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In this message I will try to address the concerns of various intellectual midgets, scrotum heads and neo-realist cows.

1. Monkhouse, you don’t have to worry about me hiding behind a nickname. I’ve got your name, I’ve got your number, and seeing as the CF is such a small world, we’re bound to meet. I checked your profile…”Where’s my baton?” Let me answer that question for you: up your arse!
2. You mentioned RMC, so I assume you’re confusing me with some officer cadet you can intimidate at your expediency. Don’t.  And stop writing about RMC, an institution you’ll only be able to see from the outside.
3. Just because you have some insignificant power over some poor sods posting here doesn’t mean you should abuse it. Power tripping is abhorrent.
4. I’m also gonna reply to the shite stain trying to educate me about the 3-block war: buddy, save the patronizing rhetoric for your subordinates, if you have any.
5. I also took the liberty to address my various concerns to the appropriate military authorities. Needless to say, it’s not looking good for you.

P.S. Don’t bother to reply, I won’t access this site anymore. Also, feel free to delete my profile…I’m pretty sure that I’ll eventually meet some of you. Looking forward to it.
Tolstoyevsky said:
In this message I will try to address the concerns of various intellectual midgets, scrotum heads and neo-realist cows.

1. Monkhouse, you don’t have to worry about me hiding behind a nickname. I’ve got your name, I’ve got your number, and seeing as the CF is such a small world, we’re bound to meet. I checked your profile…”Where’s my baton?” Let me answer that question for you: up your arse!
5. I also took the liberty to address my various concerns to the appropriate military authorities. Needless to say, it’s not looking good for you.

1. We will meet??......plan on coming to prison soon are we?

5. Sure hope the guys you talked to haven't been out for almost 20 years like I.

Tolstoyevsky said:
I’m pretty sure that I’ll eventually meet some of you. Looking forward to it.

If you don't grow up and change your attitude, I guarantee you'll wash out of training, if you ever start.

Take that advice or leave it, I truly don't care.

I'm sorry we didn't turn out to be the drive-by troll haven you expected us to be, and that some challenged your notions. I'm also sorry you felt the need to fire an unprofessional parting shot because you couldn't accept criticism. I'm not sorry that you won't be causing my Staff any additional work, and wholeheartedly thank you for leaving voluntarily.

I am glad to see that Tolstoyevsky thinks powertripping is abhorent.... I would hate to see his performance if he actually got off on it. ::)
Tolstoyevsky said:
I’ve got your name, I’ve got your number

Damn, he even screwed up his quote from Gunnery Sgt Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. Not a good day for this cat, is it.

Big talk from someone who hasn't even set foot on the parade square yet.... ::)
Kinda funny actually....

Seeing as Mr. Monkhouse is a prison guard and not in the CF at all.    ::)

Tolstoyevsky said:
In this message I will try to address the concerns of various intellectual midgets, scrotum heads and neo-realist cows. . . .

5. I also took the liberty to address my various concerns to the appropriate military authorities. Needless to say, it’s not looking good for you.


Is all I can really say...

You are a card there bullshitvicksy.



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