same.  My current trade OFP is QL5. My previous trade was QL3.

I`m going to assume most army reserve trades are OFP is at QL3 or dp 1.0. However I do have a few friends in the SVC batallion (veh techs, weapon techs) who have said that they "will never get trained completely" because of the sheer amount of time it takes.

If anyone has anything else to add that'd be greatly appreciated.

Please accept my apologies if this is answered elsewhere. I have looked.

I have a current application for CT-ROTP with ACSO as my trade aspiration. My interviews, medicals, university / RMC applications and aircrew selection were all successful but I haven't heard anything for a month. I did contact my CFRC but my MCC is on long term sick leave.

Does anyone know what happens next? Is there a timeframe for the next step (which I assume is an offer or otherwise)? I hope to start this summer.

Tait said:
I haven't heard anything for a month. I did contact my CFRC but my MCC is on long term sick leave.

From Ask a CAF Recruiter,

if you would like to know the status of your application, it is recommended that you do the following:

•  Visit the link to our Forces site, ( http://www.forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73 ) and submit a status update request for your application.
•  If you know your application number, include it in the email.
•  If you do not know your application number, ensure you include your first name, last name, date of birth and the postal code of your home address. This will ensure that the recruiter who receives your email can locate your application and provide you with a status update.

Tait said:
Is there a timeframe for the next step (which I assume is an offer or otherwise)?

You are in an interesting situation being a CT applicant.

The CFRC doesn't[1] know your status, they merely process paperwork and book medicals etc as directed by DMCPG-5. I know that this there RMC is doing the early acceptances but I'm not sure if that applies to CT. When I applied in 2011 we all heard  around may. You will need to get a hold of your CT file manager.

You should have his contact information from one of the initial emails after you submitted your CT.

FYI- typically they don`t give status updates but if you ask for a general range as when you should hear something they should be able to help you out.

Edit 2: [1]

I looked in my email and found something that will help. I was asking about the early acceptance.

''Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

As you are a CT as with all other off the street applicants the CFRC will council you as to if you have qualified for the early offer.  Your CT Broker will be notified shortly as to your being selected for further processing.

It is generally only to the top 80% to 100% that will qualify for early offer.''

So it seems that you if qualified for an early acceptance the CFRC will know, but if you haven't you will have to shake the trees at DMCPG-5.

Hope it helps
Yup, contact your CT Broker at DMCPG 5-2 as any CT Offer will come from that office.
Tait said:
Please accept my apologies if this is answered elsewhere.

No need to apologize. The number of Component Transfers ( CT ) to RMC/ROTP discussions is overwhelming.

For future reference, perhaps Component Transfers ( Reserve to RMC/ROTP ): Q&A will be merged, as Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A  was.

These Reserve to RMC/ROTP discussions are just a sampling of what is out there,


ROTP CT acceptance 

CT ROTP, Army PRes to Air Force

Component Transfer from Res Force to Reg Force for ROTP

( RMC ) Eligibility for CLS A reservists?

Component Transfer from Res Force to Reg Force for ROTP 

CT from Reserves to ROTP 

Questions on CT ROTP offer 

PRes to ROTP application process 

Reserve before ROTP = higher chance? & questions 

Joining the Reserves before ROTP 

CT'ing going to CMR ROTP 

Interesting Problem - ROTP Component Transfer 

"I've just gone through the CT a couple of months ago into ROTP, so I can direct you to a few references if needed."

PRes to ROTP, Unit Clearing Out 

Reserves to RMC 

Reserves before RMC?

Reserves to RMC to Army 

Questions about joining the Reserve force and RMC 

Cadets vs Reserves for RMC applicant

Thanks for all the help.

I contacted DMCPG-5 and had a very clear response that my file is in order, I am merit listed (not that I'm sure what that means precisely) and waiting for the selection board for ROTP.

There is no guidance as to the timeline for the selection board meeting and a decision being made but at least I know that all the admin has been done and "merit listed" sounds good, right?
Tait said:
I am merit listed (not that I'm sure what that means precisely)

You can read about the Merit List here,

The Merit List Mega Thread of Questions 
10 pages.