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Blacklives matter- anything but peaceful protests


Army.ca Myth
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I've been watching the BlackLivesMatter protests  riots lately just incase Canadian Peacekeepers are sent down there. It's some pretty wild stuff.  I came across this video by Paul Joseph Watson about the Charlotte Riots [ Charlotte Riots: What They're NOT Telling You  ].


It's funny to see the main stream media apparently pushing the "peaceful protest" angle but videos seem anything but.  Trying to set people on fire, gang-assaulting people, throwing rocks and bricks off overpasses at cars driving by below, large scale looting.    Maybe a good spot for peacekeeping work-up training?  What a shit show.
Nothing says 'Social Outrage' Like stealing from your own people....

Remember the CNN 'Calling for peace'?


I find it rather difficult to keep up with them all. Officer Joe's unofficial score-card might be helpful. A separate card for each protest.

Hopefully, there will be no violence at any of them.

They say you never forget your first. I guess that applies to riots too.
Who says whitey doesn't know how?
CNE 1980.

The worst riot in Metro's rock n roll history. I believe that record stands.

Lots of yellow cars that night!



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Ya know, I used to support the  BLM movement, because they had some Legitimate grievances.

But now, the movement has been hijacked by hooligans and vagabonds. I think they need to start being treated as such and the original blm people who are peacefull need to splinter off.

Vicious cycle though and it is only getting worse. Buddy who served with the American Navy for a bunch of years and I were talking, with Trump/Clinton as candidates and daesh/blm as isssues... we kind of came to the conclusion... if clinton gets in America keeps slowly dying and if trump gets in ww3 happens.

Sad times these are. But yea these 'peaceful protests' are anything but that.
AbdullahD said:
But now, the movement has been hijacked by hooligans and vagabonds.

Hijacked?  The movement was started by hooligans and vagabonds to begin with.  Malcontents who would not accept the fact that the majority of the shootings were legitimate takedowns of violent criminals.  Malcontents who needed a platform to legitimize their violence.
George Wallace said:
Hijacked?  The movement was started by hooligans and vagabonds to begin with.  Malcontents who would not accept the fact that the majority of the shootings were legitimate takedowns of violent criminals.  Malcontents who needed a platform to legitimize their violence.

Maybe I missed that part of the begining.

My point was they had some legitimate issues at the begining, but the negative actions being perpetrated by members of their movement far outweigh any good intentions.

Issues exist in the different government systems, to ignore this truth doesn't make them disappear. But addressing it in a bad fashion makes it worse.

I am on the side of the Police these days, but I can still accept that the original members of the BLM didn't want it to be about riots, cop shootings and looting. I believe they wanted to correct legitimate issues, so maybe they turned into hooligans or hooligans joined them either way it is semantics.
I think that in reality, the malcontents used the media to give an image that they had legitimate issues.  If you actually look into the history of those shoot and the facts of the shootings, very few of them were unwarranted; all within the law.  I have seen way too many videos of morons flaunting the law or instigating belligerent confrontations with police, border security, and other authority figures.  Those malcontents are pushing for anarchy and chaos, not trying to right a wrong.
AbdullahD said:
... if clinton gets in America keeps slowly dying and if trump gets in ww3 happens.

A Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder. 


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I would care more about BLM if they were up in arms about situations like this


But no, not a peep. Want a solution to this? Cops like this are a solution to this. But no, they don't seem to want solutions, they just want to be angry.
George Wallace said:
I think that in reality, the malcontents used the media to give an image that they had legitimate issues.  If you actually look into the history of those shoot and the facts of the shootings, very few of them were unwarranted; all within the law.  I have seen way too many videos of morons flaunting the law or instigating belligerent confrontations with police, border security, and other authority figures.  Those malcontents are pushing for anarchy and chaos, not trying to right a wrong.

I get what you are saying, I also agree with you. A video shared by another member of army.ca was quite enlightening regarding shootings and it helped for my current opinion.

I am more concerned about other issues, such as if a Black and a White both get caught doing crime 'xyz' the argument and data that I have seen, shows thaf the 'white' person is more likely to get off or get a lighter sentence.

Very many hate groups are alive and active in the USA, that kind of thinking is a disease but it also seeps into a persons professional life as well. The KKK used to be very active, amongst other groups and they had extremely intelligent membership. I for one, do not believe that the bigoted and rascist thinking magically disappeared when the KKK went underground. I think it morphed into something more subtle. Which is what I think we need to address and what those who are true 'BLM Peacefull Protestors' should focus on. The perception that blacks are unfairly targeted stems from this issue, so if we correct this issue, we can correct the BLM's perception.

Now, my caveats as always is I am no social sciences professor and this is just my observation. As an aside, I will say my navy buddy also says these idiots could join the army, get a good job and do something with themselves, instead of being criminals and to an extent I agree.
It is true that the way that people are treated under the Law is not always equal.  It is not restricted to race.  It is also found between the sexes, between sexual persuasions, between national or linguistic groups, and any other differences you may find.  Sadly, those biases do exist. 
Chicago Shot Clock

Re "The Ferguson Effect" in Chicago.


...Take Chicago. Under pressure from politicians and lawyers, the local police have increasingly taken a “hands off” approach to suspects. According to the New York Times, in the first quarter of 2016, “officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year.”

It would be foolish to blame this fact alone for an increase in crime, but, as David French argues “it is difficult to see specific changes, aside from policing, that could have contributed to the spike.” And what a spike. August 2016 was the city’s deadliest month since June 1996. Some 90 were killed by guns and another 382 were shot but lived, creating an astonishing statistic of one shooting every 95 minutes. Even liberal mayor Rahm Emanuel complained that cops in his city were going “fetal”. And Chicago is not alone. According to National Review: “Last year saw homicide rates spike in cities with aggressive anti-police movements… As a local explained to the BBC: ‘It’s every man for himself. You better get you a motherf***ing gun before you get your a** shot.’”
I always liked protests/ riots.

The troops loved them and, despite all the visual 'sturm und drang',  they really weren't all that dangerous as compared to the regular routine of patrolling in 'Indian Country' with the usual IED and other threats. It was a wonderful way for everyone to let off stream, troops and protesters included. Also, all the 'bad eggs' usually used to come out for the show as well, so it was a great way to gather intelligence of various kinds from over watch positions, helicopters and other sources.

And the Ops Room was usually pretty quiet so we could get on with planning massive search ops, and other offensive operations, based on the info that usually flooded in. The day after riots was awesome, and usually resulted in massive hot pursuit type search ops that yielded great results because all the 'pond life' were sound asleep, drunk out of their minds, as a result of the evening's festivities.

Ah... the good old days :)

BLM has a legitimate grievance (police over-use of force).

Their problem is two-fold: firstly, a general appeal to hooligans; secondly, they got rolling shortly before a US presidential election and have been hijacked (as noted, but not purely by hooligans) to serve as proxies for the Democrats in the Democratic-Republican culture war.
From Reply #11,

According to the New York Times, in the first quarter of 2016, “officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year.”

"Starting in 1973, affirmative action & consent decrees changed LAPD culture from aggressively pursuing criminals to laying back in police cars, taking careful and lengthy reports, while gangs ran wild in the streets and portions of L.A. were terrorized by thugs.

When I was in the field in the 1960s, our 3,400 policemen (our Civil Service rank) arrested 100,000 more criminals than do today's  10,000 affirmative action wonders.  (Attorney GARY INGEMUNSON in "Warning Bells," Thin Blue Line, July 2005, p. 13---Also L.A. Times of 13 March 1996, pp. B-1 & 3):  A “distressed Mayor Richard Riordan...said it was vexing to learn that LAPD is now making 100,000 fewer arrests, issuing over 200,000 fewer citations, and conducting over 20,000 fewer field interviews per year.

When the community fails to support its police in its proper and reasonable enforcement efforts, the police become demoralized and cease proactive enforcement.  Doing nothing or devoting
inordinate attention to minor incidents and thus being unavailable to handle more serious calls has few consequences."


Retired from the “Golden Era” of LAPD.

"Give no slack and take no sh!t from anyone. Confront and command. Control the streets at all times. Always be aggressive. Stop crimes before they happen. Seek them out. Shake them down. Make that arrest. And never, never admit the department has done anything wrong."
To Protect and to Serve: The Lapd's Century of War in the City of Dreams

Cities are hiring more and more Police Officers, Firefighters and Paramedics than ever before. LT. Hurlbut refers to, "affirmative action wonders".

But, when did you feel safer Taxpayers, then or now?

Brad Sallows said:
BLM has a legitimate grievance (police over-use of force).

Their problem is two-fold: firstly, a general appeal to hooligans; secondly, they got rolling shortly before a US presidential election and have been hijacked (as noted, but not purely by hooligans) to serve as proxies for the Democrats in the Democratic-Republican culture war.

I think at the very core (beginning?) of the movement BLM has a legitimate grievance too.  There's plenty of examples of cops in the US doing shitty things from shooting someone who's reaching for ID as ordered to getting caught planting evidence.  Plenty of examples of apparent coverups or the police looking the other way and basically getting away with murder.  Without a doubt that stuff needs to be addressed, crushed and fixed.

That said people are going berserk and acting like savages. A black cop shoots and kills a black man who was pointing a stolen gun at the cop (in the latest example I read they were the same age and lived in the same neighborhood) and people start looting and rioting including smashing up and stealing from stores owned by black Americans? Pretty hard to hold the moral high ground with that one. 
Jarnhamar said:
< snip > people start looting and rioting including smashing up and stealing from stores owned by black Americans?

"Take That Sh*t to the Suburbs. Burn that Sh*t Down!"


(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(Burn baby burn) disco inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down


That's about the same time firemen stopped riding the back-step.

They were throwing bricks and bottles at them!
mariomike said:
"Take That **** to the Suburbs. Burn that **** Down!"

First my reaction was oh, a typical 'socially acceptable' racist...

Then she says 'we need our weaves'

I didn't think my opinion of a racist could get even lower.
mariomike said:

I had to google that...

That makes that video, much more pathetic.

Since when are hair accessories something important enough to advocate burning entire sections of a city down....

Bloody stupid fool.