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Commuter Cringe driving along the Gardiner in Toronto.

the 48th regulator

Army.ca Fixture
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Found this interesting incident on CP24 today,

Commuter Cringe

Commuters driving along the Gardiner Expressway at the end of the Wednesday morning rush hour were met with a nerve-wracking sight - a soldier armed with an assault rifle.

After a wave of cell phone calls, Toronto Police cruisers were dispatched to the scene at the Jameson Ave. footbridge just before 10am.

There they found a soldier carrying his full gear, including a non-functioning dummy rifle. The man had apparently been waiting for a ride when he got fed up and decided to walk back to his unit.

He won't be charged. The soldier is due to be sent to Afghanistan in the coming weeks.

Geez better see if it was one of the lads down at the unit, wonder why he didn't just hop on the TTC...



Yeah, I'll check that out tonight.

Interesting that he was carrying a dummy rifle.. I didn't know those could be signed out... ::)
Yeah I don't quite understand why this particular soilder would have been on the side of the road, by himself with a dummy rifle and full kit.
Looks like most of the people in that Liberal cesspool that is Toronto were just upset at seeing a "peacekeeper" with a weapon!  :dontpanic:

Thank God for Alberta rednecks! ;D
mo-litia said:
Looks like most of the people in that Liberal cesspool that is Toronto were just upset at seeing a "peacekeeper" with a weapon!  :dontpanic:

Thank God for Alberta rednecks! ;D

Sure, that was the reason ::)  The fact that he was beside an extremely busy highway, in a major city, by HIMSELF, with what the motorists thought was a fully functional assault rifle had absolutely nothing to do with it.  If I had seen this guy I would have called the cops as well.
I would have liked to have seen the troopie's reaction when the cops showed up for an armed takedown, though.  I bet he got an earful from the po-po and the boys at his unit.  :P
Im really interested to hear what unit this one came from....

Its about time some of the guys started using their big head.... and the public wake up and realize that soldiers happen to work all over canada and sometimes they happen to be armed.  ::)
I am guessing from the proximity to Fort York Armoury, the dude was either a Sig, QYR, Royal, or Tor Scot
The "dude" is a Royal.  Infact...it was me. 
The story on CP24 is grossly incorrect (ie: Golan - not Afghanistan, marching - not waiting for a ride).  The Bde Paffo is working on it. 
Without getting to who did what or who didnt do what, I was doing the BFT with a safety vehicle close by.  There was apparently some miscommunication in informing those who needed to know.

Regardless, the BFT was completed as the whole incident took less than 7 mins of my time.  Surprisingly enough, the media was there before the other officers arrived...

Were the po-po nice to the guy or was there a scene? Anyone know?
That's pretty funny actually.  We've had things like that happen here in Vancouver.  
Toronto_NCO said:
Also, before someone asks:   YES, my unit did know about the BFT today.

I remember doing full ruck and weapon marches during my Mo basic way back in '86 along the waterfront near Ontario Place...I wonder if you could do that now?

With our Liberal PC city council and what not I bet the answer is "No"

Times have changed!
Slim said:
I remember doing full ruck and weapon marches during my Mo basic way back in '86 along the waterfront near Ontario Place...I wonder if you could do that now?

With our Liberal PC city council and what not I bet the answer is "No"

Times have changed!

Well, you could always move to Alberta, Slim.  Not too many Liberals around this here neck of the woods. :blotto:
The police officers did their job as I would have if I was in their shoes (not knowning who I was, or if the the weapon was real/loaded/unloaded/dummy).
They were fine w/me during the whole thing....Like I said, I was on my way fairly quick. 
Slim said:
I remember doing full ruck and weapon marches during my Mo basic way back in '86 along the waterfront near Ontario Place...I wonder if you could do that now?
During a reserve BMQ/SQ course run in Vancouver(summer '03) they were doing ruck marches an FFO marches/runs around Vancouver. Scared a bunch of people though, haha.
MikeL said:
During a reserve BMQ/SQ course run in Vancouver(summer '03) they were doing ruck marches an FFO marches/runs around Vancouver. Scared a bunch of people though, haha.

Summer SYEP 88 - we used to do training all over Toronto. We got in some NBC training by walking through the Don River. In fact, we marched with full kit and rifles from Fort York to High Park and commenced training in the midst of picnicers. Commandeered a couple of ham sandwiches for lunch.
Don't feel badly. I once had soldiers outside doing dry training with weapons at Jericho Det during the Clinton-Chretien summit (if I recall the event correctly) in Vancouver. The authorities frowned, so we had to revert to indoor training.  I can't remember if that was the same day the two illustrious politicians were due to make there way to or from Point Grey via 4th Ave (on which Jericho Det fronts)...
In Kitchener whenever we train outside we always get the police called on us... you'd think that the neighbours would realize it's just us but i guess they still call just in case
Slim said:
I remember doing full ruck and weapon marches during my Mo basic way back in '86 along the waterfront near Ontario Place...I wonder if you could do that now?

With our Liberal PC city council and what not I bet the answer is "No"

Times have changed!

Not true. Surprisingly.

With the TorScots, we can do ruck / FFO marches along the waterfront (including right in front of Ontario Place) with C7s and there has never been a problem. Sure, its usually dark out and not that many people in the area, but still, never had problems.. Hell, we've even done a march in Mississauga with rifles. Sure, a lot of people gawked and walked out of buildings to watch us, but overall, there hasn't been a problem with armed soldiers in the area.