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CPC Leadership Discussion 2020-21

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Army.ca Legend
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Figured I might as well get this ball rolling.

Raitt lost her seat. MacKay and Ambrose are both presently out of federal politics, understandably it would have been uncouth for either to have even hinted at a leadership run prior to the election.

I’m assuming we’ll see a fairly durable minority- we won’t have another election quickly. That gives time for the CPC to do this right, and for a new leader to get settled in as leader of the opposition for quite a while until both the NDP and Bloc decide it’s time for another election.

So, who will it be?
Contenders I could see running:

Of those still in the house, O’Toole maybe.

Of those who may be lurking just outside the party, Peter MacKay, Rona Ambrose and a few media types have mentioned Christie Clark.

This is assuming that Scheer doesn’t try to stay on.  If he does, it will lead to a very divided party.  CPC rules have it that if he does not step down but lost, a leadership review gets triggered.  That can lead to a leadership race if he fails to get a certain percentage of support. 
Believe I read somewhere he has a press conference today at 1300 in Regina.  I think we'll have some clarity on the way forward then - whether a graceful step down, or a knife fight at the convention...
Brihard said:
... MacKay and Ambrose are both presently out of federal politics, understandably it would have been uncouth for either to have even hinted at a leadership run prior to the election ...
... but after 1300 Regina time?  :pop:
First off, Brihard.... I hate you.  We couldn't even give it a day.  :'(

If I may steal a tweet from that retired army/SOF guy, Mike Day:
I want to vote for a pty with

- a leader with the charisma of Singh

- the Social Conscience of a Liberal

- the Fiscal Probity of a Conservative

- a Climate Change priority of the Greens

- a Foreign/Security/Defence Policy of none of them

.. and utterly shuns a pty like PPC
Can I get a halleluiah?!

CPC needs to reclaim the centre. 

Stop pandering to extremes.  Leave the haters and racist alt-right to PPC and their ilk.  For the other end of the political spectrum, it will likely prove beneficial... and painful... but the Libs being obligated into a forced child marriage with someone even more left cannot help but provide ammo for the CPC next time;  any coalition with the NDP will inevitably devolve into "it's our turn at the trough -- Canada's economy is now our  piggy bank."  The fiscal cost to Jane/Joe Canadian will prove to be a tipping point.

Leadership.  I'm not a card-carry party member... but seriously?  Sheer has the personality of paint drying...grey  paint drying.  He was the best the CPC could come up with?  The fact that he couldn't make more headway against a leader as damaged in as many ways as Trudeau speaks volumes (despite Trudeau's masturbatory attempts at being macho with the boxing pics, he was definitely on the ropes).

Party platform.  Maybe produce a series of coherent policies and get the word out more than a fortnight before the election.  This ties back to pandering;  if you're afraid to commit to anything because you want to please everyone, you're intellectually bankrupt and you're going to fail.  Make a decision and stick with it.

/rant  :not-again:

Oh well, at least I still have the RWC2019 semi-finals to look forward to this weekend. 
The good news for the Conservatives is that they have no shortage of talent.

Inside caucus, the obvious front runners are Erin O'Toole and Michele Rempel. I know Erin, personally, and think he would make an excellent PM.

Outside of caucus, the two obvious candidates would have to be Rona Ambrose  and Peter McKay.

The less obvious ones might even be Brad Wall (no french, unfortunately) or Jason Kenney.
I'd like Ambrose but wading her bio it doesn't look like she'd be interested in coming back.

I hope Rempel gets a shot, she'd have my vote and a good donation.

Last time I donated to O'Tool with the intention of voting for him all I got were more call and emails asking for money, him putting his hands up taking himself out of the running then continuing to ask for money.
For the first time ever I'm considering joining a political party with the intent of dethroning Justin Trudeau. I have some very strong opinions of this character which are not fit to print.

Good day.
Journeyman said:
First off, Brihard.... I hate you.  We couldn't even give it a day.  :'(

If I may steal a tweet from that retired army/SOF guy, Mike Day: Can I get a halleluiah?!

CPC needs to reclaim the centre. 

Stop pandering to extremes.  Leave the haters and racist alt-right to PPC and their ilk.  For the other end of the political spectrum, it will likely prove beneficial... and painful... but the Libs being obligated into a forced child marriage with someone even more left cannot help but provide ammo for the CPC next time;  any coalition with the NDP will inevitably devolve into "it's our turn at the trough -- Canada's economy is now our  piggy bank."  The fiscal cost to Jane/Joe Canadian will prove to be a tipping point.

Leadership.  I'm not a card-carry party member... but seriously?  Sheer has the personality of paint drying...grey  paint drying.  He was the best the CPC could come up with?  The fact that he couldn't make more headway against a leader as damaged in as many ways as Trudeau speaks volumes (despite Trudeau's masturbatory attempts at being macho with the boxing pics, he was definitely on the ropes).

Party platform.  Maybe produce a series of coherent policies and get the word out more than a fortnight before the election.  This ties back to pandering;  if you're afraid to commit to anything because you want to please everyone, you're intellectually bankrupt and you're going to fail.  Make a decision and stick with it.

/rant  :not-again:

Oh well, at least I still have the RWC2019 semi-finals to look forward to this weekend.

Mirror's my thoughts exactly
Remius said:
Of those who may be lurking just outside the party, ... and a few media types have mentioned Christie Clark.

For the love of all that is holy, NO!!!!

For one thing, she is a big “L” Liberal. She sucked up to Tories when she was Premier, but that was only to keep the Liberal-Conservative coalition that is the BC Liberal Party from splintering.

On her all too brief career as a talk show host (never liked her show, but it kept her out of politics), she had two targets for her vitriol: the BC Teachers Federation, and Stephen Harper.

Never mind that her premiership was a disaster and she is as ethically challenged as PM Trudeau.

I referred to her as the Liberal Sarah Palin.
Even though Scheer has said he would stay on, a leadership review is mandatory under the CPC constitution.
The CPC did terrible in the central Canada ridings; obviously a leader that can resonate more with Canadians of all stripes is required.
O'Toole would be good, so would McKay. And I always liked Ambrose.
For crying out loud, the CPC has a lot of talent, I'm sure that they can find someone better that Andrew.
Unbelievable.  Lost to a LPC government weathering six months or so of ongoing scandal and the bag of hammers still thinks he should stay on.

Are there any adults in the CPC to take him out to the shed and explain in short words why he should gracefully bow out, or be kicked out?
RangerRay said:
For the love of all that is holy, NO!!!!

For one thing, she is a big “L” Liberal. She sucked up to Tories when she was Premier, but that was only to keep the Liberal-Conservative coalition that is the BC Liberal Party from splintering.

On her all too brief career as a talk show host (never liked her show, but it kept her out of politics), she had two targets for her vitriol: the BC Teachers Federation, and Stephen Harper.

Never mind that her premiership was a disaster and she is as ethically challenged as PM Trudeau.

I referred to her as the Liberal Sarah Palin.

Not to mention she left Provincial politics under a cloud of scandal, as is traditional in BC. She was supposed to be the softer version of Gordon Campbell, who did wonders for BC no matter what left wing types will tell you but was easy to hate.

The CPC need to find the candidates least likely to be susceptible to the ol' Conservative hidden agenda cry. That means no Religious pro life types, no history of speaking about the dangers of gay marriage, etc. If you can only find pro life types find some that are women or at least not pro life for religious reasons. They need a solid climate policy, it doesn't have to be moonshots like everyone else but they need to have solid answers for every criticism of their plan.

I viewed Scheer much like Stephane Dion. Seems like a nice guy. Very capable politician (which is how he got the leadership in the first place) but he doesn't have the personality, intellect, talent with languages, charisma or combination thereof to unseat an incumbent. I think if Scheer had taken over for Harper while they were in power, he may have been non controversial enough to hang on for an election. I think Dion was similar. The best you can say about Scheer was that he prevented a potentially disastrous Kevin O'Leary leadership.

McKay would be a good bet, as would Ambrose. It's too bad Mulroney entered provincial politics because there is no way she is getting the Ford stink off of here. Maybe they can find a francophone who grew up in the Prairies, who is just old enough to appear experienced but young enough to look vigorous and energetic.
SeaKingTacco said:
The less obvious ones might even be Brad Wall (no french, unfortunately) or Jason Kenney.

No Jason Kenney; he is building his little empire in Alberta.

Milnet.ca staff: Edit to fix quote format
Card Carry CPC Member here,

The party is sick, IT needs a major clean up. Someone typed earlier, they need to get back to center.
CPC shouldnt be preaching religion, and having a hardline religious leader was not going to work out well.

Charisma, was lacking, desperately. Scheer was a cardboard cutout. Best intentions for the party, just could add flair to words, or convey the ideals in a manner that people like to listen to him. I found him dull and boring, Bernier had more flair. 

What really hurt, and I havent heard much about this is-
1. The BQ snagging up votes, They were a dead party, so this points to one thing, Quebec isnt happy footing the bill for irregular immigration. Which could help Scheer out.
2. Ford has a big following, they avoided him like the plague. Cons people in Ontario are fairly quiet, because we have jobs. The liberal bought out media is doing a great job at slander campaigns. (ie- the cut to education? there was no cuts, he added 700 million, and just isnt hiring more teachers to replace the teachers that leave, why, because there is 106000 less high school students, there isnt a demand)

This also shows the election system needs a change. Nationwide elections should not be controlled via one province, This hurt Scheer.

Back on topic, Ambrose would be my pick, if she came back. They need a strong, female, center lined leader. This would appease a  major demographic, shouldn't of been an issue in this case, however Scheer, with previous women's right to choose issues, is not appealing.

Although- the CPC did have an interesting candidate, Claire Rattee, she lost, but does not fit the norm of the CPC party.

I voted for O'toole to be party leader. Bernier dead last, Scheer before Bernier.
upandatom said:
Card Carry CPC Member here,

The party is sick, IT needs a major clean up. Someone typed earlier, they need to get back to center.
CPC shouldnt be preaching religion, and having a hardline religious leader was not going to work out well.

Charisma, was lacking, desperately. Scheer was a cardboard cutout. Best intentions for the party, just could add flair to words, or convey the ideals in a manner that people like to listen to him. I found him dull and boring, Bernier had more flair. 

What really hurt, and I havent heard much about this is-
1. The BQ snagging up votes, They were a dead party, so this points to one thing, Quebec isnt happy footing the bill for irregular immigration. Which could help Scheer out.
2. Ford has a big following, they avoided him like the plague. Cons people in Ontario are fairly quiet, because we have jobs. The liberal bought out media is doing a great job at slander campaigns. (ie- the cut to education? there was no cuts, he added 700 million, and just isnt hiring more teachers to replace the teachers that leave, why, because there is 106000 less high school students, there isnt a demand)

This also shows the election system needs a change. Nationwide elections should not be controlled via one province, This hurt Scheer.

Back on topic, Ambrose would be my pick, if she came back. They need a strong, female, center lined leader. This would appease a  major demographic, shouldn't of been an issue in this case, however Scheer, with previous women's right to choose issues, is not appealing.

Although- the CPC did have an interesting candidate, Claire Rattee, she lost, but does not fit the norm of the CPC party.

I voted for O'toole to be party leader. Bernier dead last, Scheer before Bernier.

Quebec doesn't want pipelines forced down their throat. The energy corridor would do that. Not many Quebecers would go for that. Liberals said they might(they would) intervene with bill 21. That bill has 70 percent support in Quebec, French Quebec wasn't going to go for that.  Singh was the guy that Quebecers said they wouldn't allow to be a teacher or a police officer, they weren't going to make him Prime Minister.

So CPC, out.

LPC, out.

NDP, out.

That leaves the bloc.
With Scheer staying on, it only divides the party.  Not good.  But I guess he decided that he wants to stay in government funded housing a bit longer.

He needs to step down.  with him at the helm they will not shake the perception that Canadians have of them and Scheer. He is going to keep the CPC right where it is and they will lose again. 

Hopefully a Leadership Review will occur but I have my doubts as the SoCon and western wings of the party will ensure he stays.
Remius said:
Hopefully a Leadership Review will occur but I have my doubts as the SoCon and western wings of the party will ensure he stays.

Apparently its set for April in Toronto... which geographically is probably not in Scheer's best interests...
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