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Bloggers Wanted


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Currently, I have a blog that is part of a network of outdoor bloggers. The owner of the network is interested in expanding to create a network of military bloggers. He is looking primarily for US servicepeople, vets, and retrirees, but will also consider Canadians who would like to blog as well.

He provides the blog site; you just need to write!

There is some potential for income as the blogger gets a portion of the site's revenue each month (revenue is generated through ads). At this point, however, I would not consider the revenue substantial - more like "beer money".... of course, that is subject to change...  My primary motivation for blogging is the fact that it is enjoyable.

For more info, visit www.skinnymoose.com or you can shoot me a PM for the owner's contact info. For a sample of what the blogs look like, you can check mine out at www.arizonahuntingtoday.com/desertrat

C'mon.. no one interested?

If any of you frequent other boards where there might be people interested - please feel free to re-post this. Thanks...
Hmmmm thinking about it honestly..... Mightnot be very intresting until I go back on tour though
As a US vetern, I'm interested, just don't know how interested yet.....thinking.
Cool - well if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. You can visit most of the other blogs from mine, to kind of get a feel for what we're doing. I'm expecting the first of the military blogs to go up any day - just working the kinks out.

By the way, I have no financial interest in promoting this - just told the guy when he asked me about it -  "Sure, I belong to a giant military site - I can round up some bloggers for you!"  ^-^

I just happen to enjoy blogging.
I forgot to ask which site the blog would appear on ? Desert rat or Skinny moose ?
Skinny Moose is like the "Network Headquarters" for information. Each blogger gets their own site set up by Skinny Moose, at no cost to them - with input on the look, layout, etc. Desert Rat is mine.

All the maintenance, etc., is handled by Skinny Moose. All the blogger has to do, is "blog"  :)

As I dont blog myself but I did pass on the opportunity on two boards I frequent, lightfighter and paratrooper.net.

I was also thinking that maybe I was being to general....

Bloggers can write whatever they want (topic-wise). Your thing may be military history; maybe someone else wants to write about combat experiences, or life in the military, in general; maybe you're a kit guy like infidel-6 and you want to write kit reviews/news; maybe you want to blog about veterans issues, or political issues. Maybe weapons are your forte. You can specialize in one area, or generalize and write about whatever you want....
The first military blog in our network is now up and running...

I may be interested in this blog stuff, seems like it could be interesting. The main issue of concern is time, since I am off to Iraq in September, Take care Can-am
Hay Can-Am, I have been off of these means for a week, and just received your PM. There's one headed back in your direction.

Anyone else interested? Feel free to ask questions here or via PM.
I notified hubby of the offer. Right now he's busy being "a one-armed juggler in the Afghanistan circus"...but I think he is interested when he gets home.

Until then, the stuff he has already written can be found here. Take a look and see if that is the type of stuff you are looking for. If so...he may be persuaded to let me do the set up for him before coming back to Canada.
I would love to see Can-Am's first blog about how wearing body armor is optional. Or how I lasted 2 days in Iraq without body armor. ;)
I have a blog, but I think sticking "skinny" near anything I own, write or appear around would expose me to false advertisement suits.

Besides, everyone knows NCdts aren't actually members of the CF, right?  ;D