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Browning Hi Power Argument


Army.ca Fixture
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Interesting discussion here regarding the Hi Power between Bob and Wolfe. Have to agree with Bob ,even though Wolfe is in the military that, I have never heard the Hi Power being called the 1911.
Interesting little tantrum they‘re having there especially for guys who claim to be adults and professionals eh.

I took a quick look at some of the other forums and I think I now know where all the nintendo/JTF/sniper/Recondo/rambo/wannabes we tossed from here went. Too bad because the place probably has potential.

That‘s what could happen hear if not for the grown ups who keep this site on a professional level, and I don‘t mean just the official moderators but everyone qwho enjoys coming here.

Ok that‘s my two cents for the day. :)
The pictures there are awesome...too bad for some of the comments.
Wow...Sure happy I don‘t call that place home...
The 1911 would be the Colt Model 1911 .45ACP Automatic Pistol. It‘s not the Hi-Power, not the same thing at all.
remember that colt and other semi auto hand guns were modelled and indeed copies of the Browning,
the 9mm was originally rated at about 1100fps, the Hi-power was boosted to about 1550fps to give it the ability to handle, comparatively the same requirements of the .45colt, which it actually surpasses by quite a margin greater range better accuracy, and of course more firepower. The cartridge is used in many other weapons that utilize its recoil energy to operate the weapons, the big one though is strictly logistics, more BULLETS for the same weight etc. Viet Nam demonstrated that advantage only to well. Many a patrol went out for a scheduled three days only to return early, one fire fight and out of ammo. The Cong could thwart a patrol with only a single sniper.
Colt 1911 was made by the same personal John Browning, he sold the plans for the 1911 to colt.

Both Browning and Colt 1911 Are Fine Weapons, I perfer 1911 For accuracy and browning For realibility.

remember that colt and other semi auto hand guns were modelled and indeed copies of the Browning,
the 9mm was originally rated at about 1100fps, the Hi-power was boosted to about 1550fps to give it the ability to handle, comparatively the same requirements of the .45colt,
1550FPS is TOOO HOT FOR 9mm, As a Reloader of ammo, Near impossable To Load 9mm over 1550FPS There would be soo much powder, the case will bulg,( only saw 9x21 Shoot over 1550FPS) And 1911 uses 45acp not 45COLT( 2 different Cals) 45colt is a Revolver Round. :-)

And browning and 1911 have different operation Mech.
Gee note the difference in the two forums, same subject.

Here: facts/history on each wpn and differences of opinion presented in calm manner

There: lots of "well I‘m right because my daddy said so BS."

Ah so nice to work with adults eh.
I love the pictures on that site, but the commentary is just crap.

Nice to be here :)
I was in that site a cpl of days ago and all the pics seem to have lost their comments. Some were very informative but most were very inflamtory, all it takes is a few to ruin it.
I notice Bartok (an old hand here, and officer in the Patricias) has gone in and shot down the wannabes int his thread with some professional arguments. Good show.

Decided to register myself and go and correct a few glaring and offensive comment there. Someone got my back? :warstory:
I know bartok, What I heard A fine officer, I think he‘s in 2 RCR now. I know him from another fourm, He knows all, cant slip anything past him, LOL
Sorry boys but I have to deal with enough childish behavior at my work, dont want to do it here too. But good luck trying to reality to that forum. CHEERS
Well, I couldn‘t miss out on the party...its a CDNarmy raid.
If we are going raiding though we are stopping for a Timmies first right?
Ex Dragoon didn‘t you read the orders on this op. You were supposed to stop by and pick them up. :D