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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

I'm not sure what exact date I leave but they  have told me either Aug 27 or Aug 31st.
I had my interview June 16 and they said they would call me in a month. I called after a month and they said my file was still at Borden. I called today (9 August) and they told me I was approved for my trade (043) and I was on the merit list. I asked the very polite lady when I should expect to get the next call with the job offer, and she said "it could be tomorrow, or it could be next month, but probably by early September."

Overall, just be patient, and be polite to them and they probably wont bullshit you. Always say "Hello Missus! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering about my application status..." and "please" and "thank you very much Missus!" and they will be very polite in return...

During my interview which lasted about 15 minutes, the interviewer (a Captian) didn't even look at me, just asked me some questions and wrote some stuff down on his paper. I answered every question accurately, signed the papers he gave me, shook his hand and I was out. Like I said it seemed like I must have been the 40th person he interviewed that day, and he barely even paid attention to me. It was really easy and very quick.
Finally, I had a chance to visit the recruiting centre in Hamilton to inquire about the status of my 1st MOC choice.

A very helpful gentleman looked up on the list at the front of the desk and informed me that the CFRG had NOT yet reviewed the applicants from the various recruiting centres.  He did inform me that they would be getting together at the end of August and the actual list of those chosen would arrive 1-2 weeks for the case managers to begin calling those waiting on the merit list. 

In addition, he told me that there is a grand total of 18 open positions for the 291 MOC -- which apparently is very high considering this particular trade....

I also asked him about a "wost-case scenario" if I was not one of those 18 picked and he told me that when the CFRG complied all the applicant scores to make a decision for your 2nd or 3rd choice -- you have the ability to compete for those positions as well....

Overall I am quite content with my various encounters with the men and women at the Hamilton recruiting centre -- they are quite willing and frank to answer your questions and do not simply brush you off if they do not have the answer to your question (they will actually look for the information)....I guess any frustration about waiting should not be directed to them.  Remember, there are almost in the dark as much as we are, relying on the final word of top brass and selection boards....
Told you august would be a magical month.

I was officially merit listed the other day and the recruiter said i am "advanced standing" and have a job offer comment but i have to wait 2 weeks for the recruiter to call me but i am getting sworn in a few days after the call. So the recruited did the whole job offer thing to speed things up.... so i just gotta wait the 2 weeks.

Did the whole process, tests, examinations, everything within a month and a half - not bad! Great Job CFRC Hamilton.

So keep your heads up boys, were leaving soon. :army:
Trying to join the army makes me feel like a mushroom. I'm kept in the dark and fed horse sh*t. Either CFRC is telling me they don't know or they're telling me false information. I guess it's only gonna get worse once I'm in.  ;D
just got back from a stress free 3 weeks of camping and im back to chewing my nails in 1/2 hr after reading mav's post ;D.
hey mav nuff respect bro.... i hope that moday will be the day they call me and tell me that i need to get ready to get sworn in. hope to get the call soon. much love to all trying to get in, keep the updates coming.
my file is basically complete, i passed everything, just need a doctors note signed after i get a blood and urine test done. may take up to 1 week. 2 max. if i send in my note to the recruitment office, how are my chances of getting merit listed and making it in time for Sept 15th selection date??? :army:
hey guys sorry this is partially related more selfish come to think of it but since  tracker had some valid points i was wondering if tracker wanted to hop on over to the recruiting page under header "could this be a problem as to why im not gone yet" and gimme an answer to my questions or any recruiters floating this post want to elaborate and gimme and remedies to fix this problem. thx a lot
i was merit listed a couple months now ....waiting for the sept board to sit.

dont know if this is related but do all mocs go bmq same time or does infantry go in 1st week sept followed by sig ops etc.. or are the all mixed into 1 plt , coz if this is the case then the wait is gonna be forever( as sure they are gonna be ppl more qualified for different mocs way up on their merit list)
all ppl applying for infantry going at the same time, all ppl going for sig ops same time, all ppl applying for comms going at the same time etc..
thx a bunch for the replies
the med file part is what usually sets everyone back because its minimum a month but longer if u have a messed up med history, hopefully ur lucky and have never broken anything or received any strange virus - if u havent then i dont see why u need a doctors note....

the doctors note thing, as i have seen, was onlyd one for those with weird medical history's - do you have anything or have had anything that could disrupt ur chances?
i feel your pain man..im hoping to get in before december or else my fit expires....dont get disheartned bro, look at it this way..it gives you a whole lot of time so that next time you have to do it you can shock and awe the pants of them ;D
keep at it and you'll be going before me ...heck every one is going before me ..lol  ;D
I do not believe "1 year" is accurate.  Some things expire in 6 months, some things expire in 1 year, some things only expire when the base test changes. 

One of the recruiters that frequent this board should answer this. You could also just call the CFRC and ask them and post your findings here.
My recruiter told me I was going to be placed on the merrit list sometime this week. I finished my interview and medical 6 weeks ago... so heres hoping!
Man, it feels like a long time. But finally, I called CF RC in Kingston today and they said I am on the Merit list!!!! Big time excited. 8)
Good Luck! Have you been able to find out when the next selection board takes place? I'm trying to get into Reg force Engineers (041). CFRC Calgary told me that the selection was on Wednesday and I should be getting a call on Monday... so I'm going to spend my whole weekend being anxious...  :o
man... i wish they'd call me for my goshdarn pt booking already!

last time i called he said they would be calling any day to book my pt test... that was another 2 weeks ago now.

im getting really really tired of calling them every few weeks, being told 'the file was moved here' or 'the file wasnt even touched, we'll get it looked at tomorrow'

the bitterness sets in... especially since now i am in college, and my funds are draining down to nothing in my line of credit...

i really need this 'job' ASAP to afford to continue school!
