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CAW union protest forces cancellation of Veterans' Memorial Service


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is there a roon/forum/site dedicated to the cowardice of 'Yellowjack Layton',good greif the coward couldn't even address a bunch of Sea Cadets whose weekend event was cancelled due to a labor protest in 'the dirty shwa'(oshawa) .
You certainly don't win the hearts and minds of the local population by disrupting to the point of cancellation THE CAMP X /D-DAY MEMORIAL WEEKEND at Intrepid Park pissing on those who formed the very union they belong to(WW 1 vets) and gave them  the resolve  in the '48 strike when threatened by the local police chief with pistol drawn,it was the cheif who quickly withdrew/slinked away from the picket lines with officers in tow..pissingon the very people who gave them the right to free speech ,right to association ,right to public dissent w/o fear of persecution and freedom of movement..i better stop i don't think the keyboard can take the poundin and $crew the punctuation
a blockade of intersections leading to the park next door to union hall ;the intended target  GM is blocks away and closer intersections;hour long waits  for cars we couldn't get our stores in to set up ,event particpants were holed up in Timmy's in the area awaing word and finally at 1030 the organizer had to call it off due to setup time
over an hour and a half and nobody could get in touch with Buzz or local president(Yellowjack ran and hid right away) in this day of the cell phone we initially supported them earlier in the morning but  they had deaf ears when many polite reqests were ignored

apologies to the forum for the tirade... in my feeble defense for the outburst the event was promoted in a different forum on army.ca
no to mention the wasted efforts of so many volunteers ,the time the Veterans took prep/travel and disappointment the waste of a particular INT Sec resources and the local Armd lads who get jobbed out of the Regt'l Ex (whirlybirds) and pay  once again my apologies


CAW motorcade forces cancellation of Veterans' Memorial Service
Reader calls union actions a 'disgrace
Sat Jun 07, 2008

I will start this by saying that I believe that what GM has done with the truck plant in Oshawa is a disgrace. Being one of the most successful and productive plants in North America, I am sure that there are other plants, such as Mexico that are more suitable to be closed than ours.

That being said, today I witnessed an even larger disgrace when I took my Royal Canadian Sea Cadet daughter to the Camp X ceremonies down at the Camp X Memorial site. At 9 a.m., GM workers began a roadblock of Boundry Road, leading to the GM plant. This forced the cancellation of the Camp X and Military Veteran Memorial Service. CAW…Shame on you! One man had the nerve to say that though he doesn’t drive a GM, he supports them; that without GM there wouldn’t be an Oshawa. Well sir…let me tell you…without the veterans there would be no GM!!! You wouldn’t have the rights and the freedoms you so richly enjoy right now if it hadn’t been for the men and women of the military who died for your freedoms, and those who continue to do so today!

This was no way to garner support for your cause. The cadets, who gave up their time to come out and support the veterans as well as to show their loyalty to the military and the community was met with nothing more than a slap in the face. If this is how the public, including CAW members, treats their military, then why would our children want to join the military later on? If you have no respect, why would they put their lives on the line for you? And what about our veterans? What kind of respect did this show them? Could you not have found a better time or place to do this? How about right in front of the GM plant instead of the entire length of Boundry Road? And what difference did your little display make? Nothing, other than angering all of the people who used that road (you know, like those who live there and the veterans)?

If you wanted an audience to send your message to, you could have picked a better forum rather than Boundry Road. All you did was embarrass yourself and those GM workers who you are supposed to be fighting for. You need support and this was not the way to get it. Next time, why don’t you do something that will get your message across to GM rather than angering those that you want to stand and fight for you. You might be a little more successful

A very proud cadet parent and daughter of retired military and veteran grandfathers

Marianne Waldman
I'm rather disappointed in the CAW Union.  They claim they didn't know about the Camp X event although signs were posted in the general area for almost a week prior to the event.

As the primary organizer for the event; it was a tough call, to cancel the event.  The information provided by Jack Layton and Regional & City Councillor Robert Lutczyk (Ward Two) was that the protest would last throughout the day.  They guaranteed that no road blockades would be setup.  Knowing that this conflict could affect the veterans and other members of the public from getting onsite safely; I decided to call it off.

During the "tear-down" phase; CAW protesters assaulted a Naval Officer, verbally assaulted a grandmother and her grandchild and prevented any none-GM car products from entering and leaving the area.  I'm really disappointed that, after being told that the protest would be peaceful, to come across the filthy mouths of the CAW Union members as they slag the military and our veterans.

I really hope that the CAW takes this to heart and realizes they owe our Military, Veterans and volunteers of this event an apology.

-Matthew Rutledge
President, Camp X Historical Society
The CAW leadership, in my opinion, are nothing but a gang of rabble rousers and thugs, cloaked in the respeciablility of the union movement.
If they want employment, they should march to a recruiting office and volunteer to join the CF.
People give your heads a shake, it was not the whole membership that caused this problem(and it was wrong for a few bad apples to do what they did and they should be punished for it)so don't assume because you no where that leads, do none of you remember the late 80's and early 90' where all of Canada painted us with the same brush and we lost a fine regiment and soldiers because of the stupid acts of a couple soldiers(in a far off country) I use that term loosely. Lets not go done that same road again. The president has apologized for the acts of a few, understand the direction the countries economy is going temper are high and in southern Ontario it was the auto worker that help build this province.
OldSolduer we don't want,don't need,  thugs and rabble rousers in my army.

Dave Munroe
retired LdSH (rc)