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Budget 2007 - 19 Mar 07 1600


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After years of cutback, this long awaited budget should hopefully provide the CF with some much needed flexibility in acquiring & maintaining ressources.

In these days of much increased, and needed, spending on its' military, I cannot help but be slightly anxious to see what will be tabled this evening. And after getting the Public Affairs Guidance on the issue creates a sense of anticipation. Perhaps Peter won't need to be robbed as much anymore to pay Paul.
CBC is reporting a prediction of an increase of 1 billion for the CF from 15 billion to 16 billion.

The budget is the leading story in the video in this link: http://www.cbc.ca/video/

6 new vessels for the coast guard so far, everything else is environmental, provincial transfers, etc
CBC is reporting that the Libs and NDP will not support this budget.

Election anyone?
CdnArtyWife said:
CBC is reporting a prediction of an increase of 1 billion for the CF from 15 billion to 16 billion.

The budget is the leading story in the video in this link: http://www.cbc.ca/video/

Guaranteed that the $1 Billion is already spent too  ;D
 I do like the money allocated for my Army brothers and sisters for monthly field allowance....     The fact that the LIB and NDP will not support the budget isn't surprising, but I don't see Dion as a strong leader
Monthly field allowance? Like your sea pay? That would be sweet.
JesseWZ said:
CBC is reporting that the Libs and NDP will not support this budget.

Election anyone?
No? Really?
I think they've been gearing up for weeks.  I can't see why the Libs and NDP can't just don't man up, back off and let the Conservatives do some work for awhile instead of wasting taxpayers time and money arguing every move the PC's try to make.  I mean, all this grandstanding and postering is useless and pointless, except to p^&* off the people and have the voters move away from them {the Libs and NDP}
I know my vote has been swayed...dare I say, bent!
Dolphin_Hunter said:
The fact that the LIB and NDP will not support the budget isn't surprising, but I don't see Dion as a strong leader

Nope, he sure isn't. Which is the best thing that could happen to the Conservatives. If Dion won, I can just imagine Dion at some international conference being held up by the other G-8 leaders for his lunch money.
TN2IC said:
Monthly field allowance? Like your sea pay? That would be sweet.

Canadian Forces members who are exposed to hazards and difficult conditions
in their daily work are provided with “environmental allowances,” which are
in addition to their salaries. Budget 2007 provides $60 million per year to
enhance the Field Operations Allowance given to soldiers serving in Army
field units to ensure their environmental allowances are in line with those
provided to members of the Navy and Air Force. This means that soldiers in
Army field units will receive an allowance of at least $285 per month served

Taken from page 254 of the budget (Chapter 6)

career_radio-checker said:
Nope, he sure isn't. Which is the best thing that could happen to the Conservatives. If Dion won, I can just imagine Dion at some international conference being held up by the other G-8 leaders for his lunch money.
Hahaha, best mental picture I've had all day.
Looks like the bloc are supporting it.

The federal Conservatives want to improve the lives of individual soldiers and those who have left the service.

The Defence department will pay soldiers who are working in “difficult and hazardous” conditions an additional allowance of at least $285 per month – an amount that will increase according to the number of years they have spent in the service.

“Our history has shown us that we are best at protecting others when our Forces are strong and our soldiers are supporters,” Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said in his speech to the Commons yesterday, “when our soldiers can count on their government as much as their government counts on them.”

Through the new budget, the government is acknowledging that there is a price to be paid here at home for years of deployment to dangerous places like Afghanistan.

The new danger pay will be available to anyone who is assigned to a field unit that is on deployment or capable of being deployed, so it will be paid even when the soldiers are at home working out of their Canadian bases.

This allowance replaces a previous system that paid the soldiers on a daily basis when they were actually in the field – or on deployment – and brings them in line with sailors and airmen who have, for some time, been given a monthly allowance when they are on a ship or posted to any air force base.

There will also be $9 million set aside annually to create five new occupational stress injury clinics to help veterans and current members of the Canadian Forces who are having trouble dealing with the emotional toll of dangerous deployments. This money will pay for “critically timed” interventions, social support and counseling to help military personnel readjust to life back home.

And additional $1 million has been set aside to help military families. The government has been targeted by critics who say it has not done enough to pay for the increasing number of children.

Again no surprise there.  The NDP and LIB will vote against it, just because they can and it won't really matter if the bloc supports it.  Now if the BLOC were going to vote against it I would bet that you would see some LIB/NDP supporting it just to avoid an election.

No party has a strong enough leader to take a shot at Harper, the leader of the BLOC seems the strongest out of three (BLOC, NDP, LIB) and that's a scary thought

I have to ask myself what will hapen for the reservist field allowances. Not that its a big issue, but I have to wonder.
Baden  Guy said:
The new danger pay will be available to anyone who is assigned to a field unit that is on deployment or capable of being deployed, so it will be paid even when the soldiers are at home working out of their Canadian bases.

Now my people shall be quite...
Baden  Guy said:
This allowance replaces a previous system that paid the soldiers on a daily basis when they were actually in the field – or on deployment – and brings them in line with sailors and airmen who have, for some time, been given a monthly allowance when they are on a ship or posted to any air force base.

Okay I knew about sea pay but...wtf is the "danger pay" for being on an Air Force base???  Or are they talking about aircrew allowance?

TN2IC said:
Monthly field allowance? Like your sea pay? That would be sweet.

I've heard talk of this for a number of years and it sounds like it is finally a reality.

I'm in the Navy and get Sea Pay while posted to a Ship.... It's about time that our Army comrades are entitled to a similar benefit while posted to a field unit.