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Camp So Far


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I am surprised that there isnt a topic about how every one is enjoying camp already, so i decided to start one. Post your thoughts feelings expierences ect. so far, as i realize its only the second week..

I personally like it, But Not my company.. They reorganized everythign so P&D is more like school.. 8 hours of music class a day.. So I am trying to transfer to Alpha or Bravo..

I was really mad one day because They were trying to CT us for a week for some one trying to light a fire in the washrooms on free time, so I decided to go up to my cousin company, Echo. When I Got Her and My Best Friend this kid in My section walked up to me with some kid. I am losing my voice and then the kid started laughoing about it and i walked up to him and asked him on no polite terms if there was a problem. Then he said no and asked me if i knew who he was and I said no aand frankly i dont quite care. then I walked off and the two of them followed us screaming My Name and all.. The a week later [or Last Night to be exact] I saw the kid in My section and i was in a much better mood and I asked him who the kid was and he said "Kyle Burrows.. He says he knows you".. I was cracking up.. But then I found out Kyle Isnt at camp anymore.. Lol.. Sorry Kyle..
Right...oh well.  The week I was there I met a lot of people... Someone would show up and someone would run down and say Burrows someone from the internet is here.  I'm like. >.< .

They won't let you transfer.
They Pretty Much Already Have.. They Garunteed that I will be transferred, but I just dont know where yet.. I am trying for CLI but if I cant then I will go for regular CL..
They won't transfer you up a level if you are 14....If they do excuse me while I go kill whoever wrote the NO EXCEPTIONS on the bottom of the sheet.
At 14 I would think that they would transfer you to CL. I don't see being transferred to a CLI at 14 being that great of an idea. I wouldn't have wanted to be CLI when I was 14. I remember we had a few in our CLI in 2002 that were quite a bit younger and way less experienced/knowledgable as the rest of us. It wasn't the age that was the problem, it was the fact that they didn't really have any experience or knowledge of the topics we were learning. It was very annoying to have to keep re-explaining and re-teaching them everything.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for team work and helping buddy out. But there are different levels of camp for a reason. Everyone should progress through them before going to the next level. You cannot learn more specific leadership training, if you do not have the fundamentals to build on.

But of course, that is just my personal opinion. Good luck with whatever you end up with!   ;D
My Basic staff cadets returned home yesterday evening, and they loved every bit of it! They're coming back as educated Army cadets who understand not only the system better than they left, but the unfortunate world of camp politics.  :P One of our cadets had a Lieutenant shadow rank for Final Parade, and is now geared up and ready go to for next summer: c'est bien!
Kyle Burrows said:
They won't transfer you up a level if you are 14....If they do excuse me while I go kill whoever wrote the NO EXCEPTIONS on the bottom of the sheet.
The Chief Instructor briefed all the staff cadets on a change of policy this year ... you can be loaded for any camp regardless of previous camp experience IF there is a need for the cadet corps (not the individual), also the Commanding Officer must make this request (example: a cadet taking on an appointment of RSM might benefit more from a CLI course then a CL course).   However I don't think that policy extends to transfers while at camp.

Another interesting new policy we learned of is that cadets that are RTU'd are not invited back to camp (some exceptions depending on reasons).
Zedic said:
The Chief Instructor briefed all the staff cadets on a change of policy this year ... you can be loaded for any camp regardless of previous camp experience IF there is a need for the cadet corps (not the individual), also the Commanding Officer must make this request (example: a cadet taking on an appointment of RSM might benefit more from a CLI course then a CL course).   However I don't think that policy extends to transfers while at camp.

Another interesting new policy we learned of is that cadets that are RTU'd are not invited back to camp (some exceptions depending on reasons).

Good.. I like it when they go strict.
Yay!! End of week three and so far its been amazing...Skittles parade today was interesting...some Echo girl fell on her face...Charlie and Juliette got the pennants...I have strep throat...yay!! (not) ...made alot of new friends...Met Burrows...met McWatt....But i went back to see Kyle and found out he went home??..>Thanx alot Kyle!! Leave me there!!!!! So anyways how is everyone else doing at camp?!?!

xox Amanda Brown -->> Juliette Company !!
Stuff happens.  Found out later that my CO would have rathered I didn't go to camp.  Now I'm doing rapelling training.
I went for the 2 week basic and enjoyed it even though 3 of my friends are in Golf (1 as a staff cadet), and the other friend is in Bravo.. but non the less it was enjoyable.
Well I just came home from Cadet Basic Para. It was one of the best yet the toughest times of my life. But the toughest part was leaving the boys that i've "fought" along side for so long.
So far, there have been eight guys gone. Three at Connaught for injuries and pt tests. Four at the Mock Tower at Trenton, and one "administrative" RTU from the course (me)

If anyone has questions about the course or how their favorite Airborne Cadet is doing, feel free to ask here.
Hey, if anyone is at the RMNACSTC in Cochrane Alberta for the summer, and if you go into the Transport Section there, speak to SGT Greg Cheeeseman (Army Summer Staff), and ask him if he recieved his parcel from SGT Allen in Australia ;D

I am sure he'll get a suprise.


CLI Adventure is an awesome course and I think everyone should try it. I have had a lot of fun so far, the first week was awesome because I got Top Cadet in the company. So far I've done my 4 day canoe trip and I just got back from Meaford which was abseiling, mountain biking, and assault boating. Our company has great training advisors 2 RCR Mcpls and 1 PPCLI WO. Our Mcpl from 3 RCR is a rappel master who had introduced us all to rappelling. This upcoming week is C7 familiarization and our Patrol EX which is going to be sweet.
Went for the 2 week course at Blackdown.. never ending stream of CL and CLI females cooing.. "Aww cute lil twinkieeess..."
Had a hell of a time with poison ivy and heels so swollen I was in and out of the MIR quite frequently. (Which reminds me... I met someone from Army.ca in the MIR trailer.. Burrows came up somehow... ah well...)

Wicked awesome time though! I miss camp horribly and would have killed to stay for 6 weeks, going from 2 weeks of non-stop fun and good company to my family and sheer boredom is wholly depressing.  :'(
Who'd you meet from Army.ca?

And why were you talking about me?

Hold on while I revel in glory.