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Canadian Chopper Images


Army.ca Legend
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A few more images  :)




Canadian soldiers from the NATO-led coalition force are seen after exiting a CH 147 Chinook helicopter that landed in the airfield of Canadian Joint Task Force Afghanistan in Kandahar province, southern Afghanistan, March 27, 2009. Helicopters are a prime asset to move NATO-led coalition troops and supplies in the war-plagued country because convoys by road are often blown up improvised explosive devices (IEDS). Reuters
amazing shots!  Would it be possibly to get high resolution versions? 
NFLD Sapper said:
Either FE's or death techs infantry

I know a few recce reservists doing the job over there aswell. Hard to believe there is a shortage for a job like that.

Those pictures are awesome.
That second one looks like it's from a video game. (Or a Taliban nightmare) :


Does the heart good to see those Chinooks with Canadian markings.

Edit: Cheers to NFLD Sapper for the assist.
img] insert web address of picture you want here [/img]


insert a [ before the first img
Kevin_M said:
Hard to believe there is a shortage for a job like that.

I'm in the process of joining the CF, and you mean to tell me there is a shortage at this postition?  What job woud this fall under, infantry?
Kevin_M, the door gunners that augment the helo crews are mostly infantry (reg and reserve) and a few tankers tossed in. These folks were canvassed by their units (well, most units did, some just did not bother) and though we (the Air Force) had minimum requirements, we got some that did not meet them. It was preferred the guys had at least one tour under them.The army does not like giving up experienced soldiers to us, though it is for the most part.
So, a newbie getting this is slim though we do have a couple of privates but it is the exception. Or you could go Air Force as an AVN tech for 4-6 years, then remuster to Flight Engineer. Pays better and you get to wear a wedge...nothing drives the guys in green crazy like a zoomie wearing a wedge with a cadpat jacket on ;D

He's "Awaiting RMC Acceptance", so his odds of being a door gunner, AVN Tech, or FE are pretty slim.

As for wedges - there's a good reason why the Army declared the horrible things obsolete decades ago.
Fantastic pics!
"Death rides a Pale Horse...or in this case, a green Griffin...and wears a  :cdn:

First one tho' might get some flak from higher.  I'm reminded of  Marlon Brando's line in Apocalypse Now..
"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't let them write f&*k on thier aeroplanes because...it's obscene."
Best regards, BYTD
"We train young men to drop fire on people <snip>

I've read that PoW's reported they feared napalm more than any other weapon. That troops who would have fought to the death against other weapons would abandon their positions.
