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Combat Camera's Saga at Army.ca

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Staff member
Directing Staff
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Well, it has been an interesting couple of days here, that is for certain. After some discussion, the DS have decided to let you all in on a bit of this day. We had a very nasty banning from here today and I am sure that everyone knows already that the subject is combatcamera. He was banned for a litany of reasons, mostly for attacks against the Staff and for what?

combatcamera posted in a thread that ended up being locked right after he posted. He immediately accused the Staff of censorship. We left his post up there for all to see, how is that censorship? Please fill me in on that secret. So, he asks why it was locked, doesn't like the answer given and asks again, same answer given so he asks again - see where this is going? It's kind of like they say about guys at a poker table, they'll keep looking at those damn cards hoping that they will magically turn into something better. combatcamera thought that if he asked a question enough times that the answer would change. Here is the quote from the Army.ca Directing Staff Guidelines that supports what I just said about locking topics:
When to lock a topic

Discussion is heading off-topic, but does not merit deletion
The initial message and replies contain valuable information, but further discussion is not desired
Topic is a repeat of another post, or is answered in the FAQ
The thread is becoming too lengthy

Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether to lock a topic or delete it.  In general, deference should be given to the members participating, and it's better to lock a topic than to delete it. (If there are individual messages in the thread that are offensive, they can be individually removed---just be careful that the remaining thread still makes sense.)

If a thread has been locked, Staff should not post to it (except for administrative purposes, and rarely at that). If further discussion is warranted on the topic, consider unlocking it. Note that since Staff can post to any topic (locked or not) you must be vigilant for the "locked" icon at the top - closed threads have no other identifying marks for Staff, as they do for regular users.

There was no compelling evidence in any of the threads he posted in that resulted in a lock, indicating they should have remained open. The thread was locked because it was dragging on, plain and simple. combatcamera wanted a fight for a fight's sake and got mad when he didn't get one. Anyway, the endgame was that he even had the nerve to take a swipe at the site owner which I do not suggest to anyone and he was eventually banned.

So, yesterday and today we found it quite interesting that people were registering accounts on the forum and the e-mail addresses were nearly the same as combatcamera's. One of his alter ego's managed to post something pretty nasty and inflammatory, the rest of his incarnations were headed off at the pass, meaning that I banned his backside before he got the chance to post. To backup my actions you may read The Army.ca Conduct Guidelines and specifically the following quote:
You will not have multiple forum accounts without prior permission.
We will ban any multiple accounts. Period.

Now I have been DS here for almost a year and a half and I have seen some lame shenanigans in that time but this takes the cake. Some guys get banned and try to re-register right away, get caught and they go away - not this guy. I now present to you the list of accounts that this guy created today to try and slip by us no doubt to spew more hateful crap at the DS and anyone else he lined up in his sights.
adrian wilson
Condoleeza Rice

How many times must one be banned before they find a new hobby? Seriously, I don't find this funny because I have chased down at least one quarter of those accounts. He was acting inappropriately and got banned but that was not enough, why? Just take your consequence and go away, you are not welcome here.

Folks, the bottom line here is that we try to entertain all questions about the DS and how we handle things in an even keel manner, after a day like today I am not keen on hearing how unfair we are considering I have spent the majority of my time online today chasing the above clown around the site. We have stated many times that we are human and make mistakes. Some are more willing to own up to their mistakes than others, as with our members and as in real life.

We on the DS do this to try and make the site better, not drag it down. I am sure that if we were causing harm to the site or its reputation that Mr Bobbitt would put an end to that right away. For all the whining that we are heavy handed in our moderation style it seems to come from one very small corner. The same guys complain time after time and, eventually, the rest of the masses will catch on to this and ignore them, or those people will eventually step over the line and get read only access like our friend combatcamera.

And how mature is it for someone to get booted from a site, with good reason mind you, to come back and harass everyone from Staff down to New Member? In my opinion that is exactly what combatcamera is doing with these multiple accounts that we must track down and ban. He has managed to slip a couple of hate filled posts past the DS but they have since been deleted. How long will it be before he gets the hint that he is not wanted here? We have 9,000+ members on this site - I would guess that some 2,000 of those people post regularly, should we turn tail and run because ONE GUY is mad at us? I am sorry but I am not that good to continually satisfy one person, he came here, contravened the guidelines, got kicked out on his backside and now just wants to cause trouble. Honestly, I'd rather find something constructive to do.

These are just thoughts and I hope all will understand our motivation behind posting this, it's meant as a learning tool for all to see but also a public outing of someone who has caused a pretty big fracas here today, he wanted the attention and now he's got it.

You know, I'd love to leave this thread open to hear some constructive feedback from the membership but I know it's not possible. I know that there are a select few members of this site who are reading this and licking their chops knowing that they get to stir the pot. They aren't satisfied unless they are doing so and I assume, probably correctly, that they find a need to do this in everyday life as well. To those of you that the above applies to: Get over yourselves. I am a member here just as much - no less or more - as you are. I am DS, I volunteered to do it and enjoy it, most days. I try to contribute to the site with my posts and moderation and I always try to separate the two, ie. I don't like to lock topics that I have posted heavily in or warn users that engage me in public unless absolutely necessary. The bottom line is that we are here and not going anywhere, if you wish to log on and post to your heart's content while remaining within the guidelines then I can assure you that our paths will never cross unless we share a thread. If you want to be a private nuisance you and I will meet very quickly.

Do you have questions or concerns with the preceding post? Please PM a Moderator should you feel it necessary. Thank you.
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